King of Entertainment

Chapter 1184 Sincere

Xiao Central said, please? You are probably not inviting people.

Laura smiled, "Mr. Xiao, this is not Huaxia, I am here, I hope that you can cooperate with us, otherwise we really can't guarantee what your wife will happen."

Xiao Jiang smiled: "Ms. Laura, I hate others threatening."

The person next to him raised the gun and pointed to Xiao Chong.

Han Dong's people also took a gun.

The sword is arrogant!

"Mr. Xiao, why?"

Laura laughed, "cooperation can win."

"Let me first put me." Xiao Cong said.

"That can't."

Laura shakes his head: "We will let go after the event."

Xiao Ye got up, "Then we can only talk about it here."

Laura smiled slightly, "Mr. Xiao, do you really don't care about those people?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and left.

Laura does not dare to do it.

She can find an excuse to leave people, but they are absolutely afraid to kill.

"It seems that I can't hit him."

Laura head hurts. She didn't expect Xiao Bao, there were still people in Huaxia, and did not expect Xiao Central to be so difficult.

However, that person has already commanded, she has to complete the task anyway.


Laura played a call.

After finishing the phone, she began to close his eyes.

After a while, her hand came over, "people are no longer."

Laura and laugh, "start the second set of plans."



Ten minutes ago, Yuan Ziling received a Xiaoyang's text message, followed by another hotel.

Waiting for a long time in the hotel, Yuan Ziling finally met Xiao Chong again, she could not help but breathe.

"What happened?"

"Some people want to cooperate with DreamWorks."

Xiao Chong told Yuan Ziling through the passage of things.

Although this sounds ridiculous, it is indeed true.

"Can we leave now?" Yuan Ziling couldn't help but ask.


Xiao Chong shook his head, "they have many reasons to leave us."

Yuan Ziling said, "We can make domestic pressure."

"I have said to Han Dong."

Xiao Chong said, "But even if it is pressed, they can drag us for a long time."

Donned, he smiled and said to Yuan Ziling: "But you don't worry, at least we will not have a danger of life."

Yuan Zhili asked: "What do we do next?"

"Jingguan it changed."

Xiao Cong said, "" I am from domestic people. "



The next day, Laura personally found the door.

Here is their site, finding Xiao Cheng too easy.

"Mr. Xiao, Ms. Yuan, you are good."

Laura laughed, "She is Jessica, we south. Non-Pearl."

Next to a high child, it is South. Non-first model Jessica.

Jessica gentle laughed, "Teacher Xiao, hello."

Xiao Jiang smiled and nodded, "Hello."

"Mr. Xiao, we can take a step, you come to scriptto, Starring is still you and Jessica."

Laura said, "But this movie must be attractive enough."

Xiao Li is curious, "Why are you so anxious movie?"

Laura said, "Because our leaders retired, he wants to do something for this country with the right of his hand."

Xiao Chong is still not understood.

"There is no such thing as a decent entertainment company, and the cultural invasion is very serious."

Laura said, "Leaders think of you, only you can help him to achieve your ambition in the shortest time."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "I am not so big."

Laura smiled slightly, "Mr. Xiao, you are modest, or you, how can China culture be popular in the world?"

"We only need Mr. Xiao motion brain, there is a possibility, send some artists to come, and all things we can solve themselves."

"Before we are wrong, now we have put people in the Dream Factory."

"Of course, if Mr. Xiao refuses to cooperate, you can leave, we will never stop."

"My leader said, if Mr. Xiao can't understand, I can be disposed of by Mr. Xiao."

Laura is very sincere.

"What did you say?" Xiao Chu asked.

"He said, the way of cooperation can be scheduled to be."

Laura said, "We will maximize freedom and rights to Mr. Xiao."

"Go back to tell you the leaders, I will reply to him tomorrow."

"I will tell the leader."

Laura leaving people.

Yuan Ziling looked at Xiao Chong, "Do you really agree?"

Xiao Chong said, "I don't want to cooperate with him, but I can give him something."

The next day, Xiao Chong took the leadership of his leadership with a thick information.

Laura does not know what this information has been written.

After her leaders, I was very happy. "I can sort out so much useful things a day, help me know clearly, this Xiaozu is indeed a genius. Those waste we raised, all should read First read these information. "

"Boss, is he still unwilling to cooperate with us?"

"He gave these things enough, and he gave me a letter, promised to provide assistance that DreamWorks can provide."

"When he left, he sent a gift to him for me. Right, these days sent people to protect him, don't let him be wronged."

"I know, the boss."

"In addition, let our Marker director went to pay attention to Xiao Chong."

"Okay, boss."

Xiao He wants to surpass Madison, in the future, in the world. We will have a movement. We can help the dream factory, start from tomorrow, mobilize other national registration companies, money us come out. "

The World. In addition to the three places in the country, in addition to the three places in the country, only one company can enter the entertainment committee.

In Huaxia, the Huaying is a member of the Entertainment Commission, and now it is now replaced with a dream factory.

Africa, because of the lack of entertainment, the shortage of funds, so even the South. It is not only the company has set up a company, joining the entertainment committee.

After all, join the entertainment committee, which will pay a lot of money every year.

But now, the "boss" of Laura decided to help other small country in Africa, add to the entertainment bureau.

The biggest advantage of Africa is the vast number of people and many countries.

At that time, the entertainment committee will definitely increase dozens of members.



Xiao Jiang and Yuan Ziling have been going to leave south. Not, a person called Mark is looking for a door.

"Xiao Gui, bothering to you and your wife, I am very sorry."

Mark laughed, "It is Laura to ask me to ask you some questions."

"Mr. Mark, sit down and talk."

Xiao Chong smiled.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Laura said that you mentioned the letter to the boss, we can shoot a movie of a superhero theme."

Mark asked, "I want to ask, is it similar to the movie" Superhero "series of DreamWorks?"

He actually wants to say, now their company also can't do this level of special effects.

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