"Don't say anything, I don't play."

Zhang Yonglin shook his head, "You gave me a star life."

Xiao Baole, "Is your acting better than Su Junan?"

Zhang Yonglin smiled, "This year, the acting is generally not the protagonist."

Xiao Chong: "..."

"I am tired of playing."

Zhang Yonglin said, "You said that I am also a king, I am always a negative image, I am afraid it is not very good."

"Mei Lao also played a lot of negative image."

Xiao Chong said, "Only learn to explore from a different role, your acting can make progress."

"I feel that you are flickering me." Zhang Yonglin looked very vigilant to Xiao Chong.


Xiao Chong is a bit annoyed. "When did I flicker? I will take you as a brother."

"Ha ha……"

"You can't go?"

"Don't go, I have decided, unless the protagonist, I will never go."

"you sure?"



Xiao Chong shook his head, "In fact, this TV series is unfolded around this counter, this is a very attractive anti-party, if you refuse, I dare to say that you will regret it for a lifetime."

Zhang Yonglin is happy, "said it is better than singing."

"My singing level is still very high."

"Don't say cold jokes, not laugh at all."

Zhang Yonglin has a heart.

Xiao Cong said, "I tell you a little story."

"You want to fool people?" Zhang Yonglin said not to eat this.

"You listen to me to talk again."

Xiao Bao glanced at him, "This story is closely related to the role you are going to play. In the TV, he will always hang this story on his mouth."

Zhang Yonglin raised his hand, "hit, not the role I am going to play, I have not agreed."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Ancient times, there is a place called Xizhuang, there is a chess in this place, people call him chaos."

"He is blurred, but only proficient in Go. He walked to fall, it was said to step on the chess, step by step is a stroke. The chess is natural, but there is no wife - forty for forty years. But he The real bitter is that the opponent can't find the opponent, and it is often shrouded a layer of lonely. He had to play with yourself. "

"There is a small village in the south, live a primary school teacher, is moving back from the capital. Legend of the legend, he is a patriarchal hand, the paragraph is extremely high, what is wrong, talented in this mountain garden. The chaotou visits this master, often walks in thirty miles to the official game. "

"The five major three thickness, the face is dark, the chess is brave, and the good use of a trick 'town God', the fight is extremely fierce."

"Teacher's headback and he play chess, down to the medium disk, eat the head: 'Your killing is really rare!', Chair, you nod. But the teacher's work is very good, slowly Empty pick. "

"The two people have pherking, and the hero is the hero, become a time."

"Teachers often tell him some chess circles, telling the rise of modern Japanese play, far from China, chaos, revealing, breaking: Mom, killing Japan!"

"Chaos is indeed a strange, and when a child, an old man church him Go."

"Natural disasters occur, Mr. starve, chaotic self-service, running wild mountain, drinking water, long into a Tiehan."

"His game is also natural, giving birth to a huge brute force, often mixing the wind in the chessboard, making the opponent astigled. No matter how solid fortress, he strongly attack hard, it will destroy it. A pair of thick big hands, pushing the Taishan walking on the chessboard. "

"In this regard, the teacher teacher often sighs: 'Where is the strength of this? If the national team is ...'"

"He seems to think of what, the second half of the sentence."

Zhang Yonglin was fans, and he didn't understand the play, and he felt that this story is a good written.

Xiao Zhi is in love and continue to say a story.

Thirty, Chaos got a pig.

He turned around the pig head, he said: "Can you pass this year? Can you eat a pig's head? What is the fall?"

So the pig head is decided to go to the official.

The value is dusk, the sky is snowing.

Chaos just went out, a black cotton trousers changed.

The north wind whistling, as if there are countless people to discourage him: "Chaos, don't go! This big snow -"

"Oh no!"

Thousands of people can't pull him, he puts the wilderness.

The snow group cluster is like a smoke.

The mountains swayed that the drunkard cannot be guarded. The wind and rain are wrapped in the chaotic glutinous rotation, and it will not open his eyes, whistling fullness. There is rumble in the sky, and the gods drive Mercedes.

The ice river is covered, and it is hidden in the snow. Tiandi is a piece, unlimited, but unlimited crowded.

Late everywhere!

Chaos walked into the mountain and gradually lost the direction.

The sky has been black, he is a deep feet, falling into the snow.

On the back of the pig, the head was frozen and hard, and he left his ridge, he thought: "Worse!"

The hands and feet are soft, sitting in the snowside.

In confused, chaotic.

The wind has stopped, and the sky is hanging in the sky, and the world is cold.

With the moonlight, Chao has found himself in a mountain, flattening, such as a chessboard.

On the side of the ground is a cut-like cliff, surrounded by the sword.

Chao knows this place, the village is called the soul valley.

It's hard to get into this valley, let alone such a snow night!

The heart is panicked, and it will take the foot.

However, suddenly, he turned to the pair of voices, turned to the board.

The night is deep, and the snow is colder.

Chaos should freeze ice, but also awake: "Mom, can't be freeze here!"

I patrol four times and found that the mountains were black and the block was huge.

He has never leaving, and the black stone will hear back and forth.

Originally born, the big stone is called, and the engine will go to the chest and abdomen.

He placed a piece of black stone in flat.

The body is warm, but the brain is gradually understanding, and it is blurred in front of you.

He seems to have turned into a few mountain corners, vaguely see light.

Urgently rushing a few steps, came to an elegant hut, chaotic big joy: "Today is saved!"

He hit his punch.

Some people in the house should be: "It's coming, please!"

Chaos into the house, with a big bed, mosquito net cover, can't lie in bed.

He is very rare: "What is wrong? Winter is afraid of mosquito bite?"

The sound of the illness in the mosquito net: "You move the table, this will play with you."

Chaotic Da Xi: "With the wind, still fish, tonight, good luck."

But there is a little doubt: "I listen to the person. I think of me, but I don't know who it is in front of the table, I can't help but look forward to the probe. However, the mosquito net is like a cloud, call him."

"Chaos, you don't have to look, go to chess!"

Chaos felt ashamed, grab a black child, and his support: "Teacher master, spare, I will be black."

People in mosquito nets are not modest, silently waiting for him.

Chaos, a long time, set a black child in the lower right.

Mosquito net is movable, reach out a white arm.

Chao is bright before the eyes!

The white arm is like a snake tour near the chess box, and the second finger picks up a white master to the air, the blank is crisp, the falling chessboard center.

Chao is very shocked: "This is not a regular next law! Which is the first position? He elongated the neck, I want to see why the mosquito net is."

"You don't have to look, you can't see me."

The sound is soft and sick, and it is better than the woman, but with a fairy, it seems that it comes from the high-level place, and the faint is clear.

This sound called Chaos deeply mysterious, and the might have a adventure tonight.

Chaos shake spirits, prepare a battle!

The chess is sixteen, and the killing begins.

White chess is pressing in the lower right corner, and the chaotic is resolute.

He is self-reliant, and there is no way to play.

White chess black chess is twofruging, and the four dragon plates roll around the left.

Chaoonin is known as fast chess, the other party is even flying.

Guanzhuang teachers often say that there is a chaotic chess, and the people in mosquito nets are fast.

The heart of chaotic horror is increased, and the foot is more than 12 points.

White chess is ingenious forced him to work, but he cut a white dragon.

No one has not retired now, Dalong will die without eating each other.

Go, only black and white II, but the most embarrassment of the essence of survival competition.

It is not like chess, no handsome division, as if represents the yin and yang, naked is contradictory.

Once your survival is threatened, who does not miss the life to fight? At this moment, the warfare ignited in the lower right corner is more and more energetic, and the killing is extremely fierce. Chaos lost a white chess, and the town was pressed and pursued.

White chess is turbulence, quietly flowing in the black seam, penetrating the upper left corner of black chess. If you don't catch this white dragon, black chess will be covered with the whole army.

The chaotic is on a layer of sweat, and the heart is guilty: "Come on! Fight!"

The righteousness rushed to the battlefield of fate - the upper left corner.

The ninety-eight-handed, white chess! The people in the mosquito nets use the corner to make a robbery, even if the chaotic robbery, you must walk three hands to eat with your me.

Chao is dumbful, this is a lot of hands? It's a ghost!

However, there was no room for chaotic, but he had to put white chess one hand.

In the mosquito net, people use this robbery, eat it to the lower right corner, and seal a black dragon.

Now, the turn is a chaotic escape.

However, it is looked at, and there is a white flower around, it is like a snow-covered sky.

Chaohibits a black child, dirty.

One child is heavy! He wins, but it will be defeated in this service.

Only when you escape from this dragon, you can make white chess can't save the losses just now.

However, what is the future?

When it is difficult, a blindfall is open, and he will turn it into the old gentleman.

The sound of chaotic is back, seeing Mr. Lin for many years.

It's dead, how is it in this wild walk? Too embarrassment!

Emergency is not many, even even call: "Teacher, teacher, help me!"

Mr. Pun, squatted to the table, twisted goat beard tale chess.

Well, it is very small, and it is as small as beans.

The white arm is lifted, and the cover is a bit, and the flame is jumped, and it is bright.

The old gentleman is shocked, the body is turned, and the appearance is very wolf.

"Hey." The account is soaked.

The heart is angry in the heart: "This game is going to win!"

A hot blood rushed to the brain, and the masculine was forced to have a black hair.

Mr. Zizi seems to know that the opponent is not a common person, one strikes, the door comes in his companion, first in the second person, the fan, the gas, the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty.

They were playing ten games in the Lake, becoming a class of Go, and Shi Xiaoxia died because of his heart, and he died when he had the end office.

Come in one, the Ming Dynasty is a hundred years old, and his "official spectrum" has passed down.

Liu Zhongfu, the Go Master Liu Zhongfu, in the Song Dynasty, holding the Lushan of the Dragon.

Thousands of years ago, they watched at the foot of Lushan, only thirty-six, and won.

Until the Spring and Autumn Period of the Spring and Autumn Period, the English life in the history of Go is coming.

Chao is sitting on the table.

He never guess how these people came to the world, only concentrated on that hand.

Tannabe, such as jade, so super, so absolute, a sacred radius around it.

It seems to have always been a person, ghost, and God, has always been the master of heaven and earth.

It is irresistible and cannot be transcended.

Chaos understand that he is fighting with unable to defeat.

But he wants to win, must win!

The masters are not talking, and the gods are solemn.

The acupuncture points of chaotic are pressed by one person, or the wind tank or sun, or push or life.

The time is aura, and human wisdom is set to Chaos. He felt that his brain was clear, and many chess roads were given, and there was more power to ten times.

He picked up the black son, resolutely cast, and then started his head, and looked at the opponent in the mosquito net.

The Central Plains breakout start.

Chaos swirled in the white chess, or flew or flew, or jumped, or jumped, the trick was highly unsatisfactory, even himself was surprised.

However, the people in the mosquito nets have increased the boat, and the chess and chess are more than a few more.

The white chess is like a cloud, and it is as good as, step by step, recruits the fierce, forcing the black chess without a breath.

Black chess seems to be trapped in the cage, violently jumping, jumping, but biting a white chess lap.

Chao is all round, and it is soaked.

Black chess on the chessboard is getting stronger!

Suddenly, the spark in the brain is flashing, and the handbar of the ages is applied.

On the occasion of the white cheers, there is a gap, and the black chess is agilely caught the opportunity, and the white envelopes are hard.

Now, the vast virgin on the right is absent from him. As long as it is safe to reach the right, the black dragon can survive.

However, White chess is relaxed? Narrow, step by step, set heavy obstacles.

Black chess crawled on the right.

Pursuit, white chess secretly kill the black dragon.

This loss teaches the chaotic heart pain, it seems that it is taken from a left foot.

He biting his teeth and continued to move. The female land entered.

White chess flicker, like the elf, elf, arbitrarily bullying, black dragon.

Black Dragon flows blood, silently slammed, climbing with amazing will to the destination.

As long as there is a hopes of survival, no matter how many sacrifices, chaos is tenacious and don't put!

The chessboard is filled with a dull atmosphere.

The misfortune of life seems to be condensed in this dragon, and fate often like this cool test.

Finally, Chao arrived at the other side.

He immediately returned, impacting white chements.

In the mosquito net, people lifted the index finger, and the fingertips shine.

This is a mysterious warning!

Chao is fixedly looked at the fingers, and many things you don't know.

White is falling down, threatening the black dragon that just escapes bad luck.

He must stop. He must give up the attack and do it in place.

But how difficult is it?

It is suffocating oppression, you have to live, you must be like a dog.

Chao lifted his head, and the index finger is still straight, still shining with colorful light.

He took his head and launched a black child, and he joined the white array!

This is the steel wedge, just chasing the white chess of Black Dragon, was stained to the shame of the annihilation.

The white chess below jumps again, takes the black dragon's eyes, so that it loses the last survival hope.

So, like two warriors standing at the edge of the cliff, their gleaming sword drawn, start a duel to the death.

What a strong duel is this!

Go here shows the masculine beauty Kangkaibeige, it is not gentle game, it was a big fight flesh and blood flying! ,

Chaos made a born force, killing white chements.

Nets human onslaught of the Black Dragon, a connection to a gas tight, white arm was so cold, the executioner as to strangle the opponent's throat.

Chaos walk every move, as if shouting: "I've had enough today, I was like a man!!"

White chess is short and the monks answer: "You will die!"

Black's overwhelming offensive, mouths sky with anger.

An avenging hero will have that kind of power, this power is so hot, just like the volcano ejected lava, mighty, destroy everything.

White chess is desperate, concentrate on black dragon.

Two warriors are not defensive, let the other side slash his body, while the more viciously stabbing each other's point.

The house is surrounded by a rolling, and it is bright and melodious.

After the first emergency relief lute, playing music is eternal, "House of Flying Daggers."

There are countless, no, noisy, sound ring hut. Little chessboard rising wave of blood, to linger in the house, a large savings potential, break through the hut, red earnest straight into the fearless.

The sky suddenly blew the coke, and the cluster rolled down. Pipa Sheng sound crisp bright, intense waves, as if sharp awl, pierce the muffled thunder, pretty head out.

Both cross each pressure cover, staggered repeated, with that column carnage, vigorous rendered world.

Nets ate human chaos of Black Dragon, Chaos occupied previously white array.

Sangtian, a big conversion.

The chess is fine, and the wins are all on the official.

Chaos look back, faithfully, and teacher depleted Zenith, is exhausted.

At this time, Chaos didn't know that this battle was not one person.

People, ghosts, god knots are a burst of, and they have a hand that is high-minded.

The official compensation is also nervous, the proliferation: "official son to see chess".

That star is a small place, which is the soil, fine, all in it.

"Official spectrum", "Xuan Xuan chess", even the beads, the same, the might see, and in a smart.

A small chessboard is actually a thousand people!

The chess sanctuary rang his brain, and the situation was tried.

Fanxi screen lost his feathers and lost the gods.

Liu Zhongyu went to the lunar towel and didn't see everyone.

Mr. Zizi can't get a table, anxiously, but I have been hungry and dead.

Lushan mother is most intored, known to the end, and there is no tooth mouth muttered: "The winning biece, all in the lower right corner ..."

I am in a hurry, and I have a fortune in my hand, and I have broken the lead crutches.

Sure enough, the official is all exhausted and started the robbery in the lower right corner.

Go creators set up the rules of robbery, the true strange poles - the situation of the two sides midden, and the next party must first take a chess, forced the opponent, and it can be mentioned. So cycle, it is called robbery.

Robbery and losing, all in the hijacking of both parties.

The dragon of chaotic is dead, not stiff, at this time, it has become a good job, forcing the people in the mosquito net should pick up one hand until it is.

The white chess in the black array is also big, and it is not possible to stick to the chaotic.

Two people you mentioned, I will come back, I have been fighting for this time.

The chicken will be ignant, and the sky is bright.

The chaotic hobby has been exhausted, and the people in the mosquito nets are just a lot of him.

The masters stretched with the neck and hate can't change their chess pieces to jump into the chessboard.

However, it is looking at the eyes, and finally can't find a robbery for chaos.

A game, look at this robbery.

The table is full of sigh, and it is a high-spirited half.

Chao is a wooden chicken, and a tear is rolling down.

The chaotou is turned to chaos, and the eyes are sinking.

Chaos black trousers, like a black chess.

The ancestors reached out to designate chaos, and the gods were solemn: "You go! You do the robbery!"

Chao stood up.

Inside the house, the house is quiet and air condensed.

The chaotic is generous and strong.

Push the mountaineering mountain, pour the jade column, chaotic long in the land!

"All, Chao House!"

Mosquito nets in the middle of the mosquito net: "Hey ..."

A white arm is slow and returned.

Chaos back pigs out of Xizhuang, do not return a few days.

Xizhuang remembers that the New Year's Eve is big, and it is not difficult.

Knowing that the thinner is chaotic to the official, and you will send you a young man to seek.

Teachers in Guanzun met Zhai Zhuang people, surprised: "I didn't see chaos, where did he come here?"

Everyone was shocked, and the mountains were searched in the mountains.

Teachers lost their chess and friendly, regardless of the lung disease, and the cold in the cold.

I didn't see the chaotic trail half a day, I have the militia to report the public. Affairs.

An old man pointed out: "Why don't you go to the soul valley to find it? That place."

So Xizhuang, the people of the officials, swarmed to the soul valley.

The foggy valley is long.

People get the mist, just like the gods rolled up the gauze.

Everyone is looking at it, it is horrified.

I saw the valley in the valley, the turns was filled with black stone, and the chaotic was in the lower right corner, and the people were frozen. He was headed to the sky, and he didn't losing it.

A pig head is resting under the tree, the face is blind.

Chao is dead!

There are Xizhuang people who will hold the pig, tell the teacher, only to give him the New Year because of the chaotic to send the pig's head, sweating here.

The teacher hits the pig's head, and the chess and friendship is true to the lungs, yoke, and sad.

Some people are surprised: "Behind chaos is a hundred feet deep vallery, the terrain is extremely dangerous, but why did he die?"

Everyone made various speculations and discussions.

Teachers are also confused, stop dying, thinking around.

He went around a few laps in the black stone, and he climbed to the height. Overlooking the valley, looked at it, did not feel the sound: " -"

Valley is flat, like a chessboard, black stone white snow is like a chess piece, just a game!

Teacher thinks for a long time, guess the chaotic frozen, move the stone, unintentionally put this game.

It's a chess!

Reprimight this bureau, but seeing the constant Schite, the number of exquisite, screaming, the universe is magnificent, it is a great work that he is not seen.

The mountains, the loopback board; Chang Tiantiao, there is a shackles; there is a male eagle to hide the mountain, long hacking ...

The teacher's teacher is vibrating, solemn.

Everyone watched the teacher, seeing his strange look, and asked: "What do you see? Who is chaotic?"

Teacher A: "Going Chess."

"The wild wilderness, who played with chess?"

Teacher silent, for a long time, Shen Dian said out of the word: "God!"

The common people are shallow, and they ask: "Winning or lose?"

The numerous number of teachers, counts to the lower right corner, see that the robbery that determines the win and negative, chaotic is long, acting as a black child, just robbing!

Seeing this, teachers have revered the spirit, passion, he holds a boxing and shouting, shouting the mountains and swaying, forest trees -

"Sale half of the day!"

Zhang Yonglin heard here, the whole body of the chicken child got up.

Xiao Chong looked at him, "this story, named" Tianda ", in the TV series, you play the role, want to win half of the child!"

"This role, I am playing!"

Zhang Yonglin boiled, "Lu Zi also wants to win half of the day!"

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