King of Entertainment

Chapter 1215 voting

The television drama "of" life is big. "

This TV drama is comedy, and it has long been long.

Xiao Ye is to see this in this point.

The scriptwriter has been recorded, he is a very professional screenwriter, know how to make a story.

This story will be very long.

Tang Jiyu laughed, "" The boss shot, and it is different. "

Xiao Bangle, "Old Tang, don't hold me."

Tang Jiyu smiled, "I am telling the truth, there is no story more than you in this world."

Chen Ruolin laughed, "I agree very much."

"The boss, the Global Weekly" of the Global Weekly will come to interview, and it is about the time to vote tomorrow. "

Tang Jiyu said, "If you are busy, I can push it."

"No need to."

Xiao Chong said, "I will pass later."

After a while, Xiao Chong faced a reporter of the National Weekly.

"Mr. Xiao, I am very happy to see you."

Beauty reporters exposed their career laugh, "Do you have confidence in the vote tomorrow?"

Xiao Chong laughed, "I have a confidence in yourself."

"If DreamWork is really a permanent directors of the entertainment committee, how do you plan?"

The beautiful reporter said, "Do you continue to work with Madison?"

"You have a mistake."

Xiao Yang smiled, "My friendship between Mr. Madison has been there, just drinking tea together."

Beauty reporters are very unexpected, "is the mistake of my work."


Xiao Chong shook his head, "Many people misunderstand me and Madison, in fact, we are good friends."

"I am looking forward to seeing DreamWorks and Madison's cooperation.

"You are right, the reason why DreamWorks will enter the Council, just to contribute to a little bit of power."

"Mr. Xiao, you have a great personality."

"I am not great, I plan a" touching Huaxia "program in China, there are ten great people, they are called great."

"Touch Huaxia"? Then I will go see it. "

"Go and see, China has a lot of great people, their character is worth learning."


Not long after the interview, the header of the major news immediately published an interview.

"Madison and Xiao Chong are the best friend? How do I feel that he is joking."

"He just said Madison and he is a friend, did not say that DreamWorks and Madison will continue to cooperate."

"Voting tomorrow, will definitely be very interesting."

"The actual result has been destined, and DreamWorks cannot enter the Council."

"Yes, Madison has already watched so many companies, and the final ticket of the DreamWork is not possible to enter the top five."

This vote is taken only.

In other words, there are only five major council permeators.

The three companies in Mi-Dang, plus two European companies, which are almost the result of the constant.

Dream factory, no play!

Everyone feels that the dream factory cannot succeed.

I have come to the voting day.

Xiaocheng and a group entered the voting site.

Madison looked at Xiaoyang laughed, "Xiao, after today, there will be some changes in the entertainment industry, and the new council will develop some new rules."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am looking forward to the arrival of the moment."

Vote start!

Xiao Central certainly puts the ticket to his company.

Soon, the voting is over.

Everyone is waiting for results.

At the same time, China.

Everyone also looks at the TV, waiting for the results.

"Can our ticket enter the top five?"

"It's hard to say, I feel that we have some strengths."

"If you can't enter, will consequences will be very serious?"

"After re-voting, the Governing Pattern will have a giant change, no longer as before, and before vote, the voting committee has already developed a plan, and every decision of the next five major directions will affect the entire entertainment industry."

"Who is the most ticket, who is the first directure, the biggest right. This time the most 80% of the Madison company, if this is true, then the Board will basically speak."

"If DreamWork can't enter the board, the development of DreamWorks will be very passive."

"So, this time we have to enter the top five talent."

"This is a must, if you can't get it, you will be able to follow your elbow."

"Hey, unfortunately we have no right to vote, otherwise we hope the world."

"Give me a break."

"You successfully put me."

"You unless you have to set up a company abroad, and you must obtain voting rights abroad."

"This is too difficult."

"It's because it is difficult, so I am so passive."

"The result of the voting came out."

on site.

The result of the votes came out.

The scrutineman read the number of final votes.

"Fifth, Lianfa."

"Fourth, Borui Company."

"Third, Datong Company."

"Second, Madison."

"First, DreamWorks!"

Seeing the result, everyone is all, especially Madison, is more unbelievable.

Domestic, everyone stayed, Dream factory is actually the first? We didn't look wrong?

This is really incredible.

I didn't expect to be this result in the world.

Dream factory finally became the first director of the world!

Madison's face is gloomy away from the venue.

"What is going on? Who put the ticket to Dream Factory?"

Madison is very angry.

"Boss, you see this voting statistics table."

His secretary handed him a voting statistical.

Madison looks at it.

Voting to the dream factory is actually some of the entertainment companies in Africa, there are dozens of many.

"When did Africa have so many companies?"

"Registered in recent months."

His secretary said, "We checked, they have no violation registration, qualified vote."

Madison: "..."

He really took the country in Africa.

He didn't expect Xiao Central to pay attention to these people.

"Why will they promise Xiao Chong?" Madison missed, those people could be dealt.

Many years ago, those people even rushed the rice people.

"This ..." His secretary didn't understand.

Suddenly, some people ran out: "Mr. Madison, Xiao Ye said that he would hold the first meeting of the Council."

Madison is brighter, "Reassured, I will arrive on time."

Although he wanted to eat fans as nausea, he must participate in this meeting.

He is going to see what Xiao Chong wants to do.

After two hours, Madison rushed to the venue.

There are only five people in the venue.

Xiao Chong, Schneider, Lianfa's boss John, Bo Rui's boss Olbach.

And the last arrival of Madison.

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