"Twilight City" is a series of movies. The first part is called "twilight". The story is talking about a small town in Hua Guo. He lives with a handsome man. He is not mysterious, there is no life His family is like low-key mystery. The reason is that he will never be aging, not to die. "

Xiao Yang smiled, "This movie arrived abroad, the zombie will be translated into a vampire."

The story of the vampire and the waswolf has been circulated in foreign countries, but there is no picture movie, so the influence of the movie industry is not big.

Therefore, in this field, "the city" is available.

At this time, Xiao He has been fully investing in the story, and the sound is good.

"Lu Shuo's first year in the 20th century, since he developed a young boy in 1918, he did not aging, and he kept young and handsome."

"Time flies, after nearly a hundred years, he no longer rely on the blood, because he and the family of vampires have adhered to the blood of vegetarianism, only breathing animal."

"The 18-year-old girl Bai Su is with the mother, because the feelings of the parents are broken, the mother took her to another city. But when she grew up, the mother decided to be married."

"Because the farefather is a basketball player, it is necessary to come back and forth, Baixin returns to his father."

"In the school, she met the boy Lu Feng, soon he was attracted by Lu Feng's charm, and gradually liked him."

"But although Lu Feng also likes Bai Su, he knows that a vampire is no way to live with human beings, so he deliberately alienate."

"But he can't forget the white sin, and he can't bear to go far, and the white sneakers will be tested."

"At this time, the zombie of another self-sufficient blood came to this place, and unintentionally stared to Bai Su, in order to protect the white sin, Lu Feng had to close with Bai Su, and their feelings have been stably developed. "

Xiao Chong laughed, "In order to say, this should be a love story."

Bai Su said, "This story is good."

Xiao Chong continued, "The second story, named" New Moon ", Lu Feng deeply fascinated Bai Su, and liked her unique fragrance."

"Helpless time is always short, in Bai Su 18-year-old birthday party, she accidentally cut his arm, and the blood flowing blood evoked the nature of Lu Feng family's bloodthirsty."

"In order to protect your beloved, Lu Feng and his family have left the small city."

"After Lu Feng, the world of Bai Su is completely collapsed. She began to try a variety of adventures, because she found that as long as she is dangerous, Lu Feng's voice will appear in her mind."

"Bai Shu's self-fashioned crazy move did not let Lu Feng went back to the heart. At this time, the young Long Hao appeared in her pale world. Although he knows others in the heart, it is affectionate, and protects her. "

"This boy is actually an ancient Wolf, he is a zombie."

"One is a rock-solid ice cooling, one is a hot and Wolf, how will Bai Su choose?"

Xiao Chong looked at Bai Su.

Bai Sui eyebrows, "The story is you compiled, of course, you said."

Xiao Bain: "Lu Feng mistakenly believes that Bai Su has jumped to death, and he can't bear so sudden huge blow. He decided to make everything. The twilight gradually retired, waiting for them to show the most dark night A curved new moon ... "

Bai Su couldn't help but ask: "The story is finished?"

"of course not."

Xiao Bian's words turned, "In this movie, Bai Su knows that before the piano and Go, you have to learn from me until I arrived until I reached my request."

Bai Su knows that Xiaoyang fake publica, but she can only receive it, because this is "business".

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You can't refuse this time."

Bai Su is silent.

The officialization of the official, she really didn't rejoice.

Despite this is "fake publica protection."

Xiao Chong will tell the story.

"The Bai Su, who is about to graduate, is in two difficulties: she wants to choose a lover in Lu Feng and Longhao, and this choice is very likely to trigger a bloody war between Lujia and Wolf."

"Blood boiling Bai Si would rather choose to die, but also to defend with Lu Feng."

"But before the marriage, Lu Feng does not allow her to do this."

"On the other hand, Long Hao's intervention allows them to illuminate the red light."

"Bai Su said to Longhao: I will not meet again after graduation."

"Long Hao angry faced the face of Lu Jia, Bai Su is a little disappointed with Long Hao."

"Subsequently, Bai Su and Lu Feng live at home, Lu Feng found a zombie to steal things from Bai Su."

"No one knows, their purpose is to follow the smell of the above to find the location of Bai Su. They are another zombie family - Wangjia."

"The Wang family is killed by Lu Feng! In order to revenge for the dead, Wang Jiazhi gangs and rushed to Xiaocheng."

"Lu family decided to join the Wolf to deal with a common enemy."

Xiao Cu said: "In the end they defeated the enemy ... After experiencing the wind and rain, Bai Su and Lu Feng were finally married."

I heard the words "marriage", Bai Su's face suddenly became unnatural.

"Bai Su is worried that his own aging will block her love with Lu Feng. I hope that Lu Feng can take her into zombies as soon as possible, with Yong Youth, with Lu Fengzhu."

"But the kindness of the kindness, knowing that this is going to experience many mortals unimaginable pain, I can't bear to do this."

"After a super luxury wedding, Bai Su and Lu Feng began honeymoon."

"Bai Su is so pregnant, this person and the zombie love crystal, in the white belly, it has already grown into a normal human pregnancy in September, very strong, even kicked Bella Ribs and . "

"Bai Su has experienced a hard pain and gave birth to her daughter."

"Bai Sui life after production is in danger, Lu Feng extracted his blood into the dying Bai Suxin, turning Bai Su as a zombie."

"The Wang family intends to kill the baby and clean the land."

"Bai Su and Lu Feng once again in the help of friends, smashing the conspiracy of the Wang family."

"Bai Su and Lu Feng after many cars have lived on a happy and calm life."

Xiao Chong said, "This is" the city of twilight "."

Bai Su thinks that Xiao Cu is hinting her.

Marriage, born children ...

Why is he not willing to let me?

Bai Su is very distressed.

Xiao Chong said, "In order to make a movie, we started practicing the piano tomorrow."

Bai Su looked Xiao Li, "I don't want to shoot this movie."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Laozi said so much, white said?

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