King of Entertainment

Chapter 631, Misa Mountain, some panic

The people come in are Zhang Haiqing!

Mi Dashan faces slightly, he didn't expect Xiao Chong to give Zhang Haiqing to come.

Although all the top ten rich people in Beijing, the Mount Mount Zhang Haiqing still has some gaps, and the people behind him are better than those behind Zhang Haiqing.

Regardless of which aspect, Mi Dashan has lost.

Zhang Haiqing said with a smile, "the rice is always, it is not unusual."

Mi Dashan smiled, "I didn't expect Zhang and Xiao Central to be a friend."

Even if Zhang Haiqing is more money than him, it is even greater, he doesn't plan to let the upper, because it is about his face problem.

He looked at Lin Ling, Lin Ling hurriedly let the opening, smile, "Zhang always sit."

Xia Mengli and Cao Yueer were slightly tone, and they couldn't help but feel that they couldn't help but Xiao Chong, and they had just misunderstood.

Zhang Haiqing shook his head, "That position is still left to other guests."

He sat down the second position on the left side of the upper.

In addition to Xiao Chong, the faces of others have changed.

What does this show that there are still three people in Zhang Haiqing behind.

Who is Zhang Haiqing, that is, the people of Beijing, the people of the world.

To be honest, now Mi Dashan has a little flustered. He thought of Xiao Yicheng said, the heart said that there is a big figure to come?

Lin Ling's forehead couldn't help but appear cold sweat.

Suddenly, Mi Dashan is in the heart, is this a play of Zhang Haiqing and Xiao Congli?

Thinking here, Mi Dashan bites a tooth, or sits steadily on the super.

Zhang Haiqing flashed in a ridicule.

At this time, some people came.

Seeing people, Mi Dashan face madness, Hawran got up.

Li Sai Feng is coming!

Cao Yuner, but they did not know who came.

Xiao Chong laughed and should go up, "Li Ji."

"" In the Mi Shanno, he found that he had deviated from Xiao Chong's understanding.

Li Sai Feng smiled and nodded, "I haven't come late?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "No, you first entered the seat."

Mount Mount Mountain has given it up.

However, Li Saifeng only entered the right on the right.

Mi Dashan is mad, and who is there two people?

A Li Sai Feng has made him taboo. He really didn't want to see two more people.

Li Sai Feng has just entered the seat, and two people entered the door.

Seeing these two people, Mi Da Mountain, such as dead gray.

The coming is Yang Jianxiong and Li Wanlong.

The two of Li Binglong and Yang Jianxiong were all polite, and finally Yang Jianxiong sat in the upper.

Xiajiang entered the seat next to Li Binglong, smiled and said to the small millet, "Sit down."

Xiaomo sits below, only two of them left.

Yang Jianxiong looked at Mi Dashan, "Is this?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "This is the boss of the Dashan Group."

Yang Jianxiong praised, "This business is not bad."

"Yangdao has a prize."

Mi Dashan lootered and hurriedly entered the seat.

Xiao Cong said, "Mi boss, what did you say before Zhang? I didn't listen."

Mi Dashan is full of cold sweat, squeezing out smile, "I said, I will take five billion to make charity to DreamWorks."

Xiao Biao suddenly, "the rice boss is really generous."

This meal, Mi Damis is very difficult.

After the meal, Xiao Jiang personally sent Yang Jianxiong and others.

Mi Dashan looted.

Finally, there is only the Mi Dashan and Xiaoyang.

Xiao Chong looked at Mi Dashan, "Mi boss, I remember you said to greet my family and friends in the morning?"

Mi Dashan lootted, "To the right, I am ready to give a gift, I will send people to send people tomorrow."

Xiao Chong patted his shoulders, "It's really letting the boss breaks."

Mi Dashan is strong, "should, I personally like entertainment, I plan to support all the artists of the dream factory."

Xiao Central said, "Mi boss, you are a big good person, I thank the rice boss on behalf of the dream factory."

Mi Dashan smiled.

"Mi boss, let's go first."

Xiao Zhi took the bus with Xiaomo to leave.

Mi Dashan's clothes were wet. When I saw Xiaozhou, I finally got a breath.

Lin Ling is also cold sweat, and it is really frightened.

The pressure on the dinner table was too big.

Mi Da Mountain laughed, "What is your mother in the entertainment circle?"

If it is the main one, I think Xiao Yang is good, and he will not provoke Xiaozhou.

He didn't know that Xiao Chong's ultimate goal is to become a world-level entertainment, which is absolutely impossible to leave the entertainment.



The next day, DreamWork officially announced that "Meteor Garden" will be broadcast at 7:30 on Monday night.

Everyone is dumb, isn't it to say "Meteor Garden" has stopped shooting?

Luo Jun learned about this news, but then he smiled: "The" Tid "broadcast is also adjusted to 7:30 pm next Monday night."

His assistant nod.

At this time, Wang Sheng did not come to his office.

Luo Jun looked at Wang Shun Fun, "Surprise Dream, how can you have a very busy person?"

Wang Shun dreams and smiled and said, "I am not busy."

He said, "I heard that you are not happy with Xiao Cang."

Luo Jun is somewhat unnatural, and it hits it in the sky, "small things."

Wang Jing dream smiled, "When is your" Tid "plan to start?"

This is the largest TV series invested by the company at the end of this year.

Luo Jun said, "next Monday."

Wang Shun dream smiled and asked: "Do you need to help you promote publicity?"

In the brilliant media, although he is just a host, there are a lot of artists who are familiar with him, and they are big cards.

No way, the Wang family can be one of the big shareholders of brilliant media.

As Han Dong said, the brilliant media is actually Wang Jiahe Jiajia is supporting.

Luo Jun said, "Thank you, there is no need, the company's publicity is already in place."

Wang Shunng said, "Don't underestimate the TV series of" Meteor Garden "," Super Boy "ends that it will start broadcasting, and the popularity will never be low."

Luo Jun disdain, "" a newcomer's brain-resistant TV series. "

He didn't put "Meteor Garden" in his eyes, but it is a campus drama.

His "Magare" is that the production class is still the actor's lineup, or is also a publicity, it is enough to "Meteor Garden" street.

Luo Jun said, "I Luo Jun two words is the protection of ratings, the dream, you will be too Xiao Cheng as a thing. He is shooting TV dramas, not to be a variety show."

Wang Jing dream knows that he will continue to persuade, so I don't talk.

After the broadcast of the TV series Monday, the results can be seen.

At that time, if "the tide" lost, Luo Jun will definitely come to help himself.

Wang is a dream laughing.

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