King of Entertainment

Chapter 1280 Chapter Chu Gate's World Opening

", sugar."

Xiaoyuan is full of reading Xiao Chong.

Only Xiao Cong will give the girlfriend when I don't pay attention to Yuan Ziling, so the Xiao Chong will be wrapped in Xiao Chong, once.

This is a small secret between their two.

Xiao Chong took the sugar and opened his little reliance, this size of sugar will not be cardd.

Xiao Yi just wanted to take a goose, Xiao Dong seating, "What to say?"

"Thank you," said the little milky milk.


Xiao Chong took the woman's head and handed the sugar to the little reliance.

Xiaoyi is happy with a mouth, a strong laughter.

The child is the easiest to satisfy.

After a few days, Xiao Li went to "The World of Chu Gun" crew.

Today is the booting ceremony of "The World of Chu Gate".

Today, "The World of Chu Gate" is going to be officially launched.

Xiao Chong played Chu Gate, Bai Su and Dong Qing played Chumen's wife and lover.

In addition, there are still many artists who have also joined them. If they don't have money, they will give Xiao Zhi.

The boot ceremony is the press conference.

"Teacher Xiao, I want to ask," Is the world of Chumen "also a business big piece?" Asked a reporter.

"Fish Legend" is undoubtedly a very successful commercial blockbuster. As the first movie after the departure of Xiao Chong, now the box office has broken 5 billion, which is a fierce extreme.

However, everyone wants to see the Xiao Chong show their own acting, not a one-time shooting business card.

After all, it's a stamp of Xiao Chong, in fact, it is not necessary to take too much business card.

"" The world of Chu Gate "is not a fast food film."

Xiao Chong said, "I have gave a hopes for this movie, of course, I personally do my best to play this role. Honestly, this role is still challenging."

The reporter is bright in front of him, and Xiao Ye is a movie emperor, even he feels challenged, then this movie must be very purely art.

"Teacher Xiao, is your return to hit the world? How many movies do you plan for this?" Asked the reporter.

Everyone looked at Xiao Chong, no doubt, this is this.

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "Yes, I really have to hit the world's first."

Everyone is excited, this is the world's first, everyone is the Chinese people, of course, I hope that the people in the world will become the world's first day.

"As for how many movies I have prepared in this world ... I can only say that it should not exceed three."

Xiao Yang smiled, "I want movie expensive, not much, not to say that I have to take a dozen movies."

"Teacher Xiao, in addition to" The World of Chu Gate ", what type is your other movies?"

"I don't know this time for the time being."

Xiao Yang smiled: "I think you should ask ginger guides, today is a reporter conference of" Chu Gun's World "."

Jiang Hua slightly smiled, "" The World of Chumen ", I think I will be shocked to everyone. You must go to the cinema to support our boss."

Few of the director dared to use "shock" to describe his movie.

Everyone said, "What kind of movie is" the world of Chumen "?

"The movie of the world" is quickly spread all over the Internet.

"Jiang Hua is not too arrogant, even if this movie is starring Xiaoyang, there is no need to be so mad?"

"Indeed, I have to see that this movie can be shocked by the world."

"The most important thing for a movie is still a story. If the story is not good, it will make a special effect, and it is a commercial blockbuster."

"But now Xiao Yizhi said that this is not a business card, then you can only rely on the story."

"Can this story be shocking?"

Many people expressed doubts.

This time, Xiao Li did not "hegely" the title of this screening, "Chumen's World" screenwriter is announced by the screenwriter group of DreamWork.

"I am very optimistic about" the world of Chu Gate ", although the script is written by the DreamWork Plant, Xiao Chong is absolutely closed behind. The ability of Xiao Chong tells the story, that is the world, this story is confirmed It can really shock us. "

"Hey, then we will wait and see."

"Anyway, I don't believe this of this Chu Gate can shock me."



Jiang Hua's words also caused irony of major entertainment companies in foreign countries.

"Xiao Chong's" Person Legend "is used to use special effects to us, as for the story ... that is really a nozzle."

"Just," Fish Legend "except for the financial set of people, others are garbage."

"Garbage story, completely relying on the air-held box office."

Many foreign entertainment companies are looking down on "Fish Legend".



The outskirts of Beijing.

The crew selected a small town and transformed into a world of Chu Gun.

Here, Chu Gun has lived in the age of 30, and everything is live broadcast.

Oh, yes, he and his wife XX were not live broadcast.

Xiao Chong wears a suit, enjoys the briefcase, and officially became "Chu Gate."

Bai Su plays a wife of Xiaoyang.

Here, in addition to Xiao Chong, others are actors.

They are all playing their respective characters, only Chu do not know all this.

The original version of "The World of Chu Gate", the protagonist is the starring Jin Kairui, "Change Mold".

Jin Kairui is because of the "changing wonder" red, many people don't recognize his acting.

But he proved that he was also a player sent in "The World of Chumen", and said to everyone: "Let you be disappointed, I am not a happy clown."

In fact, the most comedians are most.

The first chamels have barely have a prize, although his movie is very high, but you can't get major awards.

Xiao Jiang does not plan to play Chu Gate in Jin Kairui, he has his own ideas.

What kind of person is Chu Gate?

He is an optimistic person.

But it is also a persistent person.

After I learned that I was arranged, he began to resist.

The front and rear part of the movie, Chu Gun is very big.

Xiao Cong needs to perform these changes.

The protagonist of a movie is constantly growing, through a series of events, eventually sublimation.

If the Xiao Ca can't deduct this change, then the role of Chu Gun is failed.

Fortunately, Xiao Chong's current active has already fired, and it is very in place for this role.

Jiang Hua has no way to direct Xiao Chu, he can only direct the other people.

Time swayed, Xiao Hei took it in the town for half a month.

At this time, the Entertainment Council called Xiao Chong, and several other director put forward a suggestion. Be

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