King of Entertainment

Chapter 1226, 200 million

"Go home?"

Xiao Jiang is.

Tony thunded the Xiaoyang.

"Yes, I want to go home."

Tony said, "Before you have, I want to break the dust, so I will come back. I have been" the Wolf "I will go home."

"Tony, you determine if you want to go home?" Xiao Chong looked at Tony Thunder.

"I am very sure." Tony Right, "I didn't have a doctor, I didn't have a doctor, I was summoning me, I was in the empty door."

Xiao Chong: "..."

The abbot was really a cow, and I actually greeted Tony.

However, this is not a depression, Xiao Chong is not planning.

Tony, congratulations. "

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You go to make-up mirror makeup, and look at the script."


Tony Thunder entered the makeup.

Tang Yimou is crying, "It seems that there will be fewer martial arts stars in the entertainment circle."

Xiao Zi smiled, "Not necessarily a bad thing, the opportunity of Yuhua Long and Chen Jiadong is even bigger."

Tang Yimong is bright, "We can use this opportunity to tailor tailor."

Xiao Chong laughed, "" The Wolf "is finished after the end of our two."

Tang Yimou nodded and he had been taking something in his heart.

The shooting of "Wolf" is very smooth.

At the same time, the box office "I am not a medicine god" also ushered in a milestone.

6 billion!

"I am not a drug god" box office broke a lot of film records, and entered the top five of the Huaxia box office.

Nowadays, the top ten of the Huaxia Box Office is a movie of DreamWorks, which hits the list.

Although "Wolf" is still shooting, the audience is more expensive.

"Teacher Xiao, now filmed movies, it is more important, and it is some positive energy movies, but it is extremely sold, which is a good thing for the movie market."

"Indeed, the movie market is easy to follow the wind, one theme is rotten, crushing to not have any value." I am not a medicine god ", I hope some people will follow the wind, this is a good thing."

"There is already a company with the wind, and now there are several newly opened movies."

"Haha, wait until the" Wolf "is released, it is estimated that there is a large number of imitors!"



Han Sanyan has a promise of the line, unconditionally supporting Xiao Cai shooting, in addition to the real estate equipment, he almost provided it.

In addition, more than 100,000 people participated in shooting, and the scene became very grand.

The movie was taken for 3 months!

This is the longest movie that Xiao Chong has taken time.

With the news of "war wolves", all media are reported about "Wolf" news.

Xiao Chong's makeup is also announced.

This time, Xiao Central is a tough guy!

A muscular, with a scar on the body, full of male charm.


"Xiao teacher's first tough guy!"

"Smith couple, Xiao Teacher can have no such murder!"

"It is said that Teacher Xiao lived in the military camp for three months."

"Is it true? I heard that it is three days."

"What can I learn in three days? Can you have this kind of murder? You must be three months!"

"This year, I can insist on three-day artists to estimate that there are not a few, I didn't expect Xiao Teacher to insist on three months, Bayby!"

"This movie is not a fire, it is difficult to accumulate!"

"Tony Thunder Wars Xiao Chu, the first battle between the two big kings, must not be missed!"

Tony Thunder's makeup also announced.

This is the first performance of Tony Thund, and the first cast angle, the same is the same.

Foreign countries, Tang Jiyu also began to spread the publicity of the "Wolf".

The "Wolf" English version of the theme song is Mei Mei and Xiao Cang Chorus, but this song has attracted many people.

In addition, there are many fans in Tony Thund that these people have learned that Tony is about to play the opposite, which is also very expected.

However, Madison's "Mi Dog 4" is about to be released, giving the "war wolf" a lot of pressure.

The investment of "Mi Guo 4" is huge, and it is integrated into the superhero of Madison, and the star lineup is strong, and the box room call is also very strong.

However, "Wolf" still won the box office pre-sale first before the release!

Madison depressed, since Xiao He became the first director, he was depressed everywhere.

Good, the pre-sale gap between the box office is not large.

"Wolf" is telling the story of Huaxia soldiers. This kind of theme is not very fragrant abroad, he has a confidence to defeat!

Three days later, the movie was released!

Domestic, "War Wolf" is hot, one ticket is hard to find!

Compact rhythm, fried big scene!

Everything is all, ignite the blood of the Chinese people!

Especially in the end, the Xiao Cuzhou highly rushed out of the people from the Chinese people, but also ignited the atmosphere of the cinema.

Then, the Chinese soldiers shouted: "Open !!"

Countless Chinese people are more tears!

Huaxia is no longer the Chinese!

The "Wolf" box office is scary, and the first three days will break 1.5 billion!

However, it is not as good as "Mi State".

At this time, Tang Jiyu threw two news!

The first, Tony Thunder is about to go home, this is her last movie!

When the news came out, the fans of countless Tony thunded tears.

"Is this true? Tony actually wants to go home?"

"Tony, how do you have a home? You are 40 years old!"

"Is this news?"

"It is true, there is already a report on the news behind Tony," Wolf "has become the singer of Tony teacher!"

"We must see this movie!"

Many people two brush movies, the other people who have not went to the cinema, they also entered the cinema at this moment.

Then, Tang Jiyu released the second news!

Xiao Chong wants to shadow, his wife is pregnant!

This news came out, and it was even more shocked all over the world.

Xiao Co!

"I will go, is there no chance to see Xiao Teacher's movie in the next few years? No," Wolf "must see!"

"Support! Must support! This is the big happiness of Xiao Xiao!"

No matter how domestic or foreign, the "Wolf" box office explosives has increased!

"War Wolf" is invincible!


3 billion!

4 billion!


9 billion!

10 billion!

The final "Wolf" domestic box office has achieved exceeded 10 billion!

The only picture of a fashionation of the box is born!

Domestic, "Wolf" despite the record of "Pangu", but due to the strong domestic market, let "Wolf" take the first throne of the world box office!

Xiao Ye is sealed!

"Pangu", "Titanic", "Avengers", "The War Wolf" four movies, occupying the four seats in the top five in the world box office, which is definitely a record of the unconscious after the ancients.

Despite the shadow, he is still a big deeds in the entertainment circle!

The Xiao Chong after the shadow is still not idle, Tang Yimou came to his home, and he was discussing with him.

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