Li Xiaoyao! .

Chapter 221

"Li... Li Xiaoyao?"

When everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly saw this unheard of new skin.

First, he froze in place, his eyes full of confusion.

After a long time, I couldn't respond~.

After a brief silence.

The barrage in his live broadcast room exploded and boiled in an instant!

I saw the overwhelming barrage, dense and turbulent.

It's like a volcano erupting!

"What the hell? What the hell! Why does Mr. Yu's Yao have one more skin than us? What the hell is this Li Xiaoyao? I haven't heard of it! If it was a new skin, there shouldn't be any movement at all, right?!"

"No! How could this be? Just now I thought that Tianmei secretly gave us a new skin and became the king at the first time. As a result, my Yao is still only Guixu Mengyan and Yunying Feijiang. What the hell is Li Xiaoyao's skin, Mr. Yu?"

"This Nima... I'm a fool! Is there anything in this world that is more exciting and surprising than seeing one's own destiny, and suddenly a new skin appears?"

"The king likes to sneak out new skins, we can all understand, but which time has not been revealed by various bloggers and UP masters, why is there no movement this time? It won't be a game bug, just happened to be accidentally caught by Mr. Yu Are you stuck?"

"To be honest, as a short video blogger who broke the news about countless new skins in advance, I said that I was as ignorant as you, and I was so confused that I really didn't hear any news!"

"Hi... Li Xiaoyao? It's not the Li Xiaoyao I thought... Could it be that this is still a linkage skin?"

"Mr. Yu! Hurry up and open a new skin to show me! Qiu Li Cream! Stop grinding! The countdown is almost over, I'm really anxious!"

Seeing that the countdown will end with only ten seconds left.

However, Yu Hui still stayed on the skin interface of Yaoyun Eagle Flying General, and had no idea of ​​opening a new skin at all.

In the live broadcast room, this group of water friends who can't wait to see the new skin is also in a hurry!

"Damn it! This man seems to be trying to whet our appetite!"

"Mr. Yu! Please be yourself! My roommate wants to see the animation of the new skin before he dies!"

"Could it be that this skin hasn't been done yet, but it just happened to be stuck by President Yu?"

"Good guy, if this is an experience server, it's really possible, but the problem is that this is a real official server! As far as I know, every time before a new skin is released, Tianmei will give out a few days in advance to famous big anchors. Experience cards for new skins, let them help spread the word for free!"

"Indeed, skins such as Kaifa's Jiangtian armor and Miyue's Bai Jingjing have not been released yet, and I can see that there are already streamers playing there!"

"I'm going! Just now I went to Zhang Daxian to watch the live broadcast, and he was also confused, he didn't know what happened! I'm shocked, it's not that we are the only one in the whole network who has the qualification for early access to this skin, right? ?"

"Steamed bullfrog! Even Zhang Daxian, the first brother of our king's live broadcaster, doesn't know the news about Yao's new skin, but our President Yu has already played it early. What is it called Pai Nian!"

Seeing that the countdown at the top of the screen is about to end, the water friends in the live broadcast room can't wait, and can't wait to see the new skin.

Yu Hui also doesn't plan to sell any more.

I saw him in the live broadcast room, under the eyes of countless water friends, nervously and excitedly.

Changed his Yao skin to Yunying Flying General, and switched it to the long-awaited new skin Li Xiaoyao!

I only heard the lively and lively BGM "Strong as a Bamboo" sounded.

When he saw Li Xiaoyao who he was thinking about in his heart, he was in high spirits, stepped on the flying sword, and swayed through layers of clouds!

Flying with his sword between the mountains, after a cheer, he landed gracefully.

A long sword turned into a rain of swords and plunged straight into the high platform beside him!

"Smiling with a sword, slashing fury!"

When he heard the high-spirited voice of young Li Xiaoyao, it was accompanied by a lively and lively background music.

The water friends who had been looking forward to this scene for a long time in the afterglow live broadcast room immediately boiled and exploded!

"Fuck? F*ck! But I have no culture, and I'll go all over the world with one word!"

"My God? It's really my Yaozai's new skin, it's true! It's not a dream!"

"So familiar BGM, so familiar name! This is really a rare linkage skin for kings. Li Xiaoyao is my childhood memory! Damn it! Ye Qinghui!"

"Mom, at the moment when the background music played, I got goosebumps on the spot! These three words carry too many memories for me, and my feelings are priceless, so I'll just buy it!"

"Damn it! Why is it another legendary skin? It's only been so long this year, and Tianmei has released so many legendary skins. I'm afraid they are crazy about money, right?"

"I just want to get President Yu into the game now, and show me the skill effects and feel of this skin! The penguin coins have arrived, and I am very satisfied with the modeling. If the special effects are alright, I will rush directly!"

"Sure enough! It's different when Guan Anchor is gone! President Yu really gave us a big surprise this time, love love!"

At the moment after Hui selected Li Xiaoyao's skin, his live broadcast room was in just a few seconds.

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

Immediately, the excited water friends shared it tens of thousands of times.

I saw that Yu Hui was already ridiculously high, in the early [-]s of millions, and seemed to have hit the ceiling of Meowya's popularity and fell into a bottleneck.

Started to soar again!

Every moment, a large number of viewers rushed to see the new skin after hearing the wind.

Due to a large influx of traffic in a short period of time, Sunset's live broadcast room is even visible to the naked eye.

It's starting to get stuck!

Even the little buddies of the Meow Teeth Technical Department have long been ready and fully prepared.

However, he was still taken aback by the terrifying popularity that exceeded [-] million in the blink of an eye!

When I saw the popularity value of the afterglow live broadcast room, after breaking through to [-] million.

...... 0

Still there, it was like riding a rocket, soaring wildly, without showing any signs of decline.

The little buddies from the Meowya Technical Department also looked at each other with horror in their eyes!

"Good guy! The popularity of Mr. Yu's live broadcast room is too exaggerated, right? Let him continue to rise like this, I'm afraid that we will break the record of our Meow Teeth?"

The technical buddy couldn't help but exclaimed while he was busy and nervous.

Although mentally prepared.

But they still underestimated the influence of President Yu and this new skin that has never been revealed!

It was also at the moment when Yu Hui chose a new skin, the Miaoya Publicity Department was also under the orders of Liu Sitian and Li Zhen, the two supervisors.

At the same time, start working hard!

For an instant.

Topics related to President Yu and new skin Li Xiaoyao quickly rushed to the top of almost all APP hot search lists with lightning speed!

In addition, not long ago, the two largest domestic live broadcast platforms, Meowya and Doulong, who had just entered the top five in the hot search, collided head-on.

So much so that the top five of the most popular apps on the market are directly dominated by topics related to the king!

What's even more outrageous is that there are enough hot searches for the king to swipe the screen, and each of them is also related to his afterglow.

Each one has the word "Yu Zong" in it!

When some fans don't pay attention to games at all, they only know about star-chasing fans.

After seeing the hot search of my idol, I was swiped by the overwhelming "President Yu".

Look at this unfamiliar name.

The group of girls in the fan circle scratched their heads in confusion, their eyes full of confusion.

It seems that I can't understand why. The idol, who was desperately supported by myself and my sisters, was compared with this man named President Yu.

Where did you lose!Knife.

Chapter 222

Just in the circle of kings, or even the entire network.

All because of Yu Hui's Li Xiaoyao's skin, when it was completely shaken.

At this moment, Yu Hui was in the same game, and the other nine streamers were seriously discussing tactics and play.

Didn't know about it!


In the afterglow live broadcast room, countless viewers, water friends, and even the anchors who came to round the room immediately upon hearing the news, watched nervously.

This event is of great significance and completely detonated the entire network.

It is not only the debut of Yaoxin skin Li Xiaoyao, but also the peak match of the first head-to-head collision between the two largest domestic live broadcast platforms, Meowya and Doulong.

As the countdown ends.

Finally, under the nervous anticipation of countless viewers and melon eaters on the entire network.

Officially kicked off!

"Shubao, the lineup on the opposite side, Punishing Miyue, assisting Guan Yu and playing wild tigers, has a very strong ability to invade the wild area in the early stage, and it will definitely buff against you at the beginning, in short, you have to be careful. , after Linger and I clear the line, we will rush back to the wild area to support you as soon as possible."

"Actually, we can still grab this one-minute mid-lane crab. The combination of Ye Fu on the opposite side is strong in the early stage, but we have Linger, who is invincible in the early stage of Chang'e Town, so I'm really not afraid of them. ..

And Shubao's Sun Ce, after reaching the second level, the [-]-segment damage of the one skill that knocks flying and the second skill that connects the basic attack is still very scary. If you really want to fight the opponent at the second level, the final outcome is really hard. Good to say! "

"It's worth noting that this opponent has one more punishment than us, because Yun Tianhe's Mi Yue is taking the side punishment route, while our general Yu's Summoner Skill brings..."

With the screen in front of you black, after returning to the loading interface of the game.

Wu Ritian, the strongest supporter of Meowya, took a look at the lineups of both sides.

Habitually began to command and analyze.

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