King of Entertainment

Chapter 1247 Huaxia Restaurant

"I am a guest?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, he was still not planning to come out, but went to support his own programs, and didn't spend more time.

In the list provided by the program, five young partners have Bai Su, Yuhua Long, Chen Jiadong, except Wang Lingno and Li Qingzhu.

Xiao Chong has no opinion on this list, and the show is so finalized.

The first location is temporarily established in Beijing.

The second location is Thailand.

Other locations are temporarily unstoppable.

The shooting location is already ready, and the performance efficiency of the program is still very high.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chong arrived at the location.

Wang Lingno is the store manager, Li Qingzhu is the assistant of the storeman.

The first phase is preparation before the opening.

After Wang Lingno, after the storeman's clothing, the youth is beautiful, the most beautiful store is online.

When I arrived at the program group, Xiao Cong recommended Wang Ling and his own, increased the performance, Wang Lingmite smiled slightly, "Teacher Xiao, you can't hold it."

Xiao Yang laughed, "I am coming,"

The program starts recording.

Wang Lingno and Xiao Zu are really "mutual", and it is more and more energetic, it can't stop.

Yu Zhanlong took the attitude of learning to open the store, and did not know the meat seasoning.

Chen Jiadong, even if it is a man, but the most handsome is actually logistical, washing dishes, he is embarrassing the dish to pick up the border, and even the two hundred bowls are not here.

In addition to and Xiao Chong, Wang Lingyang has been teaching Li Qingzhu as a dish, which is very big.

Bai Su is responsible for being a tryler.

The start of this restaurant is 20,000 yuan.

The first shopping used 9,000 yuan, the second purchase of 8,000 yuan, starting the funds quickly run.

Next, it is a dish, try dishes.

Cassess fish head is a signature vegetable, saggy, back to the pot, etc. is a conventional dish.

Everything is ready.

On the first day of business, the five youth partners are facing insufficient ingredients. Wang Lingnifei is self-made "honey lemonade" inheond; there is no steamer, the guest will not do it; there is a "blind spot", "blue pepper" Yubi pork, "there is no difficulty in raising in advance.

Xiao Co recommends that the business restaurant should follow the three "principles": there is "surprise" in the door, have "surprise", and the price has "surprise".

But the king consonance do not agree!

When "The Most Duty Cheerk" Wang Ling horn, "the biggest guest" in history "Xiao Chong, a" drawing war "that should not be given to the gift.

Finally, the restaurant borrowed money to the film crew!

House leaks in the rain.

Yuhua Long suddenly has something to be temporarily left, and the restaurant faces people more shortcomings. Chinese restaurant guests have an increased trend. In order to reduce the workload, Wang Lingnifei stepped out the package, and temporarily hired guest Xiao Chong as a clerk.

Xiao Jiang became the clerk, and the mutual model was upgraded again.

Wang Lingno and Xiao Zhi have also argued again because of the package, and the atmosphere is very tight, and the gunpowder is full.

The youth partners set the "small goal", and ten days to earn 30,000 yuan to the film crew.



Various troubles, various laughter, as well as in various small achievements, so that the Chinese restaurant is active and interesting.

This is "human fireworks".

After the recording is completed, Xiao Co left, Wang Lingniang people prepared a table to tell Xiaozhou, happy to send Xiao Chong, two people are attributed to good.

After a week, the "Huaxia Restaurant" was officially broadcasted.

The audience is still very expected to be, because Xiao Ye is a guest house.

This will not be a precursor for Xiao Zhi's official efforts. Everyone guess.

The show start.

Everyone can see the taste of Jinjin.

Wang Linger is too beautiful, she is amazing as Bai Su, but the more you look, especially when she focuses on cooking.

"The beauty store is not in charge with Xiao Chong, is it?"

"Haha, I like them two mutually."

"Chen Jiadong will be dishwash the dishes, the bull ratio!"

"Yuhua Dragon is a tilter bottle."

"When Bai Shu test, it is so beautiful, the fairy is compelling!"

"Li Qingzhu is really cute!"

"Love, love, this show is really too interesting."

The first phase, the second phase, the third phase ...

As the program continues to broadcast, everyone's attention is getting higher and higher, and the "Huaxia Restaurant" ratio is full of dust, and the programs of major entertainment companies have stressed.

A lot of people in the circle smile, who can think of a restaurant program actually take the ratio first?

It may be a lot of programs similar to the Huaxia Restaurant in the few months.

The Huaxia Restaurant fired, Xiao Chong once again hired.

He returned home and took a child.

The five senses of the little reliance are more and more like Yuan Ziling. This makes Xiao Zhi to rest assured that if he really grows, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a boyfriend.

In the evening, Xiao Yi suddenly had a fever, Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling hurriedly sent the child to the hospital.

Little reliance despite high fever, but also a lot of people laughing and keeping it, it is not like sick.

Xiao Chong is crying.

After eating the medicine, Xiao Yi fell asleep.

Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling have finally penetrated.

"Human cub is really fragile." Xiao Cong said.

Yuan Ziling was white and bleeding, "You are still like this, it is not easy for people."

Xiao He is very deep.

"You said, what is we doing later?" Yuan Ziling said, "Her education plan, we must think about it in advance."

Xiao Chong's headache, he really don't know how to educate children.

"I think she should cultivate her into a scholar." Yuan Ziling said.

"You are a mother, you have said." Xiao Jiang smiled.

"You can also train her into a literary man." Yuan Ziling said.

"Also." Xiao He thought about it, "But this road is not good, I think it is waiting for her three years old, gradually cultivating her interest, then according to her abilities and hobbies to judge what she wants to do in the future. "

Speaking of this, he and Yuan Ziling look at it and suddenly laughed.

Not for your parents, I really don't know how tired of my parents!

"I plan to take a movie."

Xiao Chong suddenly said, "The story of this movie is the story of parents and children."

Yuan Ziling laughed, "I support you."

Xiao Chong looked at her, "I am going to make your mother a mother."

Yuan Ziling stunned, "I have passed the guest?"

Xiao Yang laughed, "You have also gone through the show, and you are a teacher, it will never be a court. This time you don't want to resign, and how long it doesn't take it, I will try to compress your drama. "

Yuan Ziling hesitated, she really didn't want to throw his head, and still "throwing the head" with Xiao Chang.

Xiao Jiang knows her concern. "In fact, even if you don't go on TV, everyone already knows you. In this case, why we don't even look at the appearance."

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