King of Entertainment

Chapter 1229 World Tiangang Plan

Time is swaying, "extreme rescue" and "disc of the dishes" are killed!

In the past few days, "007" is still completed.

"Mi Dog 4" has already launched a covered publicity.

Now Xiao Chong and Madison are people of the Council, there is no way to disclose each other, so the competitive environment is relatively fair.

How is the result, to see the strength of both parties.

Madison has supported several Chinese companies, and the courtyard is spread all over the city.

Obviously, Madison wants to reverse the situation when he is afraid to rest.

Of course, the Madison's company, Madison does not compress.

Both sides are now fair competition.

"" Mi Guo 4 "and" Poseidon 2 "will be the key to we open the door of Huaxia." Madison's vice president is full of confidence, "Xiao Jiang has shaded, and he is afraid of these people, not afraid!"

Not only is the Vice President of Madison's company, next to a long-starred foreign man also said: "My movie will definitely win the box office champion."

This foreign man is Stanson.

The male protagonist of "Mi Guo 4" and "Poseidon 2" is him.

In order to hold Stalkson, Madison can be described as a blood.

After Tony Thunder exited the entertainment circle, the action film did not have, and they certainly have to fight for this position.

In the entertainment circle, a world-level king is the facade.

There are three world-class kings, and Madison has three, if you can come back, there is no harm to Madison's company.

Compared with Madison, DreamWork is too cold, except for Xiao Chong, there is no world-class king.

That's why the Xiao Co is allowed to let Tang Yimou prepare the reasons for the "disc of the dishes".

DreamWorks is still lacking super stars that can be treated.

The field of literary film, Xiao He wants to hold Su Ya Ye and Mei Mei Xiang to become a world-class king.

The field of action, Xiao He wants to hold Chen Jiadong and Yuhua Long.

The comedy field, Xiao He wants to hold Zhou Xing River.

If you can successfully get these five people into world-class kings, the dream factory can definitely regulate Madison's head.

The first step, Xiao Chong is preparing to hold Yu Zhi Long and Chen Jiadong.

Because the acting requirements of the action film are not too high, the first step of the Dao Co chose action movie.

Second, the art film of Su Mu Ye and Mei Ni is the second step.

As for the comedians.

To be honest, there is no comedy to say the whole world.

If you have to say, it is also a few decades ago, the era of no movies.

Therefore, among these people, it is the largest of the world's day.

Just when the "Disc," Speed ​​Rescue "and" 007 "began publicity, Xiao Chong took a day to return to Dream Factory.

Su Mushen and Mei Mei Zun came.

On Saturday, Fudang is coming.

Although I don't know what Xiao He wants to do anything, the four people have exchanged it, and they have gouavers some might.

meeting room.

Mei Mei Xiang is still not long, Xiao He is here.

"Mei Lao, let you wait." Xiao Yang smiled.

"Hey, soon, we have just arrived." Mei Mei Xi smiled slightly.

Xiao Yucai said: "I don't say anything else, you should already know, I want to build Yu Zhanlong and Chen Jiadong to create the news of the world."

Everyone lit up, this news did not have to say Xiao Central, they have long known.

Xiao Chong looked at Tianzheng, "Tian Gui, I intend to let you work with Mei Master to shoot several movies, I want Mei to become the world of the world."

Mei Mei said that it is not excited to be fake, this is the ultimate goal of the actor.

Xiao Jiang also looked at Su Yumo and Saturf, "Su Ge, you are also."

Saturday, "Boss, can you have a lot of script?"

If you change to others, he is definitely reluctant to be a toolman.

But Xiao Co is different, and others want to do tools and have not eligible.

"Before the next year, the World Tianwang list, you may be a bit hard because you have to take a five movie at least." Xiao Chong said.

Mei Meiyi and other people, five movies become a king?

If this is not Xiao Central, they will definitely think that people talking is a madman.

Xiao Central, "Sugo's first movie is called" The Emperor "."

"The story of the last emperor, I think you should all have heard."

"I plan to use a reversed way to shoot, the Qing dynasty waste emperor, as a war criminals from Su Guo to Huaxia."

"After the train arrived in the Sino-Soviet border, Yu Yi believes that this is difficult to defend, so I sneak into the bathroom attempt to cut the wrist."

"Huaxia War. Director of the Manager is different from the situation, and the door to the bathroom."

"The door sounds into the memory ... 1908 in the winter night, the Qingguang Guard headed the door of the

"In the Kunning Palace in the cigarette, the Cixi of the swallowee will meet the , tell him to the name of Nishi."

"When the Decidial Dictionary was held in Taihe Temple, Yu Yi found a small cage in the minister Chen Baozhen. He is obviously more than a few thousand people who are squatting at his feet."

"After the Squiry, became the lack of discipline in the world, and the most lonely child ..."

Xiao Chong slowly talked about the story of the last emperor.

This movie won the Oscar Best Movie Award.

Now, Xiao Chong took it out to Su Jun, and it will never be poor than the Dragon.

Having The Last Emperor, Xiao said the central four past life very good and popular film.

These four movies, there is no doubt that all is very suitable for Su Mu Yak.

On Saturday and Su Mushe Hearts.

The world is a boss, and I didn't expect the boss to be closed at home.

This spirit is really admirable!

Having Su Makino movies, read Xiao Mei Sheng central watched, then said: ".", "Mei old, your first film called" Flew Over the Cuckoo

Mei Mei Xiang first stunned, the story of madman?

Shaw Central, said: "May old disgust prison forced labor, pretending to mental disorders and was taken to a mental hospital."

"Since he came, a calm mental hospital on the chain of events occurred. Psychiatric hospital is far from free refuge plum old imagined. Nurse developed a set order, everything on this criterion. Patients who Strict regulation, it is still from time to time being insulting and tortured. "

"May the old matron of behavior very dissatisfied, from time to time in a cynical way to attacks on her."

"In the mental hospital, patients are deprived of the right to freedom to pursue their desire to survive."

"Mei old nurse everywhere and for other patients, she tortured the patient with loud music, and coldly refused to lower volume requirements."

"Plum old patient who you want to cheer, happy life one day. So the patients are put on the car, came to a small harbor, stole a boat to open sea fishing and music."

"The patient is ecstatic, but after returning, Mei is aggressive."

"Soon, Mei old again his girlfriend and another woman to get to the hospital, kick up a row."

"Wen Xun came to insult a patient's nurse, made him unbearable humiliation suicide cutting vein, the nurse was unsympathetic and cold."

"This is the original old Mei want to escape the hospital could not hold back anger, he rushed in to head nurse grabbed his neck."

"The nurse is not dead, but Mei has received the most miserable treatment ..."

Xiao Cong said the same is the best movie in the past.

This movie is very suitable for Mei Lao.

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