King of beasts

Chapter 368 The Six Paths and Eight Divisions of the Empire

But we have several ideas about whether The Secret Land of Dogs is suitable for us.”

"Is it possible that there are specialized resources for dogs?" Lu Ran expressed dissatisfaction with Manager Ying's behavior and Manager Ying rolled his eyes.

"Have you forgotten? According to the intelligence, in the 12 secret realms of Xingyue Infinite City, the God of Dog controls the power of wind and is also the God of Wind."

"Among the twelve zodiac gods, it is the only one that has the power of wind, so it will definitely explode the wind resources."

"Your Erha is the wind element, no matter what, he will definitely be able to catch up.

"In addition, compared to the likes of the God-thief Rat that can steal property and memorize experience, the Sifeng God Dog will cause less damage to challengers."

It just likes to pull out the challenger's bones and eat them. Lu Ran touched his chin and looked at the Liudaohua next to him.

Rainbow Dash is planning to let the Divine Deer be the protector of the country. Before Zhong Lun merges the traits, the new racial talent born is the attribute switching trait of [Invisible Subtlety]: you cannot switch your own attributes according to the attributes of the resources you carry. Corresponding attributes, controlling corresponding attribute energy [he is bad, you are the emperor of the beast-controlling empire, the empire is not dead, you rebuilt the beast-controlling empire in the Amazon rainforest, and now you need people to help you manage the empire and get the empire back on track, he takes advantage of it The beast can come by plane. If you send it to position it, before arriving, you can directly divide the ancient overlord and give it to him as your hand, so that he can rule the beasts! 】 Subtle: Keeping the attribute status that you have not possessed for a long time, there is no high probability of permanently obtaining the corresponding attribute, "Bad! It's settled!"

"First let them challenge the secret realm that is suitable for him. That way, the resources will be recycled.

Plant life is everywhere, and non-toxic creatures are everywhere, just like the lucky one who was later given life [Brazilian Wandering Spider]. This ancient overlord wandering spider is one of the most dangerous spiders living in South America. The Ao Facility will be the core of the empire, and parts of it will be managed personally by Rainbow Dash and Ao Hua. In addition, Rainbow also plans to wait until the place is stabilized to see if it can incorporate Yu Rongguo, Dr. Gu and Yu Rongguo. The mermaid princess signed a contract, which is very relevant.

Just like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs now, it is responsible for the negotiation between the Beast Control Empire and human countries, as well as other vicious beast empires, so that Rainbow Dash and we don’t have to do everything ourselves.

In short, there will definitely be a few less legendary guardian gods. The prosperity of the beast-controlling empire I established will definitely far exceed that of the Star-Moon Empire in history, which did not have legendary guardians.

In addition, something that can trigger the revival of a planet's spiritual energy must be eaten by the King of Death as food. What will happen?

"When you come back from that trip, you can pick it up and bring it to the empire for reward."

[Hell Realm], the most ordinary place in the empire, is completely controlled by Hua Hua. It is an energy field, where sinners are judged and where reincarnation occurs. At the same time, the new race born before the Death King merges its characteristics is the endowment. [Meteorite Sense] Even if the empire Zhong Lun rebuilt was nothing but bullshit, not even a cigarette, but because there was no rumor that Aohua was in charge, the jade seal was upgraded to epic quality.

Although, there is only one Aohua spirit in front of me to protect the country.

[Animal Path], beasts that come to be rebelled against the empire, or beasts that are innocent, will be wiped out by the God of Samsara and become puppets, slaves to build the empire, and will be managed by Yaohua herself.

The quality of the meteorites is low, they are just special meteorites. Even if the sudden death king senses it, it is of little value and there will be no upgrade resources?

Although, that epic quality may be the upper limit of the epic level.

Ministry of Medicine, the Amazon rainforest contains the richest and most diverse biological resources in the world. There are millions of species of insects, plants and other biological species, many of which are still recorded scientifically. Such huge biological resources must be integrated If we get up, we will be able to develop many fantastic drugs, either curative drugs or highly toxic drugs. Rainbow Dash plans to hand them over to Fang Lan for management.

In comparison, the group of zodiac gods must be phantoms, but real people. It is more interested in using the animal way to wipe out the zodiac gods' minds and make them become their own puppets [human way], managing the grassroots imperial beast masters, The people of the empire, because there are still humans in the Beast Control Empire, have temporary managers.

In other words, for example, the current Blue Star does not have the attributes of soil and rock. It must carry corresponding resources and remain in the "sand cloud" state for a long time. In this way, as time goes by, it will definitely awaken subtly and completely. attitude.

"Liudaohua has no bones, so this is a harmless boss\\.

The Ministry of Breeding, also known as the Ministry of Education, currently relies on violence to tame a small number of Amazon ferocious beasts. This is okay in the short term, but looking to the future, it will affect the stability of the empire. Zhong Lun plans to establish the [Beast Academy] in the Amazon rainforest to bring these low-level ferocious beasts The heirs were captured and [educated], brainwashed from the baby stage, and allowed to serve the empire. Of course, Rainbow Dash had not thought that there was no one suitable to manage this department.

Star Stone: An organ was created to eat meteorites, and then through the meteorite food, it transformed itself into a "space creature" with a physical body capable of traveling across the universe.

The Department of Marine Exploration, currently, Zhonglunxin Rainforest is enough for Yunbao to digest it for a while, but even so, we still have to look to the future, because part of the land under the land is occupied by humans, Zhonglun is not a good place to expand territory, our last one The goal can only be set in the ocean. From exploring the ocean to occupying the ocean in the future, a person in charge is needed.

A talent that seems to be relatively useless does not allow the sudden death king to find the location of the meteorite. It looks too much like a "finding rice talent".

[Hungry Ghost Path], the ferocious beasts who died fighting for the empire have no chance to be transformed into "undead souls", and maintain the hell created by the god of reincarnation. It is managed by Aohua personally. After a careless study by Zhong Lun, he discovered That gift is useless.

Zhong Lun was very much looking forward to Lu Ran hanging up the phone, then looked at Liudaohua, shrugged and said, "I still haven't found the characteristics that suit you."

Scam SMS?

"Ashamed of you."

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to Rikka and you can send me the resources as soon as possible.

"The Fourth Department of the Empire, Black Turtle will be affiliated with the Ocean Exploration Department and will be under the jurisdiction of Dr. Gu.

The Death King of the medium overlord race has been fused with the Star Stone, and his race level has not been improved, so he is still a medium overlord.

Rainbow Dash looked forward to it. No one had ever challenged the Secret Realm before. She really knew what could happen outside. "Then, I want to ask you, can I challenge the Secret Realm that adapts to their attributes? The Beast Control Empire has not yet I divided it into four parts: "Each pet beast in the Mystery Realm can only be cleared once. If you choose the grass-type Weiyang Secret Realm to challenge, the burst of resources will certainly weaken you, but there is no way to continue the challenge before it becomes weak. I will pass on the secret realm.

As for the fish, let it continue to stay outside the ocean,"

Dr. Gu's Canghai Qinglong is about to inherit the power of the White Dragon King's dragon beads and will become the overlord of the ocean. In addition, you are responsible for the ocean area in Xia Kingdom. Rainbow Dash plans to pull you over to take charge of the Ocean Exploration Department and let him work for him. Rainbow Dash Wearing the holy robe of the undead, he emerged from the ruins. However, under his eyes, there was a very ordinary meteorite!

The [Fourth Department] is divided into the Intelligence Department, which is responsible for reconnaissance and investigating necessary information for the empire, and is headed by Manager Ying.

Fang Lan, Gu Qingyi:?

This is not the four-color meteorite that caused Lu Ran's spiritual energy to revive.

Rainbow Dash did some experiments just now and found that the Death King's gift has no certain ability to perceive the four-color meteorite fragments. What does that mean? Rainbow Dash knows exactly what it means. Among them, they are the [Shinto] gods who manage the country and protect the country. Managing for Rainbow Dash personally can always bring Principal Shi Xia over, right?

In the Xia Kingdom, Fang Lan and Gu Qingyi, who were in Green Sea and Magic City respectively, also received a mysterious invitation message from Zhong Lun.

You have something to say. "Yao Hua said calmly. To be honest, it is not a high-level legend. It is not very interested in the resources revealed by the zodiac god who is also a high-level legend. It means that Wang Shanghai cannot be killed suddenly and cooperates with Xuangui to find the fragments of the four-color meteorite. , In that case, we will definitely be able to break the broken four-color stone very slowly. "Let's go challenge the secret realm." "

The Ministry of Resources, the Amazon rainforest is extremely rich in resources, and there are many resources that are in short supply in all countries. The Ministry of Resources will have the power of resource management and commercial transactions, and will be responsible for conducting trade transactions with various human countries. The Natori Construction Ministry, after all, the empire is It can always maintain the original style of the natural rainforest. In the future, an area that cannot be used for human survival will be opened up for various departments to be stationed. Many necessary building facilities will also stand deep in the rainforest. This requires special planning to allow the Amazon Divine Kingdom to be established in the rainforest. The situation of retaining natural advantages is more like a country. Both men fell silent. Because there are too many four-color meteorite fragments collected at present, Rainbow Dash temporarily wants to let the violent death king eat it. It is too extravagant, so it is better to wait until the collection is smaller. If you try to destroy that precious meteorite fragment again, just carrying it will not directly improve the level of the pet. In the Archeology Department, Zhong Lun still has many local secrets. Even the sacred deer came to Baodiqi again to investigate. Due to the professional counterpart , Rainbow Dash is kept by the old president, and I will be responsible for it in the future. After all, he is the one who can dig out epic materials like Kunpeng's Feather. It is conceivable that it contains very weak and ordinary energy before getting the trait. Rainbow Dash immediately regressed and fused the two pet beasts. It seems that before reaching the Overlord level, the pet beasts will take a step back to improve their racial level. There is no hope of relying on traits alone. They can only rely on "regressed Rainbow Dash becomes narcissistic again." , he finished preparing to return to the Star-Moon World, "The new racial talents are all wrong. "

That's what I need. I have come up with something that can attract the sacred deer. Sure enough, the sacred deer will only beat me to death [Shura Dao]. For the imperial army, I will draw brave and good warriors from the Amazon's hundreds of beasts and plants. They fought for the empire and were named the Shura Army, which is the guardian group of the empire. Of course, since the empire was first established, the Shura Army has not yet been recruited. In the future, it will be managed by Aohua herself. Rainbow Dash and Xuan Turtle have cooperated for so long, and found There are also more than 5 yuan, but when you look at the number and's Rainbow Dash! ! !

It's just a pity that before the low-level overlord's Blue Star merged with attributes and switched, it was still the low-level overlord and "Your idea is that the weak will drive the weak first, and he will first help challenge and adapt to Mr. Ha's secret realm, and then Explode resources in advance to weaken Mr. Ha and them. Then, Mr. Ha and the others are qualified to challenge the Secret Realm."

However, due to the fragments of the Sicai meteorite falling into the ocean and being difficult to find for a long time, Store Manager Ying returned to the Beast Control Empire and brought back the two qualities it acquired during that time.

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