King of Entertainment

Chapter 1250 Chef King Hegemony

"I will consider." Xiao Yang smiled, how long it is, it is my own business.

"Xiao, I am waiting for your news."

Madison didn't leave.

The first dinner ended in the "Dakuist Restaurant".

"What did Madison and Xiao Chu talk about? Who will read lip languages, trouble discloses a little commercial confidentiality."

"Just, I have a hurry to go out and go out and go back."

"I show up, know what they are saying, but I can't tell you, this is commercial confidentiality."


Everyone turned over.

"Xiao Yangjia's restaurant" is not a variety show, but last night's ratings actually won the first and shocked everyone.

"This will be fire, I am completely unexpected, I am unexpectedly, Xiao Yang actually be cooking."

"It is said that Xiao Ye asked Wang Lingniang, people who really cooked vegetables were not him."

"No, Xiao Co is not to say that he is going to be a dish in yourself?"

"Anyway, I don't believe that those dishes have been made last night. Do you think it is possible? That takes at least more than ten years of exercise."

"But Xiao Yang's words, we can't make it to spend it according to common sense."

"Quickly, Wang Ling is rumored out."

Sure enough, Wang Ling hily sent a video of Li Celebiting Cooking.

"It's not Wang Lingniang, it may be what others do."

Some people don't believe it.



DreamWorks, Wang Lingniang and Ji'an are here to meet the people of the Huaxia Food Association.

"Ji, we want to be a king of kings."

The president of the Food Association said: "I want to invite Ms. Wang to serve as the judge, if I can, I hope that Xiao is also going to go."

Ji Dynasty smiled and said: "Van President, the boss will tell him."

Fan President also knows this kind of thing can't be reluctant, as long as Wang Lingno can go, let alone this time, he has got a sponsor of DreamWorks.

Ji Dynasty then told Xiao Chong.

Xiao He thought of saying: "I will not go, let Zhang Ge, he is a food."

He said is of course Zhang Yonglin.

Yuan Ziling looked at Xiao Chong, "Where is it?"

Xiao Yang laughed, "No, the company sponsored the kings of the food association, I want to invite me to be guest, but I said that I didn't time."

Yuan Ziling willow, "Do you know how to say you on the Internet? They say that you ask people to cook, and then pretend to do it yourself."

Xiao Baole, "I know, someone will still smear you, I am used to it."

"I think you can go to the king of the king to fight into the judge, prove that you will do the dish." Yuan Ziling said.

"I am an artist, not a cook."

Xiao Yang is crying, "But I will consider."

Yuan Ziling no longer said.

Xiao He finally didn't take a guest of King King, but served as a judge.

The news came out, many people were shocked.

"Did you plan to come out? Kawrow? Is this not a show?"

"This is a show that is cuisine, Xiao Chong also serves as a judge."

"I am going, Teacher Xiao really wants to be a cook? He really doesn't play, don't you sing?"

Many people are .

"Teacher Xiao, who is more excited, some people say that he will not be a dish, so he is to take a judge of King King."

"It should be like this."

"Whether Xiao Teacher Xiao is not important for the show, the important thing is that Xiao Teacher is finally on the show, and it is also coming out."

"Support, must be supported."

"When did the king of Kings begin? I must watch live."

"At 7:30 in the evening, the first round of the game begins."

"Looking forward to Xiao Teacher's wonderful comment, I believe that Xiao Teacher will be a dish."




Madison did not get Xiaozhou's news, he knew Xiao Chong refused his proposal.

"Boss, Xiao Chong does not agree?"

"He does not agree, others will promise that the other six people of the Council promise, then it is equal."

Madison is brighter, "he doesn't want to do it."

The next day, Xiao Chong received a notice of the meeting of the Council, and the initiator of the meeting was Madison six people.

Xiao Chang also flashed, and six people launched a meeting, he must participate.

This is a video conference.

In the conference room, the video has been opened, Madison and others have already placed.

"Xiao, the content of this meeting is to modify the selection rules of the world."

Madison smiled: "The specific modification I have mentioned with you last time, one is changed from three years to four years; the second is to increase to twenty-four."

Xiao Yang smiled: "I also considered these days. If you really want to reform, it is necessary to add one, the number of people in the discharge area, the minimum places have the lowest capital, in addition to this, there is a public quota, fair competition. "

Since you want to reform, I will accompany you, and the entertainment industry in Asia is not developed.

Madison and Schneider and others have a slight change, which is disadvantageous.

But Europe's directors have very much agree with Xiao Co's proposal.

"If you have this, the other I have no opinion." Xiao Chong said.

"Yes, but the quota of the Asian area I suggest 3." Madison said.

"Mr. Madison, you are not conducive to entertainment development in the world."

Xiao Central is righteous, "We should encourage the balanced development of the entertainment industry around the world, the purpose of the Council is also this."

Madison: "..."

This purpose is to be developed by himself, and now it is to move the stones.

"There are 4 places in Asia."

Xiao Chong said: "There are 4 places in the Americas, 4 places in the European region, 4 places in the rest. The remaining nine places are public quotas, and the artists in each region can compete."

Madison is pleasant, "There is too little in the Americas, we are now more than 4 kings."

Xiao Chong also knows that it is suitable, "You now occupy the public quota, according to the score after one year, if you are still more than 4, or you can take priority to occupy public quota."

This looks like this seems to have no loss.

Madison did not speak.

Xiao Jiang continued: "If you have no opinion, you will be so fixed. After the specific rule is out, you can add your opinion."




This is so taking this.

Huge changes will change throughout the world.

Xiao Chong is like there is no matter what happened. He knew that Madison should be dense, how could be not prepared.

This news will not know in a short time, because the specific rules have not yet come out.

This is at least a month after a month.

On the third day, Xiao Li went to the king of the king.

The media has already blocked the water on the spot.

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