"However, this also has something to do with the state of all AG members? Especially Luo Shang's Ma Chao."

"Well, when it comes to Luo Shang's Ma Chao, what do you think about fly?"

Let a six FMVP winner fly to evaluate Luo Shang's Ma Chao.

As expected of you, Tianyun!

In this wave, as long as the fly starts to blow, Luo Shang's fame will rise to a higher level.

fly: "Let me rate Luo Shang's Ma Chao?"

"I'll be honest, my first impression of this Ma Chao is that it's not something that people can do."

"Almost behind me, I'm all kneeling and watching, Luo Shang Ma Chao, is God!"

"God on the field, it is no exaggeration to say that I have played professionally to this day, including the peak competition, I have seen too many people's Ma Chao."

"However, no one's Ma Chao is qualified to be comparable to Luo Shang's Ma Chao, not at all."

"This Ma Chao is god-level, right?"

Fly is broad-minded, even if he is also a way of confrontation.

He is still the sixth FMVP player, and he doesn't mean to belittle Luo Shang at all.

Instead, telling the truth, he raised Luo Shang's Ma Chao to a new level!

God-level horse super!

Luo Shang's Ma Chao is God!

Tianyun: "Huo, in fly's eyes, is Luo Shang's Ma Chao rated so highly?"

"God-like Ma Chao!"

"Everyone, please remember the evaluation of fly, a six-time FMVP winner, has a 0 evaluation of Luoshang Ma Chao.

"This is a god-level Ma Chao that no one can match."

"It's strong, right?"

"Okay, then, without further ado, the director also gave us the data panel after the game."

"Let's take a look at how terrifying Luo Shang's [*]-bar-zero and three-five-kill Ma Chao is in one round."

Following Tianyun's voice, Luo Shang, the director also switched the screen in time. On the big screen, the post-match data panel of the previous round was immediately displayed.

Tianyun: "In this round, regarding Luo Shang Ma Chao's output ratio, might as well, let's all guess together?"

Tianyun had a hunch that Luo Shang's Ma Chao's output ratio could set a new record in this round.

Pig Heng: "Let me guess first, I'll say it first, I guess a bit more conservative, let's say [*]%, anyway, in this game, Luo Shang's Ma Chao's output ratio is at least [*]% ."

Zhu Heng stated that he was conservatively speculating.

after all.

To be honest.

He didn't know how Luo Shang's Ma Chao would increase the output ratio in this round.

Anyway, he conservatively speculated that it would be at least fifty percent.

Tianyun: "Okay, our teacher Zhu Heng speculates that in this round, Luo Shang Ma Chao's output will be at least [*]%."

"Then I don't know that Teacher Zhang Jiao still has a fly. What do you think?"

Tianyun asked Zhang Jiao and fly again.

Zhang Jiao: "To be honest, I think Luo Shang's Ma Chao's output ratio will be very high in this round."

"But I'm afraid that people will say it's stupid and embarrassing. Well, I said a more pertinent figure, let's take [*]% of the output." Zhang Jiao said more pertinently.

But in fact, this statement is still exaggerated, [*]% of the output ratio, not to mention the confrontation road.

In the entire history of KPL, it is estimated that only the former pig breeding, and in extreme cases, some arch masters can't do it, right?

Anyway, such an output ratio of [*]% is quite rare in the entire history of KPL.

If not because this is Luo Shang's Ma Chao.

It is estimated that as soon as Zhang Jiao's [*]% output ratio is mentioned, he will be madly sprayed by many people without thinking?

Of course, this is Luo Shang's Ma Chao.

If it is someone else, whether it is Zhang Jiao or Zhu Heng, it is impossible to speculate on such a high output ratio.

Because no one else can do it, right?

Even the Zimo Ma Chao, who was previously known as the Tongtian Dynasty, is almost impossible to exceed [*]% of the output.

Tianyun: "Okay, our teacher Zhang Jiao has raised the upper limit of this guess again. Our teacher Zhang Jiao guessed that Luo Shang's output ratio should be [*]%."

"fly, what do you say?"

fly: "If I think it is, make a rational analysis first."

"In this game, the AG Super Play Club has won a total of [*] heads."

"Eighteen heads are still on Luo Shang alone."

"That is to say, Luo Shang's Ma Chao has a [*]% participation rate."

"So, Luo Shang's Ma Chao must be involved in almost all 0.6 Cheng's output. This lays a foundation for Luo Shang's Ma Chao. His output can never be lower than [*]%."

"Then, I will analyze the data of each wave of Luo Shang's team battles."

"His Ma Chao is both attrition and harvest. In almost every teamfight, Luo Shang's Ma Chao has to take on more than [*]% of the output."

"So, this wave, I boldly guess, Luo Shang Ma Chao, [*]% of the output ratio, right?"

Good guy, compared to Zhu Heng and Zhang Jiao.

Fly's guess is even more outrageous.

Come directly to Luoshang Ma Chao, the output ratio of more than [*]%.

It's really brave.

Tianyun: "Okay, since the three have already made assumptions, especially fly, the most daring one, guessing Luo Shangma's output is over [*]%."

"To be honest, I don't dare to guess such a big one."

"Let me say less, Luo Shang Ma Chao's output should be about [*]% in this round, right?"

"Next, please ask the instructor to reveal the answer to us."

Said, Tianyun is also after his guess.

Ask the instructor to reveal the mystery.

After the screen switch of the director teacher.

Everyone also saw an extremely amazing number!

Luo Shangma's super output ratio is [*]%!

Tianyun: "My God, this is unbelievable. It turns out that we all underestimated Luo Shang Ma Chao's output strength!"

"The output ratio of [*]% is not only breaking Luoshang Machao's own output ratio record, but also breaking the league's highest output ratio record, right?"

Pig hum: "That's right, if nothing else happens, Luo Shang has created another record."

"This game, I didn't say anything, please continue to engrave the MVP on Luo Shang's face, okay?"

"No one else deserves the MVP except this man!


Chapter [*] AG Super Play will be replaced again, Luo Shang will have a routine sk?

Zhang Jiao: "The output ratio of [*]%, it seems, my guess is still too conservative."

"As for the MVP, I also think that apart from Luo Shang's Ma Chao, no one else is qualified to win this MVP, right?"

Zhang Jiao is the training director of the AG Super Game Club.

He also knows the strength of everyone in the entire AG Super Play Club.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is very clear in his heart.

This season, the playoffs reached the stage of the finals.

Almost by virtue of Luo Shang's strength alone.

Abruptly brought all the members of the AG Super Play Club to a height that did not belong to them.

After all, Luo Shang was too strong.

As for the other members of the AG Super Play Club, it cannot be said that they are weak.

However, judging from their performance this season, they really can't make it to the finals on their own.

Can't even get past the ttg level.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao also identified Luo Shang in his heart.

In his mind, in today's game, if AG Super Play will be able to win the championship.

There is no doubt that only Luo Shang is worthy of FMVP!

Others are not qualified.

There is no way to argue with Luo Shang.

And this one is the MVP of the small game.

Not to mention anything else, it is simply Luo Shangma's three five kills, plus [*]% of the output ratio.

It is enough to compare the rest of the AG Super Play Club and come out on top.

This MVP candidate must be Luo Shang, it can't be controversial, right?

fly: "Luo Shang's Ma Chao is a god!"

"His MVP is absolutely impossible to dispute, right?"

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