King of Entertainment

Chapter 1119 Liu Huaqiang

Xiao Chong looked at everyone, "DreamWorks and Down's cooperation will continue, Tengda Group, Magic Sound will also work with Down."

"I know, I know, but Madison can't praise us."

"They blocked dreams, DreamWorks came over."

"They want to have a dream factory to win."

"They set up Huayao, but now Huayi is going down to the woman."


"The current Huaxia Entertainment Circle is no longer the past Huaxia entertainment circle, we are not afraid of anyone."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I hope everyone supports Tang, because as long as the dream factory does not fall, there will be unconditionally support Tang."

" ..."

Everyone applauded.

Today, Xiao Chong's speech, gave everyone a lot of encouragement.

Before, everyone still has a scruple, or continue to work with Tang's, now they are not worried.

After the Xiao Co was explained, everyone got toast.

The wine has passed three patrols, everyone left.

Xiao Li and Qing have left the venue after leaking with Tang Jiyu.

"They go out."


"Back up."

Some people drive to Xiao Chong and Qing Ruo.

On the car, Xiao Chong is slightly eyebrow.

Qing Ruo, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yang laughed, "Nothing, it should be a dog."

If Qing has a disgusted color, "these dogs are really annoying."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I will first smash them again ..."

The touched, their tires were exploded.

Wandering around us.

Qing was suddenly changing his face.

Xiao Yang smiled, "It seems that we have trouble."

Qing said, "It should be a person in the underground power of Xiangjiang."

"You wait for me in the car."

Xiao Chong got off the bus.

"Xiao Boss, our boss wants you."

A middle-aged man said with a smile, "Please move."

Qing John also took the car, "Let's go together."

The middle-aged people smiled slightly, "Miss Qing relieved, and gantoys, we won't do more things."

Xiao Cong said, "Belt the way."

Soon, they went to a tea room. There was a middle-aged man in the tea room to drink tea, and there was a beautiful woman to tea.

Qing said out of the low voice, "He is the big army of Xiangjiang underground forces, Liu Huaqiang."

Liu Huaqiang smiled slightly, "Xiao, please sit."

Xiao Li and Qing have left the seat.

"Xiao, I will not turn around, I want to shoot a movie." Liu Huaqiang smiled, "I will be established, but I need people and resources!"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You should go to Tang Tang."

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "Lao Tang and I don't go to the way."

Xiao He didn't know that Liu Huaqiang actually and his old Tang was not right.

"Da Xiao, earn money together, do you say this?" Liu Huaqiang tea tea, "I don't want to do it in this line. What is the call? Transformation upgrade, we should also transform upgrade "

Xiao Bangle, "Liu boss, transformation upgrade is not necessarily entertainment."

Liu Huaqiang smiled slightly: "I feel that it is more entertainment to make money."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "The business of the entertainment industry is not good."

Liu Huaqiang laughed, "Xiao, do you not want to cooperate?"

Xiao Central, "Yes, I don't want to cooperate."

Qing was suddenly changing his face.

The tea room is quiet.

Liu Huaqiang stared at Xiao Chong, "Is Xiao always joking with me?"

Xiao Jiang didn't slow down the tea, "Liu Boss thinks that I am joking?"

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "Xiao Zheng really is courageous!"

Qi Ruo can't help but fear.

"Xiao, I ask you again, are you willing to cooperate?" Liu Huaqiang smiled. "I hope that you can carefully think about this time."

"Don't carefully think about it, I will not cooperate with you." Xiao Chong shook his head.

"Toast, don't eat, fine wine!"

Liu Huaqiang wishes.

Tea has suddenly rushed in a group of people in front of the tea, full of angry.

Liu Huaqiang faintly said. "I am lack of money, and Xiao, if I don't want to make our brothers, they will be very unhappy."

Xiao Chong is still steadily, "Liu Boss's meaning is to say, who is big, who said?"

Liu Huaqiang laughed, "" The fist is big, here is Xiangjiang, my fist is relatively large, you have to listen to my truth. "

Xiao Yang smiled, "I understand what you mean."

His voice just fell, and a middle-aged Taoist walked.

Come on Zhang Zongyang!

Liu Huaqiang couldn't help but enjoy, "You are a Taoist to save you?"

Xiao Ye got up, "Zongyang, here, I will give you."

Zhang Zongyang smiled, "no problem."

Xiao Chong is going to go out of the door.

Liu Huaqiang's receipt wanted to stop Xiaozhou, Zhang Zongyang's sword has been coming, sword light is flashed, and several people who want to stop Xiao Li and Qing have been forced back.

Xiao Jiang and Qing have went out.

Liu Huaqiang's face is changed, "" This squid has two kings! "

Zhang Zongyang smiled, "The fist is big, the reason is big, I like this sentence you said."


outside world.

If you can't stand it, "Xiao Chong, will your friend not danger?"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "It is dangerous to others, that is, he saved your father."

If the Qing is shocked from the snorkeling, she really didn't think that her father was suddenly rescued.

This Taoist's ability is so big, Liu Huaqiang is estimated to take up inexpensive.

Xiao Yang smiled, "I will send you back first."

If the Qing hesitated, "Don't we wait for him?"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "No."



Soon Xiao Chong, I came to Qing, if I got home, Qing Ruo had a lot of ghosty strangers from home.

Qing has changed from his face.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Your old dad is a lot of people, it seems that you have to move."

Qing Ruo is helpless.

Xiao Chong looked at her, "I will go there to live this evening."

Qing Li smiled at the hard, "then bother you."

After the Xiao Bark, if he left Tang Jiyu, he sent his hilltop.

If the Qing hesitated, "I ... I didn't have bathrobes and change clothes."

"If you don't dislike, I will wear me this evening, I will buy it tomorrow." Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am relieved, I am new, I haven't passed."

When I was sleeping at night, Li Ruo said weird, she never passed through the man's pajamas.

The next day, news reports, Liu Huaqiang was entered into the hospital, and has not woken up yet.

After learning this news, many people were shocked, and some people dare to fight Liu Huaqiang.

"It is said that Liu Huaqiang's brothers are all seriously injured."

"Who is dry, such a bull ratio?"

"In Xiangjiang can make Liu Huaqiang into such a person."

"This is too embarrassed."

"This time, Liu Huaqiang has suffered a big loss, and it will never be good for it."

After seeing the news, he was shocked after seeing the news. She didn't expect Zhang Zongyang to play so.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Time is coming, we have passed."

Today is the day that is the beginning of Miss Xiangjiang,

Xiao Jiang and Qing have been away from all guests.

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