"Do we want to die?"

"I still have a lot of things, I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

"I haven't enjoyed enough yet!"

It is actually a Chinese people in the island of Pirates, a total of 13 people, not old, it seems to be a person who is honored.

They know that this time is dead!

No one can save them.

On this desert island, they want to escape in the dead unless a miracle ...

However, the miracle is so easy to happen.

Desperate, remorse ... they really regret it.

At this time they all said to themselves, if anyone can save us, we must repay them.

"Unfortunately, it is impossible to have this island."

"We ... is destined to die here."

"Maybe a few thousand years later, the archaeological team will find our bones."

Several people desperate.

Pirates have to shoot!

At this moment, their feet were all sleeves, and people were rushing, and they were all poured down on the tree.

"Hey ..."

The pirates panicked between them.

The people of the Chinese people were scared to the ground.

Suddenly there is a slender wood film in the night.

Several pirates were instantly wore the brain.

There are a few pirates to hurry with the guns to interrupted the rope jacket on your feet.

After they fell on the ground, the ground sinking, revealing sharp boke, and the cave worn their chest.

There is a dozen pirates, and there are more than a dozen pirates.

The few Chinese people robbed the rest of life, they looked at it, and they were unfained.

They all want to ask, who is it saved us?

At this time, Xiao Jiang came out.

See Xiao Li, a few Chinese people shocked: "Xiao Chong !?"

"How many people are there?" Xiao Yucheng asked.

Several Chinese people have come back to God.

One of them can't help but ask: "Are you saved us?"

Xiao Chong looked at him, "There is no other person on this island."

Several people are in the mouth, and the Xiao Central can set up so many pirates, and too bull ratio.

They can't help but think of the "wilderness survival" of DreamWorks. This show seems to be a little true.

"How many people are there?" Xiao Chong asked again.

"There are two crew members and a boat." Said that the person said.

Xiao Chong picked up the gun on the ground, "If you want to live, you will go!"

Several young people look at it, although they are very doubt that Xiao Chong's fighting power, but still chooses to follow.

They are also playing guns, know how to use guns, so everyone takes a gun from the pirate.

However, when they arrived, Xiao He has uniforms the pirate.

"Lying, this is too fast?"

Several young people saw the pirates hugged on the ground, and they were shocked. They also thought about it.

After a brief surprise, he said, "We will take the boat, come late."

Xiao Chong said, "Wait, there is a person."

He is about Xu Jiaxin, and if you have a hand, you will open a three shots here.


Xiao Jiang opened three shots.

That kind of youth is not stupid, suddenly understand this is the signal of Xiaozhou to the partner.

"Xiao Chong, the previous few days of the news said that you are dead." A young man suddenly said.

"I'm dead?"


"Many people are mourning you, this is already spread online."

"It is said that you were torn."


Xiao Chong: "..."

Now if you don't hurry up, you know what the dream factory will happen.

At this time, Xu Jiaxin came to the boat.

See Xu Jiaxin, a few young people, Xu Jiaxin's look is too counter-sky.

They are very envious of Xiao Central to live with this beauty.

Xu Jiaxin thought that only Xiao Chong was on board, he saw several Chinese young people, she couldn't help but stop.

Xiao Chong laughed, "They also tied it."

Xu Jiaxin smiled toward them.

Xiao Chong looked at the pirate captain and said in the local language: "Board!"

The man hurried to the boat.

The young people were shocked, and Xiao Central actually communicated with these pirates. It is really powerful.

The ship was started.

Xiao Chong looked at the young people. "These people must be stared at each day ..."

Waiting for Xiao Chong, he said, "Sir, Mr. Xiao, you are arranged, our life is you saved."

Xiao Chong also did not resort, immediately arranged everyone's task, and then arranged everyone's residence.

Next day.

The opposite suddenly came to a big ship.

Xiao Jiang took a telescope and his face was slightly changed.

"Mr. Xiao is the ship of that country?"

"It should be a pirate."

Everyone's face is giant.

Xiao Chong Shen said, "Do you use a gun?"

Several youth nodded.

"We can only be desperate." Xiao Chongxiao said.

"It is desperately desperate, and it is going to pull a pad back."

"Yes, we have to pull a pad back."

Several youths grow up.

Nowadays, if you are not recognized, death will only be more capsule.

Everyone has prepared for fighting.

Xu Jiaxin has also prepared to die.

Xiao Chu deeply sucking, this experience made him understand a lot.

Still not enough.

In the future, like Liu Huaqiang, no matter how it is going to be off.

"I don't know if Yuan Jie will be very sad."

Xiao Chong, "There is also Dong Qing ... I can't help it."

He is really desperate this time.

What can you do this time?

Sing a song to listen to them?

It is estimated that they will not buy it.

Speaking the cross talk?

It is estimated that they will not buy it.

tell a story?

Don't pull, the pirate has a hard work to listen to the story, they are not a pirate.

It can only die in the end.

"I also count the first star in the battlefield."

Xiao Chong self-departed.

Next to, those youth are leaving.

"Do you have any wishes?"

"My fuck is still, male."

"Hey, actually ... I am also."

"You are really awkward."

"I have already engaged, my wife is already pregnant, I don't know if my wife is willing to give your child."

"Even if you are born, it is estimated that you will not follow your name."

"You can't say something good at this person, can you say something good?"

"I am talking straight, not poison."

"What is your water?"

"I hope to comply with my exmontistrane."

"Lying in the trough, are you married?"

"Yeah, there is a cute child."

"Then you can make it, the child is about to change your name."


"Your mouth is also poisonous."

Several people suddenly laughed.

"I can't live with the same month, at least the same month, is also good."

"Yeah, value!"

Xu Jiaxin heard it.

Take the real words before dying, this is their most authentic side.

Xu Jiaxin looked at Xiao Chong, just want to talk, Xiao Chong said, "Come!"


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