King of Entertainment

Chapter 1262 Chapter Chu Gate's World

"The world of Chu Gate", the master is called Chu Gun.

As an unspectiveful life, the master Chumen is adopted by TV network companies, living in a quiet and harmonious island.

He has a pleasant and harmoniously around the people around him, and also got a beautiful wife. Every day, it is so beautiful.

However, he did not think that this is all the arrangement of the TV station!

Hearing here, Tang Yimou and Jiang Hua changed, they felt unexpectedly.

Xiao Chong continued to tell the story of Chu Gun.

It turns out that the community of Chumen lives is a huge studio, his friends, neighbors, and even a wife is just an actor.

Since childhood, all his whereabouts were hidden, and it became a TV drama that was loved by a global audience.

In order to maintain the ratings, the operator after the TV station has three ways to conceal everything.

But the camouflage is always a camouflage, and the truth is quickly exposed.

Chu Gate was tired of this prison life, so he embarked on the road to escape and started pursuit of new life.

Tang Yimou and Jiang Hua were extremely shocked.

Xiao Chong said: "The Amnikon TV production company has adopted a baby 30 years ago, and they deliberately cultivate him the world's most popular documentary soap opera Chu Gate, the company has achieved huge Success. "

"However, all this is only one person, he is the only protagonist of the drama - Chu Gate."

"Chu Gun has lived in a small town called sea view from Xiaoyao, he is a broker of an insurance company in this small city."

"Chu Gate seems to have lived the same life with ordinary people, but he doesn't know that there are thousands of cameras in every second in life, and every time, every moment is watching him. I don't know if everyone around the side includes people in Chu Gumen. "

"Although everyone feels that everyone will pay attention to him, and every thing from small to big has some unexpected dramatic effects, but these have not made this simple young man."

"The program's production group is to seek more special effects, so that when Chu Gate is a child, the father is once again appeared, but does not let them meet, until the sorrow of Chu Gate, let their father and son recognize them, thus reaching The effect they want. "

"However, all this is a loyal audience in the world of Chu Gun, but also the young girl Mary of the program, Mary, and she gave him some kind of kindness, so that he had to start re-recognizing himself. Life. "

"Gradually, Chu Gun found that everyone worked in the company to start real work after he appeared. Every day, the same person near his family has the same person and the car repeatedly, and he can't believe it. The wife who claims to be a doctor and going to the hospital every day is not a doctor. "

"Chu Gate began to doubt the world of his life, including his wife, friend, father, etc., all of them were lie to him, a fear of their hearts, was born."

"The pain is sick, he decided to escape the sea view at all costs, so that he is a small city of the cold, looking for someone who belongs to himself and truly loves him."

"However, Chu Gate underestimates the power of the production person, director and supervision of this soap drama, the power of Christopher."

"Christopher is designed to be nearly perfect, and it has been controlled in the super realistic world of Chumen in the seascape in nearly 30 years."

"After several escaping efforts fail, Chu Gun decided to leave this small city from sea, but he desperately found that the sea and sky in front of him were also part of this huge photography shed."

"At this time, Christopher came out. He told Chumen to the end of the dragon and told Chu Gen. He is now the most popular star in the world. Everything that he is today is unimaginable, if he is willing to stay In the sea view, you can continue the star life, and Chu Gate is not moving, resolutely move toward the distance of the distance. "

"In the end, Chu Gate escaped from the world. He looked up at the sky, showing the free smile never had."

Xiao Chong said the story of the Chu Gate, Tang Yimou and Jiang Hua were shocked, it was shocking from the heart.

Tang Yimou has only returned to God. Ironically will only make the movie can't be classified, so we must use the irony to increase the depth. "

Jiang Hua is very agreed, "Take the irony to taste the ultimate, close to the comedy and fairy, this is called black humor. Black humor is reflected in the movie, is the immeasive of Chu Gun. It is like wrapped The mustard of honey, it feels spicy without anything. Free movie can make the movie more unique, can make people ridicule, there is no cold and chestnut, swing between real and illusory. "

Xiao Central, "Who wants to shoot this movie now?"

Tang Yimou and Jiang Hua have been smiling, they want to shoot!

If this movie can be perfectly photographed, it will definitely be sensational.

In the movie, everyone has chosen chaos because the corresponding collective tide is chaotic. If the collective is given to the power of the individual, if there is no turning, this will be a bad cycle.

The most evil thinkor in the world is that anyone thinks that they have no crime, just in response to some kind of privilege.

They all believe that they have not motive, there is no excessive disgust, even just consciousness.

However, there is no good heart without motivation, and it is not a real person.

The evil is not implemented by a person who has no personality is the most terrible mediocrity.

In the movie, the audience finally regained reason and kindness in the persistence of Chumen, and Chu Gun also completed self-salvation, and saved an era that would be destroyed by the collective.

This is the biggest value of this movie.

Tang Yimeng and Jiang Huad are also to deliver this value to the present audience.

Xiao Cu did not speak, let them two people decide.

However, Tang Yimou has opened the topic, "The boss, what type of movie is you can say to us?"

This is the "old rape".

Jiang Hua couldn't help.

Xiao Jiang also couldn't help but laugh, and then began to say that he planned to plan a third step movie. Be

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