King of Entertainment

Chapter 1254 12 Xiao Wei

Three days later, DreamWork took the program planned.

According to Xiao Chong's thoughts, "Twelve Road Xiao Wei" model has been set, the first quarter is the domestic cuisine, including eight cuisine, at least every dish, there is a representative.

The first stage of the dish is Lu, the specific dishes are not determined, and the Xiao Co intends to select in the way in the manner of interacting.

Soon, the DreamWorks announced the official start of "Twelve Road Xiao Wei", the first period of Lu, the specific dishes are verified by everyone, and the voting entrance has been opened.

DreamWorks also announced that Xiao Zhi officially returned, the first program is "Twelve Xiao Wei".

I learned that Xiao Chong came out, everyone enthusiastically voted, and there were countless people on the Internet to talk about this program.

"Teacher Xiao's" Twelve Xiao Wei "created the first river of the food show, I believe it will be able to achieve good results."

"Even if Teacher Xiao, the program is not good, we also support, at least he repeated."

"But Teacher Xiao may make the program bad? Absolutely impossible!"

"The first dish is Lu, what do you think?"

"There are a lot of Lu Xiancheng, this is really not selected."

"Yeah, Teacher Xiao gave us a problem."

Do you still have to vote.

The period of voting is one day.

The result of the final voting of the next day came out, and the onion in Lu is won the first.

"I am going, it seems that now our country is still more money."

"Haha, so many people put on onions, it seems that all of us have already run well."

"There is no more expensive, but you are not as expensive, and then you are not eating every day."

"This thing is too tired, I don't eat."

"" Twelve Road Xiao Wei "also has guests, I don't know who the guest will be."

"It is said that it will be a man and a woman, Xiao Teacher will probably invite the artist who is familiar with."

"You still said something wrong, there must be a dish in these two guests."

"I will be cooking, and I am very familiar with Xiao Teacher, this range is not big."

Everyone is guessing who is in the end of the day.



Xiao Jiang is still in Beijing, there is no province.

"Baby Plan" has his drama of Yuan Ziling, he wants to take the play to leave.

Three days later, Xiao Chong will start to Lu Province.

Lu Province is a cultural treasure, including Taoist culture, military culture, French culture, ink family culture and yin and yang, vertical, square tone, punishment, name, agriculture, medical, etc., of which the core is Confucian culture.

Different and different geographicals, the Jujinnan dishes of Jiaodong and the inland, as well as the three major systems of Hoifu dishes.

Lu cuisine is one of the largest places of local flavors in Huaxia!

The chart of Xiao Co chosen is Qingdao.

Linhai City, plus human food, will definitely add a lot to this phase.

When the Xiao Chong arrived in the program group, the guests in the first phase came.

This period of this period is Bai Su and Zhang Yonglin.

There are three tasks in the program.

The first task, find the ingredients, the main adventure.

The second task, cooking, Xiao Chong must teach Zhang Yonglin who will not be vegetable.

The third task, with the audience's interactive task, the program group will find local gourmet and ordinary people come and the Xiao Chong PK cooking.

After the crew stay at the hotel, the photographer has begun to record.

When you come from the guest, the program has begun.

Zhang Yonglin looked at the camera: "Honestly, I have a very pressure, so much, I only did a dish, boiled water."

Bai Sujia, "Teacher Zhang, the Luhetian, which you have to do this time."

Zhang Yonglin sighed, "I don't care, but I am estimated that Xiao Cong will be fried."

Xiao Yang smiled, "You can rest assured, if you don't learn, you must accept punishment if you don't worry."

Zhang Yonglin stunned, "" Is there any punishment? "

"Don't look at me like this, I don't know what is punishment."

Xiao Chong laughed, "If you don't ask if you do the dishes, you must take a punishment project, punish the project, there are dozens of punishment, each is very fierce, you better do a good job."

Zhang Yonglin: "..."

No one before, I have said punishments.

Xiao Chong took his shoulder, "Nothing, punish it, nothing to you."

Zhang Yonglin, "The apprentice is not good, the teacher is also responsible, when you have to accept punishment with me."

Xiao Chong shook his head: "It can't, I am the boss of DreamWorks, I have privileges."

Zhang Yonglin was very pleasant: "You are a rogue."

"Haha ..."

Xiao Baole, "Let's take a break, we will go to eat barbecue and beer together, and you must complete the first task tomorrow."

After a break, three people went out to find the barbecue.

Tsingtao's barbecue is a lot.

Xiao He is so fast that the three people quickly found a suitable location.

When the Xiao He took the mask, the surrounding crowd turned.

"My God, That is Xiao Li!"

"Bai Su!"

"Zhang Yonglin!"

"The first stop of" Twelve Dao Xiao "is actually in us."

Many people are excited, and they run over.

Xiao Chong looked at everyone and smiled, "We are doing programs now."

"Teacher Xiao, you will not hinder you, despite the show."

"Just, let's take a photo."

"Teacher Xiao, is your burning? Not enough for me,"

"Haha, I will give you a little more."

"I think Xiao Teacher is not enough to be beer!"

Everyone is very enthusiastic.

"Teacher Xiao, Teacher Zhang, I will have a happy two sentences, we are your fans."

"That can't."

Zhang Yonglin laughed, "I have been lying down when I drink it."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed.

The atmosphere was warm.

This meal is very hot!

When you are in the middle of the night, they will go back to the hotel.

Bai Su was also forced to drink a lot of wine, Xiao Chong, holding her into the room.

"Don't go." Bai Su was bleeding.

The two entered the room.

The next day, Xiao Yang three people got up and took a bus.

Today's mission is to find sea cucumber!

Because Bai Su does not swim and dive, Xiao Jiang has a mission - church Bai's swimming!

In exchange swimsuit, Bai Su follows Xiao He to a private pool at the sea.

Xiao Yucai said: "You have to learn to ventilate first."

Bai Su smiled, "Can you don't learn?"

Xiao Chong shook his head: "No, this is a mission!"

The voice did not fall, and Xiao Jiang has pushed her into the pool.

Bai Su is scared to shoot water.

At this time, Xiaoyang's hands took her armpits: "Don't be nervous, here, the water is dive, drowning."

Bai Su is a blink of Xiao Zhi, although it has been intimate contact with Xiao Chong, but she still has a bit blush.

"Let's step by step, don't hurry."

Xiao Yang smiled: "Photographer, you can go with the camera."

The photographer hurriedly nodded and put the camera down.

Xiao Chong looked at Bai Su, "Can it now?"

Ballae nodded. Be

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