King of Entertainment

Chapter 1237 is over the moon

"How? I reach your requirements?" Bai Su smiled.

"This seems to see your performance."

Xiao Jiang smiled.

Bai Su is slightly.



More than an hour, Xiao Li came out from the piano house.

I went to the full moon wine at the scene, Xiao Cheng went home.

The next day, the artists who received a letter of departments were rushed.

Of course, there is no anything.

For example, Sophie.

I learned that Sophie came, Xiao Yang's face was changed, and she found an excuse.

Sophie said: "Dear Xiao, how do you please ask me?"

Xiao Central laughs, "I -"

Sophie raises his hand on his lips, "Don't explain it."

She put into the embrace of Xiaoyang, "Xiao, I also want a child."

Xiao Jiang whispered in her ear: "Tomorrow night."

Sophie is surprising.

Xiao Chong took Sophie to the hall.

There are many artists in the hall.

The artists in Huaxia, Taimund, and Xiangjiang have.

Big cake is ready.

When Yuan Ziling took the child, the group of stars gave birthday blessings.

After the group of star chorus, Xiao Jiang came in the stage, and subtitles appeared on the big screen.

Song: "Kiss my baby"

Sing: Xiao Chong.

Yuan Zhiling asked: "Xiaoling, is this the song written by Xiao Xiao?"

Yuan Ziling nodded, "This is a song to Xiao Yan."

The song sounded.

My baby,

I have to cross the mountain,

Looking for the sun,

Looking for the missing moon,

My baby,

I have to cross the ocean,

Looking for the missing rainbow,

Seize the meteor that instantly missing.

I want to fly into the endless night sky,

Picking stars make your toys,

I have to touch the moon.

Still write your name,

Lala ,

Still write your name,

Lala ,

Finally, pay back,

Come back to tell you everything,

Kiss my baby,

I have to go to the end of the world,

Looking for a long-awaited snowman,

Also use all my measures,

Let him learn to read your name,

Lala ,

Let him learn to read your name,

Lala ,

Finally, pay back,

Come back to tell you everything,

Kiss my baby,

Lala ,

Let him learn to read your name,

Lala ,

Finally, pay back,

Come back to tell you everything,

Kiss my baby.

Everyone applauded.

The song written by Xiao Chong, although it is simple, but sincerely, all the artists with children in the scene can't help but think of their own children.

Xiao Yi is like understanding the song of Xiao Chong, and actually reveals a sweet smile.

Next to many people were touched by her smile.

Xiao Chong announced everyone.

Outside the hotel.

The reporter held a night.

Even the reporter disguised as a waiter at the hotel, finally took a photo, the photo is a photo of the smile.

"With this photo, our newspaper sales must double!"

The next day, Xiao Leei's photos spread throughout the country.

"Too cute, Xiao teacher is born an angel."

"It's too cute, Xiao Teacher's gene is too powerful."

"The name of Xiao teacher is called Xiao Lee."

"Wow, I finally know the name."

Countless people are talking about.

After Xiao Ye learned about this, his face is not very good.

Yuan Ziling is eyebrow, "these media are really annoying."

Xiao Central snorted, called Zhao Xueyi, let Zhao Xueyi investigated who sneak photos.

Zhao Xueyi found out in the afternoon, it is a newspaper called a true newspaper.

"Boss, their boss is ..."

"who is it?"

Ye Long. "

"Who is he?"

"Boss, he is a person of Ye's family." Zhao Xueyi said.

Xiao Chong is laughing, "I don't even care, will I care about a Ye Long?"

Zhao Xueyi said: "Well, we will find ways to block his newspaper."

Xiao Chong said, "Zhao Ge, I hope to see the result tomorrow."

Zhao Xueyi nodded: "must do it!"



Seeking Real Nobility.

"Boss, our newspaper is the first." A vulgar bald man laughed.

"This is normal, Xiao Yang is still very big, but the influence is still very big."

A thirty man is lying on a chair to smoke, he is the boss of the truth, Ye Long, Ye's person.

In these years, he uses Yejia's people. He has set up the first three newspapers in Huaxia, and it is more than ten billions.

"Boss, will this Xiao Chong will revenge?" That wretched bald man was worried.

"Just a photo, how can he?" Ye Long disdain, "said, what he can nail?"

Wretched bald men just want to talk, some people have rushed to come in: "Boss, almost all entertainment companies stop working with us."

Ye Long color change.

That wretched bald man thought of Xiao Chong, only Xiao Chong has this ability, Xiao Yang really begins to retaliate.

Ye Long's face is gloomy, "Xiao Chong, deceived too!"

"Boss, we ... what should we do now?" The wretched man couldn't help but ask.

"He dares to block me, isn't I can't deal with him?"

Ye Long smiled, "I really thought that Yuan Zhiling couldn't help but? That's just the second-hand goods that didn't want it."

In Yejia, almost everyone thinks that Yuan Ziling is the rest of Ye Huan.

Ye Juan did not want people to know that Yuan Zhili licked him.

So, all Ye's people now feel that Xiao Chong has a second-hand goods, but also self-ending.

"Prepare, I am going to find Han Three thousand."

Ye Long bruises, "I don't believe that Han 3,000 will stand on the side of Xiao Jiang."

It has always been a high-level embarrassment, and he doesn't know this.

Therefore, he felt that as long as I found Han Sanyan, Xiao He is also awkward.

He didn't know that DreamWorks and the previous Hua Xing were different.

DreamWorks in the process of cooperation with Han Sanyan, although it does not occupy an absolute active position, it is still the owner.

"The boss, the discussion of the DreamWorks is coming."

At this time, some people came in to report.


Ye Long's eyes were bright, and the beauty of Ji Dynasty, he could have a long time.

Unfortunately, this woman has never accepted anyone, even if he is a person of Ye.

Ye Long has a desire to conquer.

Today, Ji'an is personally come over, he said what he said will be personally.

"Go to the guest room, ready to be good tea."

Ye Long smiled slightly, "I have to see what this woman is looking for."

Soon, he saw a professional installed in the guest room.

Ji'an has a lot of rich in recent months, and there is a woman to taste.

Seeing that Ye Long, who is used to a woman, I don't know why this is, I can't help but feel the meaning.

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