King of Entertainment

Chapter 1194 Meng Factory Film Festival

"Love and deep rain" won the first rate!

"Give 49 street" actually lost to "deep rain rain".

"My grass, is I spend?"

"You have no eyes, the first is really" love deep rain, ", the old fee is lost!"

"Is this really good looking? I feel rubbish in the name."

"Yes, too custom!"

"The ratio is the king, the journey is high, indicating that the quality of this TV series is really good."

Many people tried to see it.

In an instant, these people were attracted by "deep rain rain". This world has not been suffered from Joan's TV dramas, so I feel that every plot is very exciting.

He Shuzhen, Du Fei, Erhao, Yiping, Ru Ping, etc., lifelike, it is impressive.

Especially when playing to Yiping's diary is found, when He Book is angry, the audience really can't wait to die.

Then, the audience saw the suicide of De Ping, all couldn't help but cry.

Various dog blood plots, let the Taima audience can't stop.

Fei Zhenxiang couldn't sit, he also went to see "Love and Dead Rain".

After reading it, Fei Zhenxiang did not speak for a long time, and many routines and storylines inside, it is really not what he can think of.

"How long is the brain of Xiao Chong? It can come up with these routines."

"His style is too much change, how can this freak in this world."

Fei Zhenxiang smiled.

He has to serve.



On the next few days, "Love and Deep Rain" completely opened "Gun 49 Street".

At the same time, "Take the wrong car" is about to be released.

This movie is the first local movie of Taimen DreamWorks, and there is no special effects, and it is the emotional route.

"Jiang Hua's movie, the quality should not be too bad."

"From the name of the movie, you can't see the characteristics of this movie."

"The big director likes to get Xuan Xuan, this is normal."

"Why don't you take a special frying movie? Isn't it easier to make money?"

"When I arrived at this level, it is estimated that more is the award."

"As of now, the pre-sale of the box office" Take the wrong car "is 7.5 million, temporary first."

The highest box office record in Taisho is 45.8 million yuan, and the pre-sale record of the box office is 11.28 million!

So far, no company can break this record.

"Take the wrong car" in Xiao Chong and Jiang Hua, as well as the call of the dream factory, there is hope to break this record.

Variety and TV DreamWorks have been riding a dusty in Taisho, and now it is a movie.

Two days later, the pre-sale of the box office of "Take the wrong car" reached 11.31 million yuan, broke the highest box office pre-sale record!

In the evening, the audience entered the cinema.

Xiao Chong and Xu Jiaxin have also entered the cinema.

Xu Jiaxin came over from Xiangjiang yesterday. She reported her learning situation to Xiao Chong.

Yesterday, they took a good night at home.

Movie start.

Mei Mei's grandfather's acting did not have to say, his matte is moving, every eye is a play.

Other actors don't be as good as Mei, but acting is still very good.

Xu Jiaxin touched a mess, kept crying.

Next to, other audience are also crying.

"Take the wrong car" makes the world move!

The story is not complicated, but the avenue is simple, that is, this simplest story is the most moving.

The next day, all media in Taisho is reported to "take the wrong car".

The Activities of Huaxia Shadowi really don't cover, this acting has already fired.

Not only is Taimao, the audience in Xiangjiang and the Mainland is also conquered by Mei Lao's acting.

"Mei Lao's acting is really a textbook level, and many Oscar shadows are not as good as him."

"Unfortunately, this film is destined to enter Oscar."

Many people are unfortunately.

At this time, the DreamWorks company announced a news, DreamWorks should set up a college!

Huaxia actors, director, screenwriter, photographer, producer, etc., as long as it meets the requirements, you can enter this college.

The name of the college called DreamWork Arts and Sciences, referred to as "Dream Factory Film Art", the first seldoner of the college is Mei Mianyi!

In addition, DreamWorks also have a film festival, named DreamWork Film Festival!

Dream Plant Film Festival contains a lot of awards, which have shadow emperors, postpass, etc.

The judges of the film festival are all selected from the DreamWork Arts Academy.

A stone aroused a thousand waves.

The news spread, the entertainment circle.

"Mei Lao served as the dean, all Huaxia artists entered the college, oh, Xiao Yang is really a big hand."

"DreamWorks will replace other film fees after the Film Festival, become the first in Huaxia."

"When will the Dream Plant Film Festival convened?"

"After a month."

"After a month, the Olympics started again."

"Xiao Jiang really will pick up time."

"I estimate that the grandfather will be the first movie emperor!"

"That's a must."

"I really hope that I will become a world-class movie festival after the dream factory festival."

"Yes, the foreign movies will also bring Huaxia to participate."

"In the future, the world's three major film festivals will become four major film festivals."



Somewhere in Beijing, DreamWork Arts Institute has been set up.

Xiao Li specially ran back from Taima.

Mei Mei is coming.

"Mei Lao, today you are in the C, you are the dean of the college."

Mei Mei Yusheng, "I will be welcome today, you can't give me a small shoe in the future."

Everyone smashed.

The host laughed, "Mei Dean, say a few words."

Everyone looked at Mei Meiyi.

"Since it is here, then I will say a few words."

Mei Mei Xiang looked at everyone, "I didn't expect me 65, and I can launch an official, and the average person should retire."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed.

"In fact, I don't want to be this dean, but ..."

Looking at Xiao Li, "But Xiao's brother has an accident, so I promised."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "If you have no things, you are still not willing to come."

Everyone smashed.

"This is the truth, do this more burned brain cells."

Mei Mei Xiang smiled, "I will be played, and I don't want to teach them to play."

"Xiao Jiang him told me about those things on the plane," I swayed me deeply. "

"I think, I can't selfish, I should know how to pass myself."

"Hey, I lived to 65, and I still have no Xiao's brother to see it."

"Mei Lao, you said."

Xiao Chong must be modest.

"Xiao Lao, you can rest assured, I will be a good one of this first delegation."

Mei Mei Xiang smiled, "At least a few years, everyone said that the students in the first phase of DreamWork Arts College will raise the thumb to praise me, say that I have a leader."

"Haha ..."

In the laughter of everyone, the most important college of the Huaxia Entertainment Circle was formally established!


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