So I didn't dare to tell her about the commutation of the sentence, and after a brief chat, I turned around and left.

In the past [-] years, I have cultivated fields, raised pigs, and made clothes, and my heart has long been quiet.

After going out.

I also went downstairs to see her once.

She is happy and so am I.

I think it's time for me to think about my own life too.

I had a dream last night, the dream was sixteen years ago.

Familiar streets, familiar scenes, but I just didn't find any familiar people.

I woke up crying in the dream.

I know... the past, there is no going back.

All that's left now is nostalgia.

And now that I am quite old, I suddenly feel lost.

I often can't sleep at night, sitting on the road, drinking and smoking alone, I don't know what to do next.

I thought to myself, have I been like this for the rest of my life?

Just sink like this?

At this time, I turned on my phone and suddenly saw an advertisement for the Feilu Novel app.

It occurred to her that her fiancé was the author of Fei Lu's novel.

So download it and take a look.

I also applied for an account and accidentally clicked into the author's area.

In this way, I added the editor's QQ, and also joined the author Mengxin group.

In it, I learned how to write novels, how to publish them, and how to earn income.

All of this just opened up a whole new world for me.

Why can her fiancé do it, but I can't?

So I study like crazy, like crazy coding.

that's it.

I successfully wrote the first novel in my life. Although there were only 30 subscriptions on the shelves, I couldn't wait to call and tell her about it.

After she listened to it, she didn't say anything, just asked me the title of the book and the subscription score, and then fell silent.

I naively thought that as long as I wrote it out, even if it was successful, she would fall in love with me again.

But one night a month later.

She called me and said she was getting married tomorrow.

I immediately left the novel I was writing and drove 400 kilometers overnight to the downstairs of her house.

Seeing the happy word on her downstairs door, the light in the room was still on.

I called her and I wanted to ask her why.

She shook her head and said, do you think you are a writer when you write a book?Wake up, you are just a street writer with less than 1000 subscriptions. Even if we are together, what will you support me?And he is different, he is a big guy with [-] subscriptions, he can support me with novels.

Only then did I know.

How wrong I was.

After hanging up the phone.

I grabbed a few beers from the car and sat on a park bench downstairs from her house.

The wine is finished.

Finished a pack of cigarettes.

It's getting bright too.

The horn of the car came from far away, and I knew the car was coming to pick her up.

I didn't understand until this moment.

The one I love the most is going to be someone else's bride.

She... is leaving me.

That day, I sat alone in the park and cried.

Cry very sad, cry heart-breaking!

I hate it!

I hate myself!

I hate my bad writing!

Hate my story is not wonderful!

The person who hates me is not strong!

Hate my novels no one reads!

I hate the most...

Or why am I just a flutter!

And the man she likes.

But he is the author of Thousand Orders of Fei Lu!

Think of this.

I cry and cry and laugh...

I comforted myself over and over again in my heart.

Forget her, a baideng like me is not worthy of her...

Although the groom is not me.

But I have loved and said the bride before...I have nothing to regret.

Want to understand later.

I wiped away my tears.

Only a lonely figure left in the park.

But just as I was about to step out of the park.

My phone rang.

It was she who called.

On the phone, she cried and said to me: Forget me, unless..."

Are things turning around?

I said excitedly, "Unless what?"

she choked.

"Unless you have a thousand orders for your new book, it's impossible for us! My parents won't agree! You know what? Actually, I hung up the phone last night, I've been secretly watching you drink and smoke from behind the curtains, I'm crying For one night, I hate it! Why are you a jerk, why don't you even have a hundred subscriptions! Why!"

I held the phone tightly and said nervously and excitedly.

"Today my new book will be on the shelves, can you wait for me one more day? I have learned the lessons from the past in this book, and the readers and friends are also very respectful, all of them are rich, tall and tall. He's handsome, and his girlfriend is beautiful! They said that as long as I keep writing this book and I'm not too careful, I'll order it all."

She said that after being silent for a long time, she said slowly, "Okay, I'll wait for you one more day, don't let me down."


All right.

The story is finally over.

Next comes the main event!

Available tonight at twelve!

Available tonight at twelve!

Available tonight at twelve!

Say the important thing three times!

If the first order of the book exceeds [-], the [-]-word update will be done every day!

The first order of this book exceeded [-], and I wrote directly that Feilu went bankrupt!

What do you ask me, what should I do if I order more than [-] for the first time?

I put all the manuscripts out on the spot...

And now go grab the bride with a knife!

In short, a thousand words summed up in one sentence.

That is.

Please also subscribe!

I know that many readers have the idea of ​​wanting to keep one, and are ready to save a little more before watching.

Even so, I hope you can click to subscribe for the first chapter after it is released.

After all, the subscription of the first chapter can intuitively see how many people will read this book again.

If everyone has the idea of ​​​​watching it for a few days, you don't subscribe.

Twenty-four hours later, I came back for a look.

Oh wow!Less than [-] subscriptions!

I'm afraid it's not that the mind is unstable.

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