King of Entertainment

Chapter 634 Tengda Group

Who will the artist advocate?

Xiao Jiang directly let Zhang Yonglin and Wu Mei wait for the horse. Anyway, Wu Mei is a good friend of Zhang Yonglin. She is willing to give Xiaozhou.

As for the activities, Xiao Ye is really not afraid of who, but it takes some time to do with specific operation. Of course, anyway, "Meteor Garden" broadcast again is also a next week, this week will make "tidal children" in a few days.

Xiao Chong found Zhang Haiqing.

Zhang Haiqing's eyebrows, "What are you looking for Tenda?"

Tenda is similar to Xiao Li's parallel world of Teng. The boss is also one of the top ten people, second only to Zhang Haiqing, with Zhang Haiqing, sitting in Zhuang, and turns a richest position.

However, the world's Tenda Group is far from the world's penguin group, and there are several powerful competitors.

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "cooperate."

Zhang Haiqing laughed, "Okay, I will take you with you, I will give you a message tomorrow morning."

Xiao Chong rushed back to the crew to continue to shoot.

The next day, Zhang Haiqing notified the departure of Tengda's departure at the afternoon.

Xiao Jiang took Ji'an to have passed.

For a newly established company such as DreamWork, Tenda is willing to send a deputy to see Xiao Ye's face.

Tengda's deputy receipts are not old, about forty years old, wearing glasses, Ss Wenwen, he took the initiative to say, "Xiao, I am the deputy profile of Tengda Group."

Xiao Chong reached out, "Dai Tong."

Today, the person with Xiao He is a private secretary of Zhang Haiqing. He smiled and said, "You still sit down and say."

Daring soldiers sat down and looked at Xiao Li, "Listen to Zhang, do you want to cooperate with our company?"

Tenda has a cultural industry, but the entertainment industry has not yet been involved.

Xiao Central, "Yes."

Dai soldiers and smiled, "I don't know how Xiao always plans to cooperate?"

"I have Tianyu Technology and Dream Factory." Xiao Co said that "Tenda has such a large customer flow, if the recruits work together, it is definitely a win-win situation."

"Xiao Zheng wants us to guide you, promote your movie and TV series?" Dear said.

There have been many entertainment companies to find them, I want to work with them, they all refuse.

Now Tenda is still developing at a rapid development, and they have two powerful opponents, giving customers too many customers who don't want to see, will cause disgusting.

Compared with the interests of your eyes, they value long-lived things.

Xiao Chong took a plan to handed a soldier. "Don't look at this first."

Wearing a little thing, I didn't think it was, and I watched it, the more shocking, I looked up at Xiao Li, "Xiao, this is what you did?" Xiao, this is what you did? "

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Yes, this is my sincerity."

Wearing the soldiers deep sucking, "Do you have a phone call?"

Xiao Chong handed him his business card.

Dear also handed the business card to Xiao Chong, "I will go back to find the horse."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I won't worry about it."

Dear said, "I will call Xiao, I will call Xiao."

I looked at Xiao Chu, "What did you show him?"

Xiao Chong said, "a suggestion about the development of their company."

Ji'an is a glimpse, "Don't make a joke."

She doesn't believe in Xiaoyang.

is it possible?

That is Tenda.

People will need a star development plan?

Even if I believe in Xiao Chong, I don't want to believe in Xiaoyang.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I am really truth, I will come to me tomorrow."

I still don't believe in Xiao Chong.

Unless the Tenda Group is crazy.

Xiao Jiang did not continue to explain, and rushed back to the drama to shoot.

Just when he rushed back, yesterday's ratio of the "tide" has also come out.

Yesterday, "Meteor Garden" did not broadcast, "the tide" has no suspense, and the ratio champion has been taken. The ratings are higher than yesterday's "Meteor Garden".

So, many people say "the tide" beyond the "Meteor Garden".

At least, from the higher of the ratings, "tide" is won.


Xiao Jiang did not care about the ratio, "Meteor Garden" is not broadcast, where is the comparability?

After filming, Xiao Jiang let Xiao be temporarily resting, because Shen Ranwei is coming.

After the new book conference of Shen Audiang, she did not return to the East Sea, and she has nestled the new book in the hotel. Until today, she took the initiative to find Xiao Chong.

She took the first draft of the beginning.

"Let me see."

Xu Shanxiu couldn't help but took it.

The writing of Shen Ranwei is of course not to say, talented women are not white.

Xiao Chong also looked at it, admired, "very good, according to this style of writing."

The temper is slightly tone. "I will have the East Sea tomorrow, it is estimated that at least three months can write the first."

She already has outline, writing is not difficult.

Xiao Chong said, "Don't worry, you slowly slowly."

He hesitated, he suddenly said, "I came up again yesterday."

Dawway: "..."

Xu Shanxiu: "..."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "This is a love story."

Shen Ranwei is white, "" Do you want me to write? "

Her talented woman, actually fell to a pen, and one generation is two.

She found that she had some indulgence, Xiao Dong, is it too good to talk?

Xiao Cong said, "Don't be angry, listen to me first."

Suddenly, "you said."

Xiao Chong said, "There is a snake saved by a pasta."

Swing and Xu Shanxi, what is this story?

Xiao Central said, "Later, the snake was subsequently formed by the millennium, she wanted to find the pastoral boy to report."

The agriculturality of the eyebrows, "how this story feels some dog blood."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "You listen to me first."

Listed in amburo.

Xiao Chong continued.

He said all the story of "New White Lady" legendary story to Shen Ranwei and Xu Shanxiu.

Xu Shanxiu couldn't help but say, "This story can really be low, and the ratings will never be low."

This is the intuition of her director.

Xiao Chong can't help but laugh, the ratings are not low?

You are still too young, don't know the horror of this TV series, this TV series is in the parallel world of Xiaoyang, saying that there is no empty alley.

Suddenly said, "This story is really good."

She really wants to write.

She suddenly found that he must leave the capital immediately, otherwise the third part of Xiao Chong is estimated, this head does not know what is done, it is too much.

The smear of the smear of the ancus.

After taking the show, Xiao Chong also went back to rest.

The next morning, Daren came to DreamWorks, and there was a summary of their horse with him.

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