King of Entertainment

Chapter 1164, Shanghai Dado

Episode 23.

Xu Wenqiang sent a program to return home, touching Ding's anger, Ding Li, anger, looking for a pain. The female is a happy, but just left the book, I have encountered a hike.

The person attacked is sent by Feng Jingli!

Because the proceedings are not returned to the home, Ding Ling is inappropriate to Feng Jingli. Feng Jingli arranges Axiang to send the hand, and put it to Ding Li.

At the same time, the rental community is broken, the tenant has repeatedly disturbed, Xu Wenqiang feels this and the smoke gambling in the near future, so that the rogue does not have a born, so it is proposed to cancel the ban, appease the gang, and gradually gradually.

In the other hand, the process and Ding Li feelings are getting worse, and the procedure is living alone in the female youth venue, Ding Li is looking for, and the origination is going to change.

Because Feng Jingwei is deposited in the country, there is no domain in the rental, and the inner drama of the black society has proposed the construction group.

Ding Li deficient public funds, was isolated by Feng Jingli, and the Ding Li was excluded.

The procedural persuading Ding Li left. The sea, but Ding Li refused.

In the streets, Xu Wenqiang found Ding Li, suggesting that the two will cooperate again and remove Feng Jingli.

Ding Li considers some, and finally agreed to Xu Wenqiang.

However, Ding Li statement is only for Xu Wenqiang to make opportunities. As for other things, everything is from Xu Wenqiang himself.

After the alliance, Xu Wenqiang went to the youth dormitory to find the process and told her Shanghai culture. The hall has paid attention to her, advised her not to participate in the drama, but the program is frustrated, refuses to accept.

Soon, patrols really got to the drama, and the procedures were reluctant, and they were taken away by the patrol.

At the same time, Ding Li went to Feng Jingli, took out the morning to write. The sea will authorize the book, and the Feng Jingli is on signing. Feng Jingli is tearing, and Ding Li is not satisfied.

After leaving, Ding Li went to find a party. Long, ask the release process, party. Long Ding Li guarantees the release after the release, Ding Ling is difficult to lie in, I have to call Xu Wenqiang, please ask Xu Wenqiang to persuade the program.

Fang Yanzhen knew that the matter needs to be marked by a woman, it is easy to succeed, so he takes the initiative to ask.

Cheng Cheng was convinced, released, after seeing Feng Jingli, she said to the law. The idea of ​​the country said, her father agreed.

Subsequently, Feng Jingwei was ready to go to the sky. Jin, and relatives and friends in Tianxiang Building, Ding Li took the Tihu to the mountain, and Li Xiang, who left Feng Jingli, Li Xiang.

Subsequently, Ding Li also said that there must be in relation to Feng Jingli, Feng Jingli's screen.

Suddenly, Xu Wenqiang appeared, Ding Li paid Feng Jingli and Xu Wenqiang's guns.

Then, he proposed a new way to make two people with guns, so that they will be dead, and Feng Jing is killed!

Feng Jia.

A Xiang questioning the body and how to revenge Feng Jingli.

Cheng knows her grievance between her and Xu Wenqiang, decided to come to the grievance, and disbanded her strength, I also went to the law.

At the same time, Xu Wenqiang and Nie Renwang are still emptied with the snake, and deliberately, Nie Ren, kill Ding, about the Bailemen to meet.

Nie Renwang has been suspended by Xu Wenqiang, deliberately, to force Fang Yan to take the Fang Yanzhen, and force the text together.

When Xu Wenqiang and Ding Ling, the Ben Renwang and his hand went to Bailemen, with the gunshot, but at this time, I found Nie Renwang and Fang Yanzhen, Xu Wenqiangqiang did not bear to hold hands, missed a good opportunity .

Ding Li and his eyes look at Nie Ren Wang Enran into Bailemen, decided not to mobilize the text.

After killing Nie Ren Wang, Xu Wenqiang and Ding Li are unified. Beach.

However, Xu Wenqiang is unhappy, he wants to go to law. Country find Feng Cheng!

However, the law. Chinese people have opened their hands.

Xu Wenqiang was killed by the gun!

Before dying, Xu Wenqiang fell in the bloody and said: "I want to go to the law. Distinguishment ..."


The audience all look at it.

Xu Wenqiang is dead!

"Xu ... Xu Wenqiang is dead."

"Lying, my mother, a big man, actually cryed."

"I also cry."

"I hope he really can go to the law. Country, find Feng Cheng."

Even the male audience cried, not to mention the female audience.

"Why is Xu Wenqiang will die."

"Why do you want him to die, I can't accept this ending."

"I can't accept it, I know that this is a tragedy, I will not watch."

Xiao He is too embarrassed. "

"Yeah, Xiao Yur is really too embarrassed, do you talk about love? Is it so miserable? As soon as it is so miserable?"

Many people are blaming the bleak.

Indeed, in recent years, everyone taking TV dramas have taken place with the plot of the big reunion.

I dare to kill the protagonist, I am afraid that only Xiao has.

The "Shanghai" has achieved 59%, setting the highest record of the Xiangjiang's ratings.

For a long time in the future, this record is definitely no one can break.

"Zhou Yiming and Bai Su playing are too good, it is a ten king of DreamWorks."

They were originally red, "Shanghai" broadcast, and their popularity has risen several times.

After the "Shanghai" finale, DreamWorks' "guns" will soon be broadcast.

"The Sister of the Trunger" is very hot in the world of the world, but the ratings are the first in Xiangjiang.

Off. That is a throne of TVB's day with this TV series.

This time, Xiao Jiang let Zhang Yuqi come to the protagonist Zhu Suzhen, and then with a strong supporting role, and more shooting funds, there is no reason to lose to the previous "gourges". "

However, many people don't optimize this TV series, because this TV series is a big female main drama, and it is a police film.

This TV series, in general, the ratings will not be too high.

"Xiao Bao really likes to innovate, is he not afraid of failure?"

"He has no such thing, there is no one or two times."

"It's, he will still say that he dares to innovate."

"Lu and Down are also jointly launching their new TV series."

"I also heard that Madison also participated in this TV series."

The TV dramas of the three companies were filmed, named "I am legend", this is a adventure film with science fiction elements.

Special effects, it didn't say it all.

The actor, that is also a first-class actor in Xiangjiang, plus several big wrists on the other side of the country.

"Lu and Down are finally sitting."

"They really will pick up the time, specially picking the most likely failure of the factory."

"The" guns "," I am a legend "," I am a legend ", the ratings of" I am the legend "will definitely surpass the" gun teacher "."

"They can't win the color, there is a matter of" Shanghai "broadcast when they pick it up."

Many people feel that the Lu and Tang have no courage.

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