King of Entertainment

Chapter 1156 Bao Zheng's candidate

Liu Qifeng found a few Bao Zheng, but Xiao He is not satisfied.

In desperation, Liu Qifeng can only expand the scope, and the Taiwan guys and the mainland actors are doing.

A day later, a middle-aged man who reminded the slophy and grease came to the Headquarters of the Xiangjiang Dream Factory. He is Taishoone, called Jinanming, has always been a dragon set.

There is news on Taimao, saying that Xiangjiang DreamWorks need an actor, his is good, and he is also in line with the requirements of the Xiangjiang DreamWorks, and a director recommended him.

After reading the photos of Jinanming, Liu Qifeng contacted Jinanming to let Jinan Ming come to Xiangjiang.

Although I hope is not too big, Jinanming is still a pair of purse, which is also an opportunity after all.

The Xiangjiang DreamWorks, Jinanming only knows that the role of him to find the audition is the new TV series "Bao Qingtian" of the Xiangjiang Dream Factory.

To be honest, he is still a slightly known for the TV series and movies that package the sky theme.

Basically, in the TV series of Qingtian, it will not be placed in the sky.

"Why do you want to have another way?" Jin An Ming was a little confused.

However, thinking of this is a new story of the Xiaozheng personally felt the idea, Jinan Ming also relieved.

Who doesn't know Xiao Cang likes to innovate, I like to leave the road that others have not passed.

Soon, some people are named Jin An Ming's name, Jin Anming rushed into the makeup.

The face is painted, there is a caddy on the forehead, and the clothing is equipped, Jin An Ming is really like a big father.

Test mirror room.

Liu Qifeng has been a few people in Pas, which is the last one from Tao Island.

When Jin Nanming came in, Liu Qifeng lit up in front of him, this is the boss's wanted Bao Zheng!

He has intuitive, this Bao Zheng, Xiao Chu must like it.

Jinanming just wanted to play, Liu Qifeng asked: "Do you know this person?"

"He is a hateful man."

"anything else?"

Jin Anming has no way to answer.

Liu Qifeng laughed, "When you meet our boss, you can't answer it."

Jin An Ming color, "Can I see Xiao Teacher?"

Liu Qifeng got up, "Let me go with me."

Jin An Ming is excited.

Soon, they came to a office.

Xiao Chong looked at Jinan Ming's moment, and the eyes were flashed, "this time you find it is very good."

Jin An Ming happened, "Teacher Xiao, I am Jin Anming."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Don't be nervous, you have a young master, must be stable."

Jin An Ming was amused.

Xiao Chong looked at Liu Qifeng. "Bao Zheng's actor is him."

"Thank you teacher!"

"If you thank me, I will play this role."

"I certainly will."

"The boss, then I will take him to the crew report."

Liu Qifeng and Jinan Ming immediately went to the drama group.

Xiao Chong also rushed to the good voice recording.

Zhang Yonglin looked at Xiao Chong. "You have received this kind of good student, you can't grab it again today."

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "" personality charm, no way. "

Zhang Yonglin: "..."

Luo Dazu smiled, "Yonglin, you also received Mei Yanfen, we still have no general in the hand."

Qing Xi smiled, "Just, you can't grab it with us this issue."

Zhang Yonglin is happy, "all the things."

The program recording begins.

The first one is still the first, the level is good.

There are two or three singing skills behind, but there is no characteristic of the sound, and the Xiao He is not turned.

Finally, to the last one.

Everyone knows that the weight is coming.

Music sounds.

Everyone looked at Luo Dabo, this is a song "fault" of Luo Dabo.

This song is too fast, even the current Luo Dazu can't sing.

Few people dare to challenge this song.

"This person's lung capacity must be very large."

"This is sure, no iron lungs, I will never dare to sing this song."

"it has started."

The song sounded.

The crowd blood boiled.

This song is really easy to make people.

Xiao Central is admired, "this singer is very good."

Luo Dazo is very agreed. "He is energetic than I am young."

"You talk, I turn first."

Zhang Yonglin turned.

Everyone: "..."

Caure the defense.

Qing has turned around, although she knows that this people will not choose his.

Xiao Chong and Luo Dazzo look at each other and also turn together.

Standing on the stage, a twenty young man is full of passionate songs, which is completely in a state of forgetting me.

Xiao Jiang is a bit awkward.

Soon, the young man sang fingers, slightly aunt, "Thank you teacher."

Everyone turned into the mouth, this person is too fierce, and after singing this song, the breath can still be so stable.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "introduce yourself."

Young people said: "My name is Tang Yonglin, Datang Tang, Qilin's Lin."

Zhang Yonglin laughed, "Not bad, I have a fate with me, join my team."

Everyone haha ​​smiled.

Xiao Baoxin said that this person and his world of Tan. Wirun is almost exactly, even singing style.

This makes Xiao Zhi can't help but have an idea, and will not have some people in this world. These people are very similar to him, but they are only different.

Luo Dazo smiles, "Join my team, I can help more on the stairs."

Tang Yonglin smiled, "Teacher Luo, I just came to join your team."

Qing Ruo is helpless.

Zhang Yonglin sighed.

Xiao Yang is not a matter, if all masters have arrived in his team, it is not good.

The second phase of the sound is completed.

The next night, the second start.

Many people have already paid before the TV.

Several people starting, slightly ordinary, but the stronger the people who appeared behind.

In the end, Tang Yonglin appeared, the atmosphere was frying, and the enthusiasm of the audience before the TV was also ignited.

"Tang Yonglin is too cattle."

"He and Zhang Guorong are completely different, two people are super strong, I feel that the final champion will be generated in their two."

"The only disadvantage of Tang Yonglin is not created."

Indeed, Tang Yonglin is not like chapter Guorong.

The second ratio is still the first.


Zhang Yuxiong looked at the shareholders, "Xiangjiang Dream Factory is stunned, how long, we can take a roll away."

Shareholders are silent.

Tang Jiyu is laughing, "Zhang, don't talk about it."

Zhang Xiong laughs, "I am in a glamorous? We must take a countermeasures."

Tang Jiyu silently said after a moment, "Lian Madison has no way, how can we?"

Many shareholders were disappointed, and it seems that Tang always lost his ambitions after withdrawn from Miki.

After the meeting.

Many shareholders find Zhang Xiong, they didn't want to hang on the tree of Tang, they wanted to sell the shares.

Zhang Yuxiong promised.


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