"Xiao Chong!"

In the dark alley, Bai's is some fear.

Walking, Bai Su saw a bloody and wine bottle.

Is it Xiaoyang?

Bai Suzhen, "Xiao ... Xiao Chong, where are you?"

Soon, she saw the Xiaoyang's coat in front, she didn't dare to go again.

"Xiao ... Xiao Chong? Why don't you talk?"

She took the courage to go forward, and the result saw a person could not stand up.

"Xiao ... Xiao Chong, is ... Is it you?"

No one answered.

Bai's foot is no way.

Just then, some people said: "I am here."

Bai Su turned and saw that the people were Xiaoyang's moment. She rushed to the gods of the gods to Xiao Bao Hua, "Where have you been? I thought you ..."

When she said, she went back to God and hurriedly opened the Xiaozhou.

Xiao Baole, "What happened to you?"

Bai's turn does not speak.

Xiao Jiang walked over and cheered from her head, and swayed in front of her, "the property returned to the original Lord."

"Thank you."

Bai Su took her bag and didn't know what to say.

Xiao Chong smiled, "Not safe here, let's go back."

Bai Su "Well".

The two walked outside the alley.

Suddenly there was a mouse jumped out from the trash bubble, Bai Su was scared to hug Xiao Chong.

After the mice disappeared in the night, Bai Su was to let go of Xiao Chong, but he was held by Xiao Chong. "Do you take me a few times?"

Bai Su looked up at Xiao Chong, "put ..."

Xiao Jiang kissed her.

Bai Su struggled, gave up resist.

a long time.

Bai Su finally defeated himself, pushed Xiaozhou, and did not say forward.

Xiao Chong came up.

Until the bus, Bai Su did not talk to Xiao Chong, and did not look at Xiao Chong.

Finally, the two arrived at the residence, Bai Su had just opened the door, and Xiao Jiang immediately followed.

"you think……"

Bai Su has not been to talk, Xiao Chong is moving.

Soon, the two fell.

At a critical moment, Bai Su is weeping.

Xiao Chong stopped.

"you go."

"This big night, I am worried about you."

"Ha ha……"

"Your laughter makes people feel cold."

Bai Su did not pay attention to Xiao Chong, and it was a room, and the door was closed.

The Xiaoyang face is thick and sleeps directly on the big bed outside.

After a moment, Bai Su came out, I saw someone lying in her bed, she was completely speechless.

"What do you want to do?"

"I am asleep."

Bai Su: "..."

No way, she can only sleep in other rooms with the quilt.

However, when she arrived in the middle of the night, she found more than one person, scared her half.

"Xiao Li!" Bai Su called.

Xiao Ca did not answer.

Bai Su is no way to transfer the position.

But Xiao Chong reached out of her to the quilt.

"If you dare ..."

"You think too much."

Xiao Zhi really didn't do anything.

When Bai Su started, he also bite his teeth and did not let him asleep.

But slowly, she couldn't hold it, fell asleep in Xiao Bao Huai.

The next day, Baissa change, she seems to have it, make sure it is fine, this is loose.

Looking back at Xiao Chong, her expression is very complicated.

Xiao Chong suddenly opened his eyes and blinked his eyes toward him.

Bai Su: "..."

After a while, she took Xiao Li and took the bed: "Roll!"



"Shanghai" is about to start, and the streets of Xiangjiang Street is a publicity advertisement launched by "Shanghai".

"Zhou Yeda is really handsome."

"This dress is obviously the play of the gambling."

"Haha, this will this be a gamble of Shanghai?"

"If it is a gambling TV drama, it is too meant."

"It should be impossible, if it is a gambling film, DreamWork is promptly promoted."

The next night is 7 o'clock.

"Shanghai" officially launched.

The theme song "The Beach" is singing by Zhang Yonglin.


Wanli Taotao Jiang Yong will never



When everyone was intoxicated in the song, the story has begun.

The story took place in the last century. Sea, this is the "Adventure Home".

Xu Wenqi's ragged, gods, unmanned, put on the ceremony, arrived in Shanghai, alone in the streets, and encounter two blacks to help people fire, Wen Qiang and the hawker Ding Li eyes are not right, that is, walk into the dental file Temporarily avoid, the two is a sympathy.

Xu Wenqiang wants to find his friend, but it is not until you can stay in Ding Lijia.

One day, Xu Wenqiang did not intend to hear news in the corner of the street. I know that the social flowers that I have to find will appear in the mourning hall of Shen Fun, that is, go to the spiritual hall, and confirm with Fang Yan.

The two are older, and Fang Yan has returned to her residence with Xu Wenqiang, but also to introduce Xu Wenqiang to meet Shanghai TenNendo, and add new clothes to Xu Wenqiang.

Fang Yan's player is a first-line artist in Xiangjiang, and the temperament is very good.

Xu Wenqiang got the opportunity to serve the Meihua Cinema, because he got the appreciation of Li, was caught by a man named A Bing.

One day, the neighboring Liudu Theater snapped away, and A Bingzhong, thinking that Xu Wenqiang must be helpless, who is a single straight to the tiger points, repel the strong, and returned the film back.

Mr. Li also appreciates Xu Wenqiang, and the more embarrassed in Aching.

Later, Ding Ling defeated his strength in the corner of the street, and A Bing was appreciated him. I wanted to buy him to kill.

So, Ding Li is in the side of the road. When Li is always Li, Xu Wenqiang and Fang Yanzhen have entered the seven days of nightclub, and the hand-held knife lightning is fed!

The first episode ends.

The audience couldn't help but a sentence.

This end is too pleasant.

Everyone can't help but want to see the second episode.

Soon, the second episode was launched.

Ding Li attacked the lost hand, was recognized by Xu Wenqiang.

Pletest Ding Li immediately escaped, returned to report A Bing, A Bing intends to kill Ding Li's extinguishing, Ding Li escaped.

Ding Li, who fled, found a good friend, this time Xu Wenqiang also found it.

Ding Li told the things to Xu Qiangqiang, Xu Wenqiang first tied to Ding Li, and then negotiate with Ding Li to deal with A Bing.

Xu Wenqiang reveals the conspiracy of A Bing, Li Wanglin, revealed that A Bing was called, and Li Wanglin said, and A Bing took the sleeve to assassinate Li Wanglin, and then launched a special fight with Xu Wenqiang, and A Bing was strongly killed.

Depending on the Shen Wenqiang, the promotion of Xu Wenqiang is a new chairman of the United States of America.

Xu Wenqiang, who is airy, to find a favorite, Fang Yanzhen feels deep, and feels that Xu Wenqiang has been corrupted by the magic, no longer a patriotic youth.

Then, Feng Jingli, the legal rental, learned Xu Wenqiang, presided over the US, and sent a hand to see Xiang and see Xu Wenqiang. If you want to take the old chapter, take the benefits, Xu Wenqiang does not agree, to return Feng Jingli.

Feng Jingli invited Xu Wenqiang and Ding Li to participate in the party in the family, and the gentleman's rich business gathered.

However, in Axiang Middle, there was a dark attack. After the injury, he still supported the escape from Fengjia. The blue team was pursued into Fengjia. The name of the sorry, Feng Jingli refused, the captain claimed that the arister claimed to be a traitor.

Feng Jingli is sick, let people go to the lobby to find a text to help.

Xu Wenqiang agreed, negotiated with Ding Li, Ding Li immediately went to find a brother to deal with the blue team!

The second episode ends.

Everyone really wants to swear.

Every time you go to the critical moment.

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