King of Entertainment

Chapter 1210 Basketball

Peak begins!

Wang Wuling and the Mirand Super center jumper, this super center's sports ability explodes, and the height advantage is obvious.

However, Wang Wu still wins!

Then, the Huaxia team began to attack!

Li Darecai is a long three points!

3: 0

The rice team Pedne did not accept the gas, and it came to the far three points and gave a strong response.

You come to me in both sides.

The defensive, the Mi National Team is stronger, because other team members of the Huaxia team are really not as good as the rice country team.

Single defense capabilities, it is also the advantage of rice.

All aspects, almost all of the rice is stronger!

The advantage of Huaxia is the strength of Wang Wu's three people!

In the first quarter, relying on the strong performance of Wang Wu's three people, Huaxia team is temporarily leading 39:30.

In the second section, when Li Dane went to rest, the Mi Guo was chasing it, then the second section, they were flat.

Extremely wonderful upper half.

"It's too exciting, I never thought that the men's basketball team was actually strong."

"This game is estimated to hit the last."

"This competition has been higher than the strong competition in the Mi country."

"Huaxia, win!"

The game site.

The next half begins.

Li Dare Three people play at the same time and launched an attack!

You come to me in both sides.

In the third quarter, Huaxia team 108: 99 points!

In the fourth quarter, Su Wei finally countered the Full counterattack, and finally wiped the difference, 119: 119!

5 minutes left in the game!

This is a five minute that is suffocating!

The other team members of the Huaxia team were lifted by the powerful defensive defensive defensive in the country.

When the game was 3 minutes left, the rice team was 126-125.

Everyone placed breathing.

The two sides fight again!

Su Wei, Li Dare, Wang Wu three people showed, and three people played a wonderful cooperation.

However, the Mi National team is not willing to show weakness.

The battle lasts until the last ten seconds!

Turn again!

All the stars of the rice team exceeded horizontal.

The turn to the rice team offense!

Petion cast 2 born in 0.4 seconds before the final.

The rice fan is happy.

Huaxia fans are silent.

Still lose?

Yuan Ziling is nervous to hold the Xiaozi's hand.

Xiao Chong said, "There is still a chance!"

Tactics have been arranged.

Li Dare jumped up and shot, and he shot at the moment. He shot too fast, the other party's cover has no time.

The whole world looks at the basketball hollow network!

0.4 seconds to kill!

Huaxia team defeated the Mi National team to win!

The whole Huaxia is cheering!

The scorer of the Miki team's team members did not expect that they would be killed.




Everyone cheered.

The players of the rice country team hug in Huaxia players.

Huaxia, worthy of respect!

Awards ceremony.

Everyone sang a national anthem together.

Everyone is touched.

Huaxia, actually can win, this is what no one can think of before the Olympics.

"The number of gold medals is first!"

The most exciting or gold medal is the first.

Huaxia stood again in the top of the world!

The sports world is the first.

If cultural and entertainment, you can also be the world.

Everyone thought of Xiao Chong, and cultural and entertainment could not be the world's first. Finally, I still have to see Xiao Li!



The Olympics quickly arrived at the end.

The closing ceremony will be held tonight.

Although the closing ceremony is not so vigorous, it still affects everyone's heart.

Huaxia, the rise!

As the Olympic flame is extinguished, the Olympics officially closed.

Men's basket wins!

Women's tone!

Men's football!

Table tennis dream team packaged medals.

Everything is excited.

Counters have left.

Reporter interviewed Payne, "Mr. Payne, who do you think of the Huaxia men's basketball team most suitable for entering the rice country professional team?"

Pethe said, "I think Xiao is the most suitable, he is the highest level of Huaxia basketball."

Reporter rat ratio.

Online, everyone is also awkward.

"Teacher Xiao is the highest level of Huaxia Basketball. Is Payne joking?"

"He must be joking."

"How can Xiao Teacher's basketball level may be higher than Su Wei."

The reporter continued to interview. "As far as I know, Xiao Cong teachers seem to play basketball."

"You are wrong, he will, and very strong. In a pair of games, I lost him."

Everyone was shocked.

"One-on-one, Xiao Chong actually won!"

"I am going, is it true?"

"Lao Pei is not necessarily lying."

"So hammer, Xiao Chong is the hidden basketball superstar!"

Many people smiled.

This Nima is too big.



The next day after the end of the Olympics, Dream Factory Film Festival is about to be held.

Everyone is very curious, who is the first movie emperor.

"It must be Madai!"

"That is a must, Mei Lao's performance is too exciting in" Take A Cars "."

"The Emperor, except Mei Lao, there is no possibility of others!"

"There are many stars that participate in the Dream Factory Film Festival, it is a big brand."

The first dream factory film festival, DreamWorks attached great importance to Xiao Cais, will personally serve as the host.

When the news came out, everyone is more expensive, Xiao Co can be a long time.

To be honest, many people still prefer Xiao Chong in the host.

"If You Are the One", the Xiao Chong in "Good Voice" is the most attractive, and now Xiao Cair is basically unforgettable, it is a pity. "

"Xiao Cu did not move, the award of the award was taken."

"Yeah, Xiao Chong is now too lazy."

Everyone did have not been seen for a long time, Xiao Chu's new movie and new songs.

Just then, DreamWork announced that the film festival, Xiao Chong will perform the show, as for the content of the program, will not be announced for the time being.

Everyone learned that this news was excited.

"Is it real?"

"There should be no fake, this is the official news of the dream factory."

"Haha, Dream Plant Film Festival, I will watch!"

"I am on the same!"

"I am on the same!"

Even if Xiao Chong is just singing a song, everyone feels worth it.

Time is so fast to the day of the movie festival.

Sunday gathers.

The first step is of course a red carpet.

Xiao Jiang and Dong Yu have launched a red carpet, such as Jintongyu.

Asked the reporter, "Teacher Xiao, how do you intend to perform a few programs tonight?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "at least three."

The audience next to cheers.

Other artists have to feel emotion, Xiao Chong's popularity is too high.

Everyone will take a seat.

Mei Miandu and Tang Yimeng are all in the first row.

Xiao Jiang has already come to the stage, and he is going to be a guest of the host tonight.

"Today is the first dream factory film festival, I hope that in the next few decades, DreamWork Film Festival will always be done."

"I believe that the dream factory film festival will be a world-class film festival."

"I believe that Huaxia Entertainment will be the same as our sport!"

"I believe that our artists have a heart that revitalizes Huaxia, let us work together, stand in the world!"

Xiao Chong's opening of the white, the applause is thunder.

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