"Old Man" this classic course.

Xiao central moment to throw out, Jefferson suddenly even the ass did not dare put.

You know, this is a temporary central Xiao thought out.

Jefferson ourselves without this talent!

"Xiao, you're a genius!"

Sofia first to break the calm, "You let me understand that a person not born to be defeated, you can do it destroyed, they could not beat him."

Nicholas nodded, "external physical torture is acceptable, but it is the will of the inherent sanctity. The defeat can be physical, but it must not be our will!"

Old Jack emotion: "People will always be their own worst enemy, when a person's will indestructible, so there is no fear of anything will let you."

Jefferson said after a moment of silence, "the old man experienced never experienced a difficult test, and finally the fish stabbed to death, tied on the side of the boat. However the return voyage was hit by a shark, shark elderly and death struggle, the result marlin or shark was eaten, the elderly home just last drag head, tail and a worthless bare fish skeleton. "

"From the ending seems, the old man seems to be a loser. But Vice almost life in exchange for fish skeleton, but it demonstrates the hardness of the old life, the old man with the interpretation of a Song of Life tenacious old man failed, but he He is still the hero, is a hero dares to be a tough guy to fight with destiny. "

"Xiao, forgive me just offended, your future will surely become a great author!" Jefferson somewhat stubborn, "but only if you leave the entertainment circle this big vat, it will pollute you."

Sophia shook his head, "Jefferson Grandpa, I disagree with you, in any industry, as long as a brave man not afraid of difficulties and never give up, and that is worthy of our admiration winners!"

Jefferson Hey smile, he turned away, different ideas, say no good.

Xiao Central smile, "It's a curmudgeon."

Old Jack smiled and said, "He was very old-fashioned, you do not worry."

Xiao central and did not care.

Nicholas looked at the old Jack, "Captain Jack, Shaw gave you an" Old Man ", how are you going to repay Shaw?"

Old Jack emotion, "no longer reported ah."

Money, Xiao central money too much.

He also Nabuchushou other actions.

Nikola laughed, "Jack, don't you have a film city? Give Xiao, a little shares," the old man and the sea "is invaluable, in a few days, you can find someone to write it out, fall in Xiao's name, Then I said that I wrote it for the template. After the child in France will be an example, this is not a money to buy! "

Lao Jack haha ​​smiled, "said it is good!"

Xiao Jiang Yi, he really didn't expect Nikola to give old Jack to his own shares.

"Xiao, I will take you to visit my film city in the morning." Old Jack smiled.

Xiao Caote head.

The makeup dance will end quickly.

The next day, Sophia took the depression and Sophie, and went to the film and television city.

The biggest film and television city in France is old Jack, most of Europe is shooting here.

Old Jack smiled, "I went to the boat in that year, I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to transfer a few old houses, and I just had a person who met several movie companies, so I bought the house."

"Later, it continued to expand this, and the current scale was formed after twenty years."

Old Jack feeled.

Xiao Chong is still very admiring old Jack.

"Is there a movie?" Sophia watched the distance.

"They are shooting the court drama."

Old Jack smiled, "But I don't like the court drama, and the future sci-fi movie I think it is interesting."

Xiao Chong looked at old Jack. "DreamWork will shoot a science fiction, when there is a need, I will bring people with the crew."

Old Jack laughed, "When you said, you will not be our shareholder."

Xiao Bain.

Soon Xiajiang, they will visit the Yingsheng City. At the afternoon, the Cannes Film Festival finally started.

Xiao Chong and Sophie have a red carpet, in the first row.

This is the second time to come to Cannes.

The first time is very unpleasant, but everyone can now raise these adult pasts.

I started to give a award.


Best Movie Best Activity ...

All the awards were all won by Xiao Chong!

Everyone knows that Cannes will bias to Xiaozhou, but no one has discovered objections.

Because many people have seen "the world of Chumen", this is indeed a shocking movie!

The story is impeccable.

Xiao Chong's acting burst.

The box office is the best proof.

As of now, "The World of Chu Gate" is still leading "people in this life".

This is true even in the rice market.

Everyone seems to have seen Xiao Chong to win the "global shadow".

Applause continues.

Xiao Ca took office to receive the award.

Domestic, many people are watching live.

"Teacher Xiao is not rare."

"It is, Xiao Teacher's goal is the global epidemic, that is the ultimate goal of the actor."

"Beiler's film is not as good as" Chu Gate "in the box office, but the word of mouth is not bad, Xiao Teacher's pressure is still there."

"In the movie, Bailey's performance is really very exciting, his acting skills are pure."

"Yeah, even I was touched by this old man."

"There is no doubt that Xiao Teacher's opponent is very powerful!"

"The opponent is powerful, so that the weight of the global vision can be displayed."

When you discuss it, Xiao He has left Cannes and is accompanying Sophie and Sophia.

The next day, Xiao Dong Sophie and Sophia left France and arrived in Beijing.

Sophie rushed back to film.

Xiao Jiang and Sofia have taken a day after the day.

This issue of Xiao Wei is in the cloud, the main game, wild bacteria and insects, and so on.

When Xiao Chong and Sofia arrived in Dali, Xiao Wei's guests also came.

The guests of this issue are Meimei and Xu Wenjun.

Mei Mei didn't know that she would be a series of "nightmares".

The mountains in Yun Province let her feel refreshed.

"Wiring life" was photographed here, so Xiao He did they directly into the mushroom house.

Sofia is admired, "Mei Mei, the first time you see you, you are more beautiful than TV."

Mei Mei smiled and did not close his mouth, "you will talk to you."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "She is called Sophia, France, special guest, a circle."

Mei Mei is somewhat curious, why Xiao Chong will invite a circle to participate in variety show?

The Xu Wenjun next to it also won't be curious about Sofia.

On the first day, everyone is resting, nothing.

In the evening, Xiao Chong secretly in the room of Meimei, leaving the next morning.

Sophia lives next to the next door, she has some doubts, last night she heard some strange voice.

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