King of Entertainment

Chapter 609 Xiao Chong's Dance Ability

Feng Lun's dance is very exciting, the rhythm is extremely strong, and a Thomas attracts screams of the girls under the stage.

On the ability of dance, Feng Lun can at least three, even if the four seeds in front may not be able to win him.

A few minutes of dance time, he attracted numerous cheers and applause, the dance judges were also high.

Wu Mei said, "His body coordination is very good, the music is very strong, and there is very fellow in dance."

Other mentors have nodded, and Feng Lun's dance level did not say.

"I have seen his information, he is also very good at Latin in addition to street dance. But now, he wants to play the Latin dance again when he is 8 times." Wu Mi smiled, "I am looking forward to His next performance. "

Obviously she is very optimistic about Feng Lun!

On the stage, Feng Lun has already jumped.

The judges began to score.

Xiao Chong is also score.

At this moment, Feng Lun suddenly opened, "I have something to say."

Everyone looked at her.

Feng Lun looked at Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, will you dance?"

Everyone in the whole game is stunned, what is Feng Mun think about? Do you want to continue to participate in the game?

Xiao Chong is also slightly, just smiled and said, "Which kind of dance do you say?"

This is more mad, everyone is happy, and you will dance in a lot of dance.

Feng Lun said, "Teacher Xiao, I am talking about the street dance."

Zhang Yonglin and others are very strange, this kid is wrong, actually dare to cry.

Even those players in the background are also awkward, Feng Lun is a very savvy person, is he called Xiao Chong's consequence?

The viewers before the TV have been interested, they can't wait for Feng Lun, why is the plate Xiao Chong, they only feel that this show is more interesting.

on site.

Xiao Chong asked, "Is it difficult to dance?"

Feng Lun, I couldn't help but laugh. "I may not be too difficult for Xiao Teacher, but I don't know if Teacher Xiao can perform everyone."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "Why do I want to perform? Today's protagonists are in the backstage."

Feng Mun is not willing to show weakness, since Xiao Teacher can serve as a comprehensive judge, the dance ability is definitely strong. If Xiao Teacher will show us on the stage, it is absolutely beneficial to us. "

Wu Mei smiled and said, "The time of the program is limited, we have to publish the score, you want to see the dance of Xiao Xiao, then say it after the show."

Everyone says that you will really find excuses to Xiaoqing.

Feng Lun still refused to die, watching everyone smiled and said, "Do you want to see Xiao Teacher's dance?"

"miss you!"

"miss you!"

There are a few people who are afraid of the world, followed by it.

Wu Mei's face is slightly changed.

The face of Zhao Xueyi and others in the background is very ugly.

"Let him go after the first round of the end." A dream factory said coldly.

"Yes, this kid is so sad, it is really evil."

"Director Zhao, let him go with him later."

"Just, this kid thinks who is he, actually dare to make the boss?"

Many people in DreamWorks are uncomfortable, and they can't hate Feng Lun now.

Zhao Xueyi said, "How do you let him see us now? I am afraid that we will become a joke tomorrow."

Everyone's face is slightly changed.

Indeed, if Feng Mun is going to take Feng Lun, tomorrow is not only the brilliant media, and other media will definitely catch the dream factory, and the pen is absolutely inevitable.

Zhao Xueyi despite hate Feng Lun, now I can't move him.

Everything can only wait until the end of the show.

Front desk.

Everyone looks at Xiao Chong.

Do you still refuse again?

"You seem to like to see me dancing." Xiao Chong looked at Fenglun.

"Tasting is me, there are still many people looking forward to the platform." Feng Lun is not afraid of Xiao Chong.

"The street dance is too simple."

Xiao Ye got up, took off the top, only to wear short-sleeved T-shirt.

Zhang Yonglin and others, Xiao Zhang is really going to be?

Wu Mei wants to say, what is said now, will only make Xiao Yang can't get a platform.

Xiao Cu came to stand up.

The audience in front of the TV also stared at the TV.

"Can he jump?"

"It is said that Xiao Central Wushu, dancing may not be difficult for him."

"What is the connection between martial arts and dancing? And he will be martial arts just a rumor."

"It's, three cats have."

"Street Dance is not so happy, I haven't learned it."

Everyone turned into the roots, I didn't believe that Xiao Chong will dance, and Xiao Li is up to it.

on site.

Music sounds.

Xiao Chang moved, it's really street dance!

Everyone is all shocked.

Feng Mun next to it was also shocked. He didn't expect Xiao Central to really dance.

Xiao Cang is single-handed, and it took the Thomas.

The audience under the field called all the crazy: "Xiao Chong!"

The shout spreads all over the audience.

Wu Mei can't help but say, "Xiao Chong's rhythm and coordination is much better than Feng Lun, just."

Music and dance are not single alone, if the two can be perfect, then this dancer is an excellent dancer.

There is no doubt that Xiao Chong's rhythm is extremely perfect.

Even Zhang Yonglin can't help but applaud, "Xiao Chong, I will be your fan!"

He also likes to dance, but the dance level of the king is really general.

His thought that Xiao He was unlikely to dance, but now, he is faced.

The person being smashed is more than him, and all the people who have doubted the Xiao Chong have been faced.

If you don't dance the street dance, you will not jump on the street dance.

The system rewards Xiaozhou dance skills, you can choose three dances. When you just take off your coat, Xiao Chong chose street dance.

Dancing better than dancing?

Xiao Ye is really not afraid of who.

After the dance jumped, Xiao Chong face did not breathe, smiled and said to the audience: "Is it not good?"

"it is good!"

Mountain flood tsunami sound swept the whole.

Feng Lun is ugly, he is definitely the most embarrassing person at the scene, no one, people who have been playing crimes are him.

Backstage, Xiao Heng and others also shocked at this moment.

"This is too powerful? This tyranny and rhythm are also strong than the street dance association."

"Niu, it is too cattle, what else is Xiao Li?"

These players are really surprised.

In addition to admire, they really don't know what to say.

Front desk.

Xiao Chong looked at Feng Lun, "Are you learning?"

Feng Mun is strong, "" Thank you, Teacher, Teacher, to go to the stage. "

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "You have a very courage."

Feng Lun said with a smile, "Thank you for your praise."

He said, "Teacher, what you mean is, you don't stay in the street."

Everyone's face is slightly changed, what do he want to do?

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Yes."

Feng Lun said, "Do you want us to dance than than Biladin?"

Zhao Xueyi and others were angry.

This kid is endless?

Wu Mei and others have a little bit unheatched, this kid is surprising to find .

Latin dance can be learned, and never heard of Xiao Chong, Latin Dance.

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