King of Entertainment

Chapter 615, 4 strong birth

"Mr. Rozir said that he must enter the boss, saying that he wants to worship the boss as a teacher, learn the Chinese culture." The host said loudly.

Everyone is all.

The audience in front of the TV also stunned.

The people in the cultural circles are most shocked.

This ... What is going on? Rozill actually wants to make a teacher? Will not be Xiao Chong in the bragging? This is not possible.

Morning in Morning, "It's impossible, you are lying."

At this time, a blonde man came to stand up.

Really Rozil!

"It's Rosha!"

"It was Rozil, I participated in his new book conference when I went to France last year."

"Lying in the trough, Rozil is really coming, what did the host say? He wants to worship Xiao Zi teacher?"

Everyone is stunned, I can't believe that the last host is true.

Just then, Rozill on the stage said: "Xiao, I want ... worship you for Master."

Everyone was sluggish.

It is true, Rozl is really going to worship the teacher.

In the morning, I am unbelievable to look at Rozil, saying in French, "Mr. Rozir, Just now Xiao Ye said that you lost him, don't you be angry?"

Rozil, "Loss is lost, I am angry, now I have a strong interest in Huaxia culture. I saw Xiao's poem, and he also looked at him, he was a genius, real genius. "

Morning: "..."

"What did they say?"

"Yeah, I don't understand it all."

"Who can translate it?"

"Yes, seek translation!"

There is also a French in front of the platform and TV, and then some people translate online. Big

"Loss is lost, why I am angry, now I have a strong interest in Huaxia culture. I saw Xiao's poem, and he also looked at him. He is a genius, real genius."

Some people have an original translation.

Everyone was once again stunned. The original Xiao Central is true. Rozl is really his hand.

"Haha, this flange is actually conquered by my big Chinese culture, Xiao Teacher is might!"

"Xiao teacher domineers!"

"Teacher Xiao fought in the country!"

"The idiots in the cultural circles know that the ratio is better, now it is?"

"Yes, let the artist of an entertainment circle to break Rosha, even I am red."

Those who have just ridiculed the cultural circles of Xiaoyang, they didn't dare to open.

At this time, the video suddenly started playing video on the big screen behind the stage.

A young man talking inside.

"Is Liu Zhou!"

Some people recognized Liu Zhou.

"I am not gotting, before participating in the program, I will discuss the teacher in Morning and I have agreed."

"I am sorry for Teacher Xiao, I shouldn't promise tomorrow."

"I said before, I'm smearing Teacher, I hope everyone will forgive me."

When he heard the Liu Zhou, everyone stayed.

It is actually Liu Zhou in the framed Xiao Chong.

Not will be willicure, and there is also participated in it in this morning.

Everyone is invincible, screaming: "Shameless things, roll down!"

Everyone is extra anger because they are also deceived.

All garbage is thrown on the stage.

Rozer almost affected.

"I am worshiping the teacher? Why do I lose garbage towards me? Don't I match?"

Rozill felt some sadness, but at the same time, it was more firm to make a determination to make a teacher.

He looked at Xiaoyang's "Horse", he believes that he will be a thousand miles of Xiaoyang.

Morning was bombarded.

Rozil also returned to the background.

Xiao Central said, "Everyone is quiet, the game has to continue."

Everyone is quiet.

Performance competition continues.

At the end of the performance, everyone starts score.

Seven people are waiting for the final result.

Which four of everyone is curious to have finally finalized.

One minute, two minutes ...

Finally scored it.

The first place, Xiao Heng.

Second place, Dushengtian.

Third place, Wang Bo.

The fourth place, Qin Feng.

"Super boy" four finally released.

Xiao Li arrived in a room in the background.

Morning and Liu Zhou are in the room.

The stools of Liu Zhou are yellow water, that is his urine, he is scared by Han Dong.

In Morning, he also shivested, he was also scared.

Xiao He came in and said, "Don't worry, Feng Munhua will come."

His voice did not fall, and Han Dong came in with Feng Lun.

Feng Lun rushed to give birth to, "Teacher Xiao, I ... I am wrong."

Liu Zhou and in the morning are also hurried.

Xiao Chong looked at the three laughs, "Who let you do?"

Morning to say, "It is a brilliant media, but we really don't know who the other party is."

Han Dong's eyebrows, "What benefits are you giving you?"

In Morning, "the contract of the second line of artists, there are five million cash."

Xiao Central said, "You don't have much money, actually only give you five million."

Morning three people are embarrassed, but they don't dare to return.

Xiao Jiang pointed to Han Dong, "Do you know who he is?"

Morning three people show the fear, although they don't know who Han Dong is, but knowing Han Dong is absolutely not ordinary, and it is really dare to have their life.

Xiao Yicheng said, "Do you know how Liu Wei Xiong is dead?"

After Liu Wei Xiong was once again caught, he had already eaten a gun.

In Makah, I have, of course, I heard that the actress sniper Liu Xiong 's name, they did not expect this big death to be related to this cold man.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Go hard after brilliant media, I will find you later."

In the morning, the three people, and then understood what Xiao He wanted to do.

Xiao Cong said, "Don't doubt his energy, otherwise you will regret it."

Morning three people hurriedly nod: "We know what to do."

"Roll." Xiao Cong said.

In the morning, three people were like Daddy, hurriedly left.

Han Dong looked Xiao Li: "The brilliant media is not simple behind."

Xiao Cong said, "I know."

Han Dong said, "You may not be clear, the seven entertainment companies have the people of the capital of the capital. The brilliant media is mainly Wang Jiahe Jiajia. Jia Jia You should have a hand. Be careful, don't play. burn."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I have an inch."

Han Dong said, "My old man makes me talk to you, close to the Yanggang woman."

Xiao Chong: "..."

South Koreanda said, "You can do it."

Xiao Cang said, "I just want to be a big star. Your old man makes me to the national treasure, it is a bit hard to me."

Han Dong said with a smile, "Just play the news, people who really do it are us."

Xiao Lu shrugged, "Ok, I tried my best."

The two were then separated.

Xiao Jiang came to the background, smiled and said to Zhao Xueyi, "I have already thought about the name of the man combination."

Everyone looks at Xiao Chong.

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