King of Entertainment

Chapter 1007 is coming again

However, Huo Ford played with Xiao Chong, this time did not help to refuse Xiao Li, he nodded: "Mr. Xiao is really fast, since the plan is already done, then you will take it out."

"I know this design company, but it is a small company."

Some people in the venue recognized the company of Xiao Cai.

"If this kind of small company dares to bring the design plan?"

"Mr. Huiford, I think it is not necessary to see it at all."

"That is, this company's design is absolutely impossible to review."

"Since I promised Mr. Xiao, I must give Xiao Mr. one opportunity."

Horford said, "Never delay for a few minutes."

Experts have no opinions.

Xiao Chong took the plan.

Experts started some unlikely, but they have changed their faces.

"This program ..."

They look at it, this program is what they want.

Horford and other designers do not help but come.

"Give me a solution."

Horford said to the staff.

A person handed the program to him.

Huo Ford was also shocked by seeing it.

Those designers also put down proud to see, and they were very surprised.

Xiao Chong took the "Louvre" of the Master's work.

The expert group commented on, agreed to use this solution.

There is no more suitable than this scheme.

Huo Ford is pleased, he really didn't think that Xiao Central can succeed.

At this time, the expert representative couldn't help but ask: "Who is this designer?"

Huo Ford looked at Xiao Chong: "Mr. Xiao, who is the designer?"

The person who designs the company said, "This program is to design it from Mr. Xiao."

Horford stayed.

Experts look at Xiao Chong, Xiao Chu is too young, and it is an oriental.

They have never heard of the Orientally actually a genius designer.

The expert representative couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Xiao, where are you designing the hospital?"

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "I am not a designer."

Experts are stunned, not designers?

Horford said, "Mr. Xiao is an actor, and she won the Oscar movie emperor."

Everyone: "..."

They are messy.

Xiao Chong said, "Mr. Huiford, your previous commitment, I hope to be fulfilled today."

Horford nodded, "Reassured, I am a credible person."

Not long after, Xiao Cang took the painting back to the hotel.

In addition to the painting, Xiao Jiang also bought several cultural relics.

Of course, the most precious still is painted and the prince.

In the afternoon, Xiao Jiang and Yuan Ziling have passed the relationship between Nikola to leave France.

With so many cultural relics, they don't pass the relationship, they can't return to China.

After returning to China, Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling have directly went to the Wang family.

Wang Daoling didn't see.

Xiao Jiang said to the Wang family: "You tell Wang Lao, I have brought the prince's sword."

The family's face is slightly changed, and it will go it again.

After a while, he came out: "You come with me."

Wang Daoling agreed to see him.

Wang Daolu is still reading Buddha, even if they come, he is not angry with you.

Xiao Chong laughed, "Wang Lao, I am coming to you today, it is for Hua Xing."

Wang Daoling said, "said the focus."

Xiao Cong said, "I want to replace Hua Ying."

Wang Daoling said, "A company, you want to replace it, let me know what?"

Xiao Chi Sweating, "Wang Lao, your son is one of the bosses of this company, if he doesn't make step, I have no way."

Wang Daoling said, "What are you going to find him, what do you do?"

Xiao Chong: "..."

Yuan Ziling is very helpless, she has long known that this old man is very weird.

Xiao Yang smiled, "I have the sword of the king."

Wang Daoling looked at Xiao Chong, "Where is the sword?"

Xiao Chong opened the box, the prince's sword was now in front of Wang Daolu.

Wang Daolong's eyes flashed, "Sure enough, the sword of the king!"

Xiao Cu said, "I hope that Wang Lao helped me to persuade your son."

Wang Daoling disdain, "persuade? I said one is one, why have you convince him?"

Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling: "..."

Your old domineering.

Wang Daoling said, "The sword leaves, let's go."

Xiao Caote: "Then I will thank Wang Lao."

Wang Daoling did not pay attention to Xiao Chong.

After leaving the Wang family, Yuan Ziling said, "There is only Korean left now."

Xiao Central said, "I will go to Han Three thousand."

Yuan Ziling said, "I will go with you."

The two arrived in Han 3,000.

Han Sanyu eyebrows, "How come you come?"

Xiao Central said, "Han Lao, Wang Jia has agreed, Ye Jia will not have opinions."

Han 3,000: "..."

This small child can be resistant.

It must be a yellow family.

Xiao Cong said, "I am coming to ask for your, I have brought some fruit."

Han Sanyan face is dark, "Don't give me what fruit."

Xiao Yang smiled, "What do you have to say, I will do my best."

Han Sanqi said, "I have only one requirement."

Xiao Chong looked at Han 3,000, "What requirements?"

Han Sanyan said, "After the DreamWorks replaced Hua Sha, Hua Xing and DreamWorks must exchange shares."

Xiao Central, "no problem."

He has already prepared, no blood.

Xiao Chong said, "I will make people do it, and I will send me it."


After three days, a message of a shocked entertainment circle was transmitted online.

DreamWork is about to replace Huaxia, become the first in Huaxia Entertainment.

"What is this news is fake?"

"It is really unlikely to be true, DreamWork is another cattle, and it is impossible to replace Hua Ying."

"Hua Ying stands so many years, it is impossible to downgrade to the second."

"Just, who is in the rumor?"

"Eighthle is the fans of Xiaoyang, now they must be Di Chi to become the world."

"Tasting is the world, it is simply the first."

Many people feel that the fans of Xiaoyang are rumored.

Hua 3 is Hua Xing because he can't fall.

DreamWorks want to replace Hua Sha 3, it is an idiotic dream.

Tang's, brilliant media, red media, etc. also heard this news.

They naturally don't believe it.

But what is unexpected is that Hua Sha is surprisingly calm.

There is no one to talk about it.

Quiet is somewhat strange.

"Is this calming before the storm?"

"Don't worry, people Huadian are only too lazy to pay these rumors."

"That is, Hua Ying disdains the dream factory."

"The position of Hua Xing first, not any company can shake, even if it is a dream factory."

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible to replace Huadian."

In the case of everyone discussing, the entertainment committee and the Chamber of Commerce also published a message.

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