The fire saw the news of Xiangjiang literary tribe, very annoyed, send a message on Weibo: "After three days, I released a new book, welcome to challenge!"

At the same time, Xiangjiang Literature Tribes appeared a plate - challenge registration!

There are thousands of people registered in the moment, and the data has been rising.

There are too many people who want to challenge the wind.

The list of the top ten works in the Xiangjiang Literary Competition has not come yet, but a challenge has pushed the literature to high. Trow.

Xiao Jiang did not put this matter in his heart, because today is "Pangu" to release a month.

Tonight, the final box office record will come out.

Now "Pangu" box office is 17 billion!

The box office of "Sea God" is 16.9 billion!

There are still 5 hours!

In order to completely open the " " thoroughly, in order to completely open the "Po God".

Rice, the magic sound once again!

This magic sound is covered by the remote area of ​​the rice. Many people don't know how to "Pangu", so the magic sound uses the Net red articles in these remote areas.

It is far from doing no money.

They can be the farmer.

In addition, the magic sound also brings the children's consumption, "Pangu" cartoon version of the short video has also been popular, and many children will find a way to see "Pangu" in the movie.

In addition, European, Korea and other places, the magic sound is also in force.

Xiao Chong is instilling a feeling, do not look at "Pangu", it is obsolete.

From the psychology, no matter which country.

Madison also wants to do the final effort, he is not willing to lose to Xiao Chong.

The next day, the final box office statistics came out!

World Box Office - "Pangu".

Cameron saw this result for a long time.

Although "Sea" only lost millions of meters, it is lost.

Madison is very depressed.

He lost again!



Domestic, "Pangu" to win the world's box office championship spread throughout the country.

Following the "Titanic", the movie of DreamWorks once again won the first.

"Dream factory is too confused, Madison company, although the world is the world? See Dream Factory to call Dad!"

"" Pangu "is really cattle, our Chinese legendary gods are called Pan Gu, DreamWorks can also win such a high box office while promoting Huaxia culture. This can only show that Huaxia culture has become the mainstream of the world. culture!"

"DreamWorks movies are classic, and the box office is also 78 billion, which makes other companies live."

Many people think about the movies of these years of dreamworks, and found that the movie box office of the dream factory is scary.

One riding!

"DreamWork is basically invincible."

"Indeed, the domestic invincible, foreign countries also can fight, and the company is not the opponent of DreamWorks."

"Who can think of a day of Huaxia's film company can put Madison's company?"

"Although the hard strength and Madison of DreamWorks are now, there is still a gap between Datong Company, but how long it takes, DreamWorks will become the world."

Many people still keep awake.

Don't look at Madison and Datong Company always lose, but the bottom of others is placed there, and they will turn over at any time.

The most critical, the world. The rules of the entertainment circle are from them.

The world artist ranks in their hands.

The world's largest movie market is in their hands.

"Haha, the world is now serving as guests in Xiangjiang, being ambushed by a car called the wind!"

"Teacher Xiao, but I don't want to pay attention to the wind."

"Just, on the ability of the air, I will not be worthy of the shoes for Xiao teacher."

"The banana superman is eligible to win the first, the wind is actually uncomfortable."

"If he is lost, it is funny."

"I went, the banana superman actually registered the challenge!"

"what's the situation?"

Many people were shocked.

Banana Superman clearly has won the first, actually to challenge the air? Is this not full? What should I do if I lose?

The wind did not think that banana super people dare to challenge themselves, he was excited, he was still pondering how to compare with banana superbans, did not expect that the other party actually sent the door.

"" X suspect "is not my best work," innocent release "is!"

The wind is licking lick.

This 300,000 words were almost written a month ago, but he did not release it in Xiangjiang literary tribes.

Because he feels that "X suspect" is enough.

After the "innocent release" released, it immediately attracted the reasoning enthusiasts.

"This is more exciting than" X suspect ", and the wind does not have all efforts."

"Haha, the wind is one of the three bigiers of the reasoning world, how can a newcomer may be his opponent."

"The strongest turmoil is invincible!"

"It is said that this Xiangjiang Literature Tribe all invited the world's five big reasoners."

"I am going, is Xiao Chong come out?"

"It should be, otherwise they will not come."

"Don't score," innocent release "must be the first!"

"That may not, banana superman has not issued a new book."

"He must have read" innocent release ", not dare to send."

Many people feel that the banana superman is timid.

However, there are two days from the last release time, everything is possible.

Banana literary tribe.

Xu Zhishi looked edited, "Is the banana superman reply to the news?"

Edit the head, "Yes, I have already sent a news asking him, he said no hurry, time is still very pleasant."

Xu Zhipeng: "..."

This is really calm.



at the same time.

Qing retired to Xiangjiang literature tribe.

She is coming to Xiaoqing.

"Xiao, my father's things ..."

"He is already on the way to Xiangjiang."

If the Qing is surprising, I can't believe Xiao Cao said.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Your dad will come back tomorrow morning."

If the Qing leaves the heart, it is the color: "Thank you!"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Don't be so polite."

If the Qing smiled, "I invite you to eat this evening."

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "must be present."

Qing left.

In the evening, Xiao He rushed to the restaurant.

If the Qing is dressed in today, it is very beautiful, very woman taste.

Xiao Central praised, "Qingjie is the first beauty of Xiangjiang!"

Qing Ruo, "Don't hold me."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "This is the truth."

Qing smiled slightly, "" Recently, the weather is very headache? "

Xiao Yang smiled, "He can't let me have a headache."

If the Qing smiled, "But I have a lot of news, if no one can win him, you will be very faceless."

Xiao Bangle, "Who said no one can win him?"

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