They almost never thought about going to beat Luo Shang's Lian Po.

Luo Shang's Lian Po is too fat now.

They were worried that if they couldn't catch Luo Shang if they didn't say it, it would make their rhythm worse.

Therefore, they all thought of targeting Yinuo to open up the rhythm.

This point of view was quickly endorsed by the entire eStarPro team.

at the same time.

Commentary seat.

Li Jiu: "Good guy, the rhythm of this game is still fast, accurate and ruthless!"

"One wave directly reversed all the red fields in the sea of ​​​​flowers."

"The game of Huahai is very difficult."

"From the beginning to the present, in his red wild area, he has not been able to brush a single wild monster, not even a little pig, and he has been controlled to death by the AG Super Game Club."

Bottle: "However, after controlling this wave of red wild areas, everyone in the AG Super Game Club should return to the line."

"For the time being, eStarPro should be able to take a breath."

Juju: "No no no, let's see what the other four are doing."

"Although Luo Hao's Lian Po has returned to the top lane to take up the line."

"However, the other four people from Ag Chaowan Club still went to the blue field of eStarPro."

"They are going to invade the blue wild area of ​​eStarPro."

Li Jiu: "I have to say that AG Chaowan has done a good job in this wave of decision-making."

"If this wave, Ag Chaowan will be able to control the blue wild area of ​​eStarPro."

"Then, no need to say more."

"In this round of eStarPro, there is almost no hope of a comeback."

Bottle: "I think, this point, the whole eStarPr-. should also understand."

"Anyway, if I were the starting player of eStarPro, this wave of blue wild 0.6 area, I have to try to guard it, it is impossible to let it go to the ag super game club so easily."

Juju: "That's right, this wave, there are only four people in the Ag Super Games, and Luo Shang's Lian Po is on the road to clear the line, and he won't be able to come down for the time being."

"And eStarPro, they have a big Joe."

"You can use Da Qiao's swagger to form an instant five-on-four."

"If this wave is good, I think eStarPro has every chance to pull the rhythm back."

Li Jiu: "Yes, I think so too. Next, it depends on the eStarPro players, how to make decisions and how to fight."

Bottle: "Look at the trend of eStarPro. Big Joe from Ziyang and Ying Zheng from Qingrong are all heading to their Lanye District."

"I don't want to put it in the blue wild area directly."

Juju: "That's right, Big Qiao, watching Ziyang, is squatting in the grass next to the blue buff."

"I feel that this wave of eStarPr. I want to fight, and I want to use Ziyang Daqiao's big swagger, and I will be caught off guard by playing ag super."

Li Jiu: "Oh? This is interesting. If this five-on-four is played well, then eStarPro can definitely equalize the situation again."

Bottle: "Look, the four members of the ag super play club have all swaggered into the eStarPro blue wild area."

"Sure enough, Ziyang's big Qiao couldn't bear it anymore, so he made a big show."

Juju: "Wonderful, as expected of Ziyang, look at the place where Ziyang is a big Joe."

"He was placed behind the four of them."

"This is going to be directly blocked by the retreat of the four people from the AG Super Game Club."

Li Jiu: "Look, Zhu Bajie, who is on the road calmly, and Pangu in Huahai, have all been sent down."

"And Gongsun Li, who was under Luizheng, also rushed over.


Chapter [*] Four-minute node, e-star needs to change the rhythm

"Zhu Bajie, Pangu, plus a Gongsun Li."

"This wave, the three blocked the way back for the four of them."

"Plus the positive Ying Zheng and Da Qiao."

"The four of them were wrapped up. They are very dangerous."

Bottle: "Look, the Qing Rong Ying Zheng, directly fires a big move."

"Good guy, Su Lie of cat didn't say a word, and went up to block Ying Zheng's big move for Di Renjie of Yinuo. What kind of love is this."

Li Jiu: "However, in this way, the cat's Su Lie also has residual blood."

"It feels like Su Lie from cat should not be able to leave."

Juju: "That's right, look at cat Su Lie, he's still accumulating his strength and going back. I feel like he didn't want to run away."

"According to the time, cat Su Lie's flash should have been healed long ago."

"If he wants to walk, he can escape over the wall. He still has a second skill in his hand to force displacement, so he has a good chance of running."

Bottle: "I think, if there is no accident, cat Su Lie should want to sacrifice himself and cover his teammates to escape."

"Look, Lan in the early morning, Jiucheng's Shiranuiwu and Yinuo's Di Renjie all escaped over the wall."

"If he stays, the five eStarPro members will focus on him. If he leaves, the five eStarPro members will block him again. At that time, the C position on the AG Super Game Club will not necessarily be able to escape."

"In this way, at least it can be ensured that AG Super Play will hit the shooting field and nothing will happen."

"This wave was beaten by five and four, and only one assistant, Su Lie, was downed. I think it is completely acceptable for the AG Super Play Club."

"It's the best ending."

Li Jiu: "Indeed, that's right, the three of agchao play will run over the wall, and the five eStarPro have no intention of chasing."

"In the end, the five people gathered fire and knocked out cat Su Lie's passive."

"This head, in the end, is Qingrong Yingzheng's."

"It's okay, this wave is five-on-four, and eStarPro is still playing a little bit of rhythm."

Juju: "I don't think it really matters much. 07. After all, only cat Su Lie is left as an assistant. The rhythm and advantage of the entire audience are still in the hands of the Ag Super Game Club."

"If eStarPro wants to make a comeback, it has to find better opportunities."

"Like now, just knocking down cat's support, Su Lie, won't do much to improve the situation."

Bottle: "I can't say the same, at least I think that the biggest role of eStarPro's team battle should be to block the offensive of the ag super game club, keep their own blue wild area, and also make a comeback for them in the next round. A silver lining."

"Otherwise, in this wave, if AG Chaowan will successfully invade the eStarPro blue wild area, and take control of the eStarPro blue wild area, then eStarPro will be able to take control of the eStarPro blue wild area.

I think it's almost over.

"In addition, they also took away cat Su Lie's head in this wave, I think it will be very profitable.

Li Jiu: "Indeed, according to the bottle, in fact, in this wave of eStarPro five-on-four, it is still very important to leave Cat as an assistant Su Lie."

"This is also a foreshadowing, a foreshadowing that eStarPro may turn around."

Juju: "According to what you said, it is true that in this wave, eStarPro blocked the rhythm of ag super game invading their blue wild area, which can be regarded as retaining a hope for himself, and at the same time laying a foreshadowing, in fact It's very important."

Bottle: "Wait, this wave doesn't seem to be over yet."

"Luo Shang's Lian Po made the original magic circle, and was sent down from the top of the road. Just the calm Zhu Bajie was walking along the river."

"Look, Luo Shang's Lian Po didn't say a word, and went straight to a set of one-two-one. Fortunately, Tan Ran's reaction speed is really fast."

"One skill, Overlord, avoids a lot of damage. Otherwise, Luo Shang's wave of Lian Po's [*] damage is enough. With Luo Shang Lianpo's current economic level, I'm afraid that the calm Zhu Bajie will lose half of his blood."

Li Jiu: "It's useless, it's useless, calm Zhu Bajie, I feel like this wave is about to end."

"Look, Lan in the early morning came over with a big move, and pushed the calm Zhu Bajie back in a wave."

"Jiucheng's Shiranui Wu is another big move to kick the calm Zhu Bajie towards the first tower in the middle of his house."

"Yinuo's Di Renjie also kept up with the output."

"In an instant, the AG Super Play Club also focused fire with four people, and made a beautiful counterattack. The fire caused the calm Zhu Bajie to drop in seconds."

"What the head gave was Yinuo's Di Renjie."

Juju: "Good guy, AG Super Play will really not suffer."

"My family just dropped an assistant Su Lie. In this wave, Luo Shang Lianpo just teleported from the top of the road, and his backhand was to direct his teammates to drop the calm Zhu Bajie in seconds."

Bottle: "I think, to be precise, it is Luo Shang's commanding style, that is, he will never suffer."

Li Jiu: "Indeed, Luo Shang's commanding style is that if you punch me, I will definitely pay it back ten times and a hundred times, and I must not suffer any losses."

"I guess, in this wave, ag super game will invade the blue field of eStarPro with four people. It must be led by Luo Shang. However, he did not expect that the command of eStarPro would be so decisive."

"The first time, it was the gathering of five people, which almost made a big incident for the four people who would invade the wild area."

"So, Luo Shang is definitely not convinced. He came down from the top road as the original formation for the first time, so he must fight, and he must gain something."

"Just right, calmly is the unlucky bastard."

Juju: "To be precise, the calm Zhu Bajie is not unlucky either. He should also want to give his teammates some vision in the middle of the road."

"He didn't expect that AG Chaowan would be so decisive. In an instant, he was going to set fire to kill him, the pig, in seconds."

Bottle: "Yes, this wave, it seems, calmly wants to open up his teammates' vision, but he is still a little careless."

"to be honest."

"His wave was somewhat careless. He should be able to think that although they won this wave, they still don't have the right to view the river."

"Especially Luo Shang Lianpo is making the original formation, he should have the vision to know."

"This wave can be considered a frank mistake."

Li Jiu: "How do we say it, we should be a little more tolerant of players."

"This wave, strictly speaking, can't be regarded as a frank mistake."

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