King of Entertainment

Chapter 1206 Touching China

The list has been confirmed that the DreamWorks will now move the first round of voting, showing 16 people. Then, these 16 people will then vote from the public, and the last "Ten New Year's People" is performed.

Dream factory.

The gaps in the depths of the society and the society gather together.

The voting process will soon come out, but when it finally determines the list of 16 people, some people put forward the objection.

"Ms. Zhang Guihua, I think it should be selected."

The man said, "Her information is not perfect, I suggest that everyone will look at her information."

Everyone did not speak, many people looked at Xiao Chong.

"Mr. Haichang, have you have her detailed information?" Xiao Chong looked at him.

"Yes, I will send it to you now."

Soon, everyone got information.

Mr. Hair said: "I know her very well, I will talk to you about what she did in these years."

He stepped deeply, he continued: "At the end of 1979, Zhang Guihua junior high school graduated with his sister from Mudanjiang to Yunzhou, she was assigned to a teacher without several middle schools."

"When I got a secondary school teacher, she deeply fell in love with this sacred job."

"Later, she and her husband began a happy life after Dali."

"But she didn't think that her husband suffered from cancer."

"In order to treat her husband, she not only spent her own savings, she borrowed money, she borrowed money. In this day, Zhang Guihua deeply realized the difficulties of borrowing money, and I appreciated the difficulty of money. I also tasted the hardships of seeking medical treatment. "

"She deeply understood that when a person is difficult, however, someone need someone to extend a helping hand."

"Finally, Zhang Guihua's grief days - middle-aged husband."

"There is more than a year, she touches the scene, see the things, the spirit, almost collapsed."

"In order to understand, she finally made a decision, to practice their own promise to the remote place - as long as there is a breath, they must stand on the podium!"

"Once, a member of the parents came to the child. He reached out of the black and black big hand, put a big one yuan, a hair of the money in front of Zhang Teacher, full of wrinkled face is embarrassed Say: 'It's these, I will send it!' "" "

"She is deeply touched!"

"Later, a little girl was rarely changed, and the character was inside, once joke."

"After Zhang Guihua learned the situation, I immediately went down the box to find two clothes, and took her husband last time to leave the flower shirt left and put it on the little girl, and helped her to pay a book."

"The girl is sick, Zhang Guihua pays for her to see a doctor, carefully care and care."

"The little girl excitedly shouted her mother!"

"Slowly, the little girl recovered the girl's innocence and happiness, and later made a famous school with excellent results."

"There is also a little boy, he has no money to eat, Zhang Guihua knows, saves him to give him 30 yuan for each week, until he completed junior high school studies."

"Zhangguihua's body, I have long been a machine with serious illness but day and night, she is also sick - son. Tax."

"In this way, in July, I sent the students into the examination room, and Zhang Guihua lived in the hospital."

"In addition, in order to improve life for students who can not go home, she invites 12 classmates to dinner. Trogot soup, back to the pot, students eat well, Zhang Guihua see the smile of the students, I feel that all payment is worth it. "

"There is another time ..."

"There is another time ..."


Too much too much once, the people in the meeting are all silent.

This is a great woman!

Her personality is too great.

"She Lord Tree, always adheres to the first line of school, strengthening the education of teachers and students' ideal and politics, and gives difficulties in the mother-in-law, deeply loved by teachers and students and the masses."

"She dedicated, long-term dragging the sickness forgetting me, putting my own salary, bonuses, and social donation medical expenses is used for the education to study."

"In the fight with time racing and the disease, she used the actual actions to play with their own 'as long as there is a breath, they will stand on the podium' promise."

"She uses unremitting pursuit of beautiful life that will always struggle for the people."

"We can't forget her."

Mr. Haichang looked at everyone, "Something, I feel that if I haven't selected the top ten people, I will be the sorrow of this" touching Huaxia "program."

Everyone collectively silently, just now we almost vote such a great person to vote out?

Xiao Chong said, "Mr. Hair, your lesson, such a great person, the top ten people are not enough to reflect her greatness."

Great personality, always be remembered by the world!

Zhang Guihua's deeds, DreamWorks should vigorously promote.

Soon, the deeds about Zhang Guihua have spread throughout China.

Everyone moved, donated money to Zhangguihua.

The top ten people, Zhang Guihua's ticket is the first.

Three days later, people selected as the top ten people were coming to Beijing.

The first "touching China" is about to start.


Ten people have come to step, and the host introduced their deeds.

The national audience is crying.

It turns out that there are so many silent people around us!

The audience feel deep!

"Touching the Chinese" program, the ratings are unprecedented high.

Of course, Xiao Chong is doing this program is not for ratings.

"Touching Huaxia" although it is necessary to end, this is always the spirit of the spirit of Huaxia, will never go out.

At the time of "touched Huaxia", there is still 5 days, the Olympics is about to begin.

Xiao Chong went to the opening ceremony to command and videos after the end of "touched Huaxia".

Everything is in an orderly manner.

The atmosphere of the Olympics is getting more and more strong.

Beijing is everywhere in the godners.

There are still 4 days from the opening ceremony.

There is almost that the basketball team has grinded, and Wang Wu three is completely integrated into the team and has become the "three giants" of the Huaxia basketball team.

No one knows that the Huaxia basketball team that has been decadent in these years is no longer the basketball team before.

Huaxia is a lot of hotspots in the Olympics, such as table tennis and picking water, etc.

Everyone will not think of the Huaxia basketball team.

Because in recent years, Huaxia Basketball Team even can't even get in Asian Cup.

There are still 2 days from the opening ceremony.

The Olympic Village is very lively.

The TV news is all about the Olympics.

Warm atmosphere.

Finally, the opening ceremony arrived, countdown start, eight hours, seven hours ...

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