Fly and Menglei looked at each other and nodded.

They clicked to confirm at the same time to accept the invitation. The moment they entered the [Zeus] game room, the two of them became respectful, with awe mixed with a little nervousness.

They all shouted on the mic

"Hello, captain!"

Especially Fly, there was a trace of tears in the corners of his eyes. His emotions were very complicated, including excitement, grievance, and more of a surprise.

Because in the Temple of Valor, he and Zeus had a deep relationship, even though he had always denied it to the outside world. However, he had to admit that during the year he spent with Zeus in the Kings S4~S7 season, he already loved the older Zeus as his


Open your hands and call him"son" like a father, and he will definitely run towards the other person and yell with tears in his eyes.



Menglei was startled. She glanced sideways at Fly and said with suspicion,"Feiniu, who do you call daddy?""

"ah? No."

Fly's old face turned red.

He hurriedly denied it, raised his hand to wipe away his tears, his expression returned to normal, and he said seriously:"I just suddenly remembered my father. In order to play KPL career, I directly challenged him and severed the father-son relationship."

"Although I made a name for myself in the KPL league, he still didn't look at me seriously and always felt that I was an outlier among my peers!"

"Feiniu, a father's love is silent. Men are not good at expressing their inner emotions. In fact, your father has recognized you for a long time."

Menglei sighed. E-sports is regarded by the older generation as a scourge and not doing their job properly. This is a status quo that cannot be changed.

Fans in the live broadcast room were particularly surprised to see Fly and Menglei's respect for [Zeus]! After all, they are The oldest star players in KPL only have others respecting them. In which round will they respect others?

"I don't understand at all. It's true that Zeus's status in the king's public circle is untouchable, but you are the seniors on the KPL track, so there is no need to respect Zeus so much."

The old players in the live broadcast room immediately refuted

"Not to mention that Boss Zeus's gaming experience is older than theirs, just because he taught them without hesitation in the Temple of Valor, and even indirectly prompted them to enter the KPL arena, it was enough for Feiniu and Teacher Meng to Respectfully shout Captain".......

Su Heng live broadcast room


Two cordial words of captain made Su Heng full of emotions. Things have changed and people have changed. He opened the mic directly:"Long time no see, little Zeus, the god of Han Xin."

"Hey, let me go. Don't call me little Zeus. My name is Fei Niu now. I'm no longer the stupid young man I used to be."

[Become a Fighting Faith] on the second floor turned pale, obviously thinking of the team's past that was once unspeakable.

[Han Xin wants to be famous as a sword] on the third floor blushed and panicked:"Captain, please give up your name. If I want to mention it again, if you don’t mind it, just call Mengmeng"

"OK, Fei Niu, Meng Meng.

Su Heng did not continue to persist, and then asked with interest:"How are you two doing now?" Did you follow my recommendation to play the Kpl game?"

"hold head high. Feiniu said proudly

"Captain, you are a youth training player of a certain professional team, a legend of King of Glory, but you don’t watch the KPL league. I seriously doubt that the youth training status you mentioned before is fake."

"Teacher Meng used his connections to investigate you, but he didn’t find any clues. Over the years, your anti-reconnaissance ability and vigilance have become stronger and stronger."

"well enough."

Su Heng laughed it off.

The identity is indeed fake. No one with any sense would reveal their real identity on the Internet, especially to game friends who have never met before. After all, as the old saying goes, people's hearts are separated from each other. It

's important to be cautious!

The reason why I don't pay attention to the KPL league is because I haven't played professionally yet. After all, I am a dedicated person. Once I decide to play professionally, I will definitely devote myself to it. , with the goal of winning the championship.

Feiniu said with high spirits:"I have been playing in the KPL league for a long time. I'm afraid it will scare you to death if I tell you my results. Let me give it a try and guess my achievements in the KPL league."

Su Heng pondered for a moment and analyzed it carefully.

"With your talent, strength, and psychological quality, if your teammates don't hold you back, there is no pressure to dominate the professional arena. However, the waves behind you push the waves ahead. Your peak period should be 2017. That year should be the Grand Slam. win three crowns"

"There will be a long trough period in the future. After adjustment, I will win several championships one after another."

"To sum up, you probably won eight or nine professional championships"

"Damn it!" Feiniu was dumbfounded. He knew very well that Zeus's words were definitely inferences, not answers found on the Internet:"Awesome, captain, you guessed right, I won the eighth crown!"

"Very meow.

Menglei also became interested:"What about me, captain, can you guess whether I won the KPL championship?""


Su Heng sighed softly:"When I met you in the S4 season, judging from your personality and temperament, as well as your game play and ideas, I felt that you had no chance of winning the KPL championship in this life."

"Looking back now, I still regret recommending you to play in the KPL league."

Su Heng touched his chin, his eyes flickering:

"Actually, Mengmeng, you are very similar to Han Xin in history. You suffered crotch humiliation and were crowned king while you were still alive. However, you are not destined to be the emperor, but you will definitely go down in history!"

Menglei was silent.

Zeus used the metaphor of a historical figure, which completely fits his KPL career. He was the runner-up many times and was known as the championship quality inspector. During the trough period, he lost 26 games in a row and was relegated to the secondary league and was humiliated by millions of people.

But Menglei smiled bitterly and said,"I see, I still have to thank the captain for cultivating me.

" guide"

"Ouch! It's not worth mentioning. Fly suddenly interrupted, full of expectation:"Captain, do you still remember the agreement we made?""


Su Heng was confused and agreed! What agreement?

Seven years have passed, and I have almost forgotten the Zeus account, how can I still remember the agreement with the other party.

But based on my understanding of him.

Su Heng said without blushing,"Beyond me, right?"

Fei Niu was almost in tears. Seven years later, Zeus still remembered the agreement made in the grass in the Canyon of Kings! He knew he had made the right bet.

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart:"Except for the irreproducible [Epee Wall Builder], I can also perform all the other star combos of your Hua Mulan. Hahaha, it's time to show you my growth in the past seven years." Got it"


Su Heng was ashamed. Seven years have passed. This Feiniu must be in his twenties, but he still speaks like a child.

You know, when he was ten years old and in the fifth grade of elementary school, he was not as childish as him!

"Okay, then I'll invite you two in an unlimited ranking match, and take a look at what level your Mulan has reached.

Feiniu asked:"I'm going to fight on the counter lane, what are you going to do?" Mid lane position?

Su Heng said with a smile:"Dragon and tiger, let's go to the development path.""

"It just so happens that I want to play that old top lane hero recently. Feiniu and Menglei were stunned.

After a while, they screamed in horror

"Could it be......

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