King of Entertainment

Chapter 1141 Xiangjiang DreamWork Factory

Dream factory, office.

Qin Wei poured tea to Tang Ji, standing next to it.

Tang Jiyu did not think about tea. He helpless: "Xiao Chi, Zhang Yuxiong and Lu Xiyan fight Tang, now Down's days."

He has already returned to Xiangjiang, but some people still don't want him to have a day.

"Zhang Xiong?"

Xiao Jiang's eyebrows, "What did he do?"

Tang Jiyu said, "When D Down withdrew the Xiangjiang, the share price fluctuated, he won the profit, and he ameted a lot of shares of Tang. Now, Zhang Yuxiong is already one of the big shareholders of Down."

Xiao Jiang did not expect Zhang Yuxiong to say that I want to enter the entertainment circle, I really don't talk about it.

Don't look at Zhang Xinxiong only knows to find a female star all day, but he is really a matter, it will do business.

Tang Jiyu said, "Zhang Yuxiong pulled the Lu's pressure Tang, which is the shares of other shareholders."

"He succeeded?"

"There have been many shareholders who have been persuaded and have already taken money."

"He is not afraid to have Tang's death?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "When he went in, the chicken flying egg."

Tang Jiyu shook his head, "he is not stupid, he knows that I will not let Down, but ... he also knows that you will definitely shoot."

"I think the most important thing now is to take it back in his hands."

Xiao Chong, "But I don't understand stock."

He really doesn't understand.

Tang Jiyu asked, "Can Dream Factory can set up a branch in Xiangjiang?"

Xiao Chong is slightly color, and he knows Tang Jiyi's plan.

"Now Xiangjiang's largest entertainment is Down and Lu, there is no third entertainment company."

Tang Jiyu said, "If the DreamWork can come in, the golden word sign of the dream factory will definitely grow rapidly."

"In this way, the interests of Down will also be affected."

"I plan to enter this Xiangjiang Dream Factory."

Tang Jiyu looked at Xiao Chong, "Just don't know Xiao Zheng is willing to be willing."

"Tang, I understand what you mean."

Xiao Central, "If you want to enter the share, I will agree."

Tang Jiyu smiled, "But this matter can not let others know."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am an actor, I will act now."

Tang Jiyu said, "" This time I came to the capital, I also invited Xiaozheng. "

"I know……"

Xiao Chong smiled.

Tang Jiyu's "Golden Head Shell" is indeed the best way now.

first of all.

The Xiangjiang DreamWork is established, and it will grow rapidly. He will benefit as a major shareholder.


Synchronize Zhang Xiong bought a shares of the Down, so that he continued to make money into Tang.

If it is smooth, then the next few steps will be carried out, and finally, it must be Zhang Xiong.

Tang Jiyu is also an old fox.



The next day, Dream Factory announced in Xiangjiang to establish a branch, named "Xiangjiang DreamWork".

When the news came out, many people were very surprised.

For all, because of the existence of Down, DreamWork has not entered the entertainment market of Xiangjiang.

Unexpectedly, when the Tang's abdomen was attacked by the enemy, DreamWorks actually took the opportunity to enter Xiangjiang.

"It seems that the dream factory also wants to melon."

"Too obvious, Xiao Chong is also a spicy person."

"Xiao Chong is now unusual to be an artist, he is still a businessman, how can business people may not be?"

"Look, the next step, the DreamWork is going to build the courtyard."



Many media are reported that Tang Jiyu learned that the DreamWork was a branch office in Xiangjiang, and he glaredered his office.

After Zhang Yuxiong saw the news, I couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't expect this surname to be so embarrassed."

The female star around him smiled, "Zhang, how can he compare with you?"

Zhang Xiong haha ​​smiled, "Yes, he can not be fierce."

"Gigle, Zhang is always very fierce."

"Little girl, how long it takes, Tang Jiyu is going to finish. He used to have a lot of scenery, and he will be more miserable in the future."

With the interception of Xiangjiang DreamWorks, Zhang Yuxiong has a grasp of Tang.

Of course, after eating Down, he is more confident that he can re-Tang.

Because Madison's people have signed a cooperation agreement with him, once Down is easy to master, Madison will assist him re-Tang.

He is not a fool, if there is no Madison company behind, he will not pay off the Tang.



The next day after the founding of the Xiangjiang Dream Factory, Xiao Jiang came to Xiangjiang.

People who follow Xiao Chu come to Zhao Xueyi, he is the old year of Xiangjiang DreamWork.

Zhao Xueyi laughed, "Yesterday I was still dreaming, I didn't expect to be promoted today."

Others of DreamWorks can't help but laugh.

"Congratulations to Zhao Guan Juan." They joke.

"Zhao Ge, this official is not good."

Xiao Chong laughed, "Now the Xiangjiang Dream Factory is from zero."

Zhao Xueyi did very pressing, just kidding him, in fact, in order to relieve pressure.

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much. The Xiangjiang Dream Factory has a late newspaper. Behind there is an Donghai Dream Factory, the Beijing Dream Factory." Xiao Co said, "Now we need to do three things, first, build your own TV station, Second, develop your own hospital, third, cultivate a group of own local artists. "

"The boss, I have basically solved before the incident."

Zhao Xueyi said, "I will go to form it as soon as possible."

Establish your own hospital, need to pay!

Don't look at the volume of Xiangjiang is not big, but there is no more than a billion, I don't want to build the courtyard.

If you want to make the courtyard, do big, need more money.

Xiao Cheng asked, "What do you think about the same thing?"

Zhao Xueyi thought about it, "First is to dig people, the second is to find a new person, the third is the draft, four is ..."

He said it.

Xiao Cong said, "Take the show in advance," Xiangjiang good voice "can be arranged first."

Zhao Xueyi laughed, "it's thoughtful for the boss."

Xiao Chong laughed, "DreamWorks' variety show can move, so that the TV station is also built."

Zhao Xueyi back to the dream factory, and there is enough funds. If this is not a way to get the Xiangjiang Dream Factory, that is, the ability.

Of course, Xiao Co is very confident that Zhao Xueyi.

Zhao Xueyi said, "I think it can be arranged first."

Xiao Chang did not comment.

Two people chatted, have arrived at the Headquarters of Xiangjiang DreamWorks, this is a building in the early Dream Plant to buy in Xiangjiang, now I can use it to work.

Xiao Jiang has just arrived at the headquarters, and Tang Yimou took several Xiangjiang artists, and Qing was also here.

"Boss, in order to celebrate the founding of Xiangjiang Dream Factory, I will give you a gift."

Tang Yi smiled, "What is you guess?"

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