"He likes men!"

This is a word that Liu Zhou finally said.

Although Liu Zhou did not say anyone, but as long as people think about it, they know who is.

This is definitely an explosive message!

Whether it is on-site audience, or the audience in front of the TV is shocked.

"Lying! Is it true, we have guess it before, Xiao Chong likes a man!"

"The previous gossip will not be Deli to deliberately? He actually does not like a woman, and the reason is caused so much, it is completely hidden."

"This is too terrible. It is no wonder that he suddenly takes a TV series, what men's sea elections, it turned out to be another reason."

Many people are real.

"It's too funny. Can this person can believe it? He may also be bought by brilliant media."

"Yes, he is definitely with Feng Lun."

"This guy is really a lack, how much is the benefits of brilliant media?"

I believe there are a lot of people, but there are many people who don't believe.

Anyway, because Liu Zhou retired, the online frying pan is too strong because this news is too strong.

on site.

Everyone watched Xiao Chong's eyes suddenly a little different, or several people doubt the sexual orientation of Xiao Chong.

Zhang Yonglin is fun, "What is the relationship with you?"

Xiao Baole, "I really want to like men, I also like you."

Zhang Yonglin was amused, "said words, when he left you, it is, it is embarrassing, it is embarrassed, add it."

Next to Tang Wen said, "What do you plan? Do you look at what you are talking about now, they say that you will wear women's clothes last time, because you like men."

Wu Mei said, "They also said that your female voice is so good, and it is the reason why it is trained."

Xiao Chong: "..."

The current network violence is really terrible, it is very likely to be fake, but it is more vivid, and finally the feelings are true.

Now that Xiao Chong encounters this situation, everyone finds "evidence" to prove that Xiao Ye is a base, and plays a female corner.

8 into 4 has not started yet, Liu Zhou returned to the tip of Xiao Chong, and the attention was higher than "super boys".

Zhao Xueyi sent a message to ask Xiao Li, how to deal with it, do you want to temporarily control the Liuzhou first.

Xiao Chong let Zhao Xueyi don't use anything.

"Boss, can you have a way?" Zhao Xueyi curious.

"Reassured, I am not the kind of person who likes to lose money. He smeared me, it will pay a price." Xiao Jiang smiled.

Zhao Xueyi is relieved, he can't help but silently mourning, do you really think that the brilliant media will fly Huang Tengda?

Just when the public opinion boiled, the 8-in-4 game started.

The player will continue to work.

8 into 4 games, adding blind elections!

The so-called blind selection is divided into dance blind selection and singing blind selection, players who dance and sing, and need to wear masks.

They have been edited!

No. 1 to the 8th!

During the blind selection, the judges scored, the audience voted, and 70% of the audience, it was the performance test, and the performance accounted for 30%.

At this stage, the players may not imply his identity of others, otherwise it will violate the rules.

The players began to go to the stage, but everyone didn't know that the players were really identity. Whether it is a judge or audience, it can only be scored by the actual performance of the player.

Some people suddenly said in the blind stage, "he is in Morning!"

"how do you know?"

"Only in the morning will be French songs!"

"Yes! Previously, his information was written in the French western!"

More and more people have determined that the five is Mokochao!

On the judges, Wu Mei and Tang Wenyi and others looked at Xiao Chong. What should I do now? Is this a violation in Mom?

Xiao Chong said, "no!"

This does not count violation.

Morning is just a reasonable use of rules, he has no foul.

"The support rate of the No. 5" is the first! "

"It's too powerful, I will arrive first for a while!"

The audience was very surprised.

Everyone knows that after the May Morning, there is no blind, and all people who like cars are voting.

No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 can not be exceeded Ming Mart, and I won the first!

Then the dance is tested!

Morning is still the first!

Xiao Yang's eyebrows, even if it is disclosed in Morning, the ticket cannot be so high, and there is absolutely what kind of cat behind this.

The next home is the third ratio - performance!

The player finally unveiled the mask, but no one knows before they are the order.

Only the performance is over, and finally the ticket and the score are all come out, and the host will announce the identity.

Everyone is curious, now in addition to cars, the rest of the suspense is very big, who can enter 4 strong.

At this moment, Ji'an sent a news told Xiao Chong, and yesterday, in addition to Liu Zhou, Feng Mun left the player hotel alone, and the other three people left.

The 25th of these days is closed training, and there is no important thing that is not allowed to leave.

Xiao Chong looks at the list, one of them is early morning, he knows why the support rate in this morning will be so high, it is definitely the brilliant media behind the ghost.

Feng Lun and Liu Zhou are in the Ming, in the dark.

Can't win in the morning!

Xiao Jiang squinted in the morning on the stage, this is the first, it will definitely turn.

Xiao Chong found an excuse to leave, play a call to Han Dong, this is back.

Just then, in the morning, he looked at the Xiao Central of the judges and said, "Teacher Xiao, can I ask you?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "You said."

Morning said, "I used to stay in France in France, so I also like literature, especially Luozil and Teacher's poem. In my opinion, you can be able to be a literary genius of Roman Rocera with France."

The audience is happy, which is actually a Xiaoyang's blunt.

Morning said, "Are you not knowing Sophie? I want to ask you to help me sign a Roche's signature, and I want a poem!"

The background of Zhao Xueyi and Ji Dynasty are bruised. If they don't know if this kid and brilliant media have contact, it will really think that this kid is a fans of Xiaozhou.

Now, this kid is obviously in the pit!

Rozil also has an identity, the famous screenwriter of the French entertainment circle. Xiao Chong is guilty in Cannes, how can people give signed to Xiao Chong?

Also, this kid is a poem, which is a poem that I want to see Xiao Yang, although the ability of Xiaoyang writing poetry is very strong, but it is very difficult to temporarily write a good poetry.

In the morning, it seems that people are harmless. In fact, I have buried two big pits to Xiao Ca.

Many people think that he is really a fans of Xiaozhou, is sincere worship Xiao Chong.

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