King of Entertainment

Chapter 1220, 1st apprentice

"I am not a medicine god" starting.

Xiao Yao immediately put into the film.

On this day, Xu Jiaxin called him: "Dear, I got the title of the 8th classic teacher."

Xiao Chong stunned, he did not expect the first person in the four disciples, the act of Xu Jiaxin.

"Congratulations to host the task, reward the character experience card, the character is optional." System Tips.

"Character Experience Card?" Xiao Chu has some accidents, looked at the system interface, there are many characters, all of which are all in the world.

When using the character experience card, you can live a day after you live, this is very striking.

"This is a good thing." Xiao He is bright.

"Dear, I am in Beijing now, are you free at night?" Xu Jiaxin is expected.

"I went to you at night." Xiao Yang smiled and got the character experience card so good, he must reward Xu Jiaxin.

After the drama is killed, Xiao Li went to the hotel.

Xu Jiaxin opened the door to welcome Xiao Chong.

For a long time, Xu Jiaxin looked at Xiao Chong, "I want to shoot movies."

Xiao Cu is curious, "What movie do you want to shoot? Do you have a movie?"

Xu Jiaxin wedn Xiao Yang, "It's not."

"What movie is That?" Xiao Yang smiled.

"I want to shoot a love film."

"It is not the same."

Xu Jiaxin was completely defeated by Xiao Chong.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I joked, I let Lao Zhao gave you."

Xu Jiaxin was excited.

Ten, Xiao Chong leaving the hotel home.

The next day, Jiang Hua taned to Xiao Chong: "The boss, I met a little bit. Trouble."

Xiao Yang's eyebrow, "What trouble?"

Jiang Hua said, "Tianzhu refused to cooperate with us."

Xiao Yang smiled, "refuse to cooperate? Which company?"

"Bollywood doesn't work with us."

Jiang Hua said, "They said they are intimate partners of Madison."

Xiao Bangle, "I didn't expect Madison and faithful fans."

"They refuse to provide all resources."

"There is not much drama of Tianzhu, and no professional actor is required."

Xiao Central is cold, "they don't want to cooperate,"

Jiang Hua said, "Well, I want other ways, but ..."

"Just what?"

"They say that if we shoot them selling fake drugs, they will tell us, even if they are not compromising the board of directors."

Jiang Hua smiled, "Unless we can delete their drama, these dramas are obviously no way to delete."

It is a key to the drama of the Tianzhu.

"These A three will really do things."

Xiao Chong's eyebrows.

He just stepped into the Council, it was pressed into the Tianzhu Bollywood, the impact will be very bad, Madison will take this opportunity to deal with him.

"Bollywood said that if you have passed the Bollywood to meet some of them, they may keep the permanent partnership with Huaxia Entertainment Circles." Jiang Hua said.

Xiao Chong is bruising, he finally understands these analogists, they want to use this opportunity to extort the dream factory.

"Boss, you mean ..."

"You don't take other dramas, I will go to Bollywood, come back two days later."

Xiao Li decided to personally took a trip, he would hear what the Hollywood's helmet people wanted to do anything.



In the afternoon, Xiao Chong arrived in Tianzhu.

Bollywood is located in Tianzhu Meng, which is the largest film industry base.

Tianzhu people change the letter "Hollywood" "H" to the head "B" of Bombay, Bombay, thus turning "Hollywood" (Bollywood).

Bollywood and the other major film and television base Ter, Trutu, Ma Asia constitute the natural entertainment.

The number of movies produced every year and the number of movie tickets sold will be the world.

That said, they pursue a quantity more.

In the recent development of Bollywood, the development of Terr, Trutu, Ma Ya, aggressive, the development momentum is very fierce.

It is estimated that it doesn't matter how long it takes, the location of the Bollywood boss will give it to others.

After reading the information of the Tianzhu Entertainment Circle, Xiao Chong pushed the Herkest of Bollywood, the reason why Amir was in the same way, and the final purpose was in fact from the DreamWorks.

However, Amir is a little uncomfortable.

If you are looking for me, I am estimated that I will give you a few faces, but now you have to pay for this!


Xiao He took the plane and went to the hotel.

When I arrived at the hotel, Xiao Chong opened the gift box, and the suitcase took it, it is all women's supplies.

"..." Xiao Chong.

At the same time, the same hotel, in the next floor of the next floor, a tall Tianzhu beauty also stunned, she saw a bunch of men after she opened her own suitcase.

The suitcase is wrong!

"Is there any ID card?"

Beauty eyebrows, roll right, but did not find something such as ID card.


Beauty smashed a lot of tensile, and there were many precious things in her suitcase, including scripts and contracts.

She is a Bollywood artist Alia, but it is just a three-line artist.

"I can only go to the airport to transfer monitoring."

Ellia returned to the airport.

In several games, Alia saw monitoring through some relationships, she knew that her rhetoric was taken away by a Chinese man.

"Can you tell me that he is a Chinese man? Also, is there a photo when he didn't wear a mask?"

"Sorry, Miss Ellia, we can't leak the names of each other, the other party is our senior customers."

"Advanced customers? It seems that there is money."

Alia Mi smirk, "Handsome guy, I think this is certainly able to introduce it."

"sorry, can not."

The man shook his head unless Alia gave him some substantive reports.

Elia hooks the finger, "You come over."

The man smiled and leaned over.

Aliahaba hit it out and put it to the package.

". Goods!" The man was angry.




Xiao Chong saw the script and contract.

"Three lines of free artists, Alia."

Xiao Dong muttered, "I didn't expect it to be an artist."

"It seems that I can only ask in Bollywood."

Xiao Jiang did not find the other party's contact number, only I only knew that Alia had signed a contract with a recreation company and taking a TV series.

Take a break, Xiao Chong will go to Bollywood. He and Amir agreed to be at 6:30 tonight, it is more than an hour.

He just went downstairs, a tall and beautiful woman came over.

Xiao Chong is slightly, is it so clever?

That tall beauty is Alia, she has habiting others to see her, seeing monsters.

Xiao Chong came up.

Ellia looked back at Xiao Chong, revealing the god of warning.

Xiao Jiang smiled, just wanted to say the gift, walked the lens to two burly men.

Ellia saw these two men, the face became a big change, and turned and ran.

"Want to run?"

The two burly men laughed.

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