King of Entertainment

Chapter 1222 still remember your gift?

"Teacher Xiao, we are willing to learn from you."

Al-elevated people rushed to the Diki to beat it.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Mr. Amir, let's talk about it."

Amir laughed, "Let's say it while playing."

Hand it to a bleak.

Xiao Chong took the club, "Mr. Amir, I don't like to turn the corner, honestly, I am really angry before I come to Tianshu."

Amir smiles, "Xiao, this is my dereliction of duty, I will pay for you."

"Mr. Amir, I came to Tianzhu, I found you is a very interesting person, it is worth it."

"Hey, Xiao Xiao is relieved, my biggest advantage is sincere with friends."

Amir took a rod.

The back of Irfan and others said that you are honest with friends? It's too much for your friends you sold for so many years.

Xiao Chong laughed, "Mr. Amir, my biggest advantage is honest, never said,"

Everyone: "..."

You are happy.

"Da Xiao, Tianzhu has a market of more than 12 billion people. If DreamWorks can work with Bollywood, it will have an effect of adding a greater than two."

Amir said, "I just concluded that we will create a supermarket in the world in the future."

"Mr. Amir, I don't know how you want to cooperate?" Xiao Chong smiled.

"When many movies in Tianzhu entered Huaxia, the audit was too strict. I hope to relax when I have reviewed it." Amir said.

"Mr. Amir, the film audit system of a country is impossible to suddenly change."

Xiao Chong also took out a rod and directly into the hole.

Everyone is stunned, is this luck?

Xiao Chong continued: "So I can only say that I will introduce some quality pass."

Amir laughed, "DreamWork has resources all over the world, I hope that DreamWorks can support us."

"Mr. Amir, this is not a cooperation, this is assistance."

Xiao Jiang took a rod and took a hole again.

Everyone has changed, Xiao Chong, this technology is too good?

Amir knows that Xiao Chong is in Mawei, but still smiles, "Mr. Xiao, as a return, Bollywood will provide Tianzhu's entire market to Dream Factory."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "Mr. Amir, the market is not given by others, you have to fight, you said yes?"

Amir laughed, "Xiao Chi, the situation of Tianzhu is more special, not so good."

"As far as I know, Before Bollywood, it is also possible to control nearly half of the resources, but it is now less than one-third."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Mr. Amir, how do you give me the entire Tianzhu market?"

Amir said, "I don't know Xiao, I have received the news there, but I can guarantee Xiao Zheng, and the Tianzhu Entertainment Circuit is in my control."

Xiao Jiang also entered a goal.

Everyone has numb.

From now until now, Xiao Chong is a hole in a hole.

"Mr. Amir, now the first ten artists in Tianzhu, I hope to see them, now."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Can you do it?"

Amir is awkward, he can't do it, he can only call four.

"Mr. Amir, when you can call this ten people to talk about cooperation."

Xiao Yang laughed, "At least now I think the timing of cooperation is not mature enough."

Amirhaha smiled, "Then we don't talk about cooperation now, what do you still do? Didn't you see Xiao always tired?"

Someone immediately lifted the chair.

Alia is all in all, prepare for the service.

"Sorry, Mr. Armir, I am really tired, I want to go back to the hotel." Xiao Yang smiled.

Amir is bright, "" Come over. "

A business car is open, the door opens.

Xiao Chong in the car.

Amir said: "You can't go up to send Xiao."

Alia is all in the car.

This car is large enough to accommodate them.

Xiao Chong: "..."

At the hotel.

Aliai and others got off, before the front, he followed Xiao Chong.

The Tianzhu men next to it stayed.

"I am going, what is going on? Isn't that my goddess?"

"My goddess is also, how do they follow the man?"

"Who is the man?"

"Who is wearing a mask, who is not clear."

A three were shocked.

Xiao Yang looked back at Alia, "You leave, others go."

Other artistic faces such as dead gray.

Why is this third-line artist? What is her?

Alia is excited.

Xiao Chong turned into the hotel.

Alia is careful of the wing of the wings behind the Xiao Chong, very nervous.

"Teacher Xiao wears a hood, it is really that person before, and they live in a hotel."

Alia Heart, "What is this thinking? How can the person compare with Xiao teacher?"

Finally, they arrived at the door of the room.

Ellia is getting tense.

Xiao Co opened the door.

Alia is trying to follow, Xiao Chong said: "No need to come in."

Wen Yan, Alia is staying, what does it mean?

Xiao Jiang raised the suitcase, "This is your luggage."

Aiya stunned, "My luggage?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "I wanted to give you a gift, but you suddenly ran."

Alice is a big change, "You ... are you really in the morning?"

Xiao Cong said, "Yes, I will abandon you."

Elia: "..."

God, what is the stupid thing?

Alia regretted to die.

"Where is my ritual?" Xiao Chu asked.

"In my room, I am downstairs."

Alia hurriedly said, "I will take it."

"I will go with it."

Alia is ahead of the road and is very unsatisfactory.

Entered the room, Alia looked back at Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, have you come in?"

Xiao Chong laughed, "I will not go in."

Alia is very disappointed, please come in and put the ceremony.

"Thank you."

Xiao Chong greeted the ceremony.

Ellia hurriedly chased it, "Teacher Xiao, etc."

"What else?" Xiao Chong looked at her.

"Teacher Xiao, can you take me to Huaxia?"

Alia said, "I want to go to the dream factory as an artist."

"Are you afraid of Amir?" Xiao Yang smiled.

Alice face is red, and it is down: "If you are gone, Irifan will force me to do some things I don't want to do, I have been in Bollywood, but I am leaving, I don't want to be harassed by him. "

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Sorry, I have no reason to take you back Huaxia."

Al Asia urgently, "Teacher Xiao, I can do anything. I have done private assistant, I can be your private assistant, I think you must have a faultist."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Sorry, I don't need it."

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