meeting room.

Dongda Yin Vice President is a 50th woman, and Xu Niang is old.

In addition to Yin Vice President, there are still many leaders of the East Campus.

Self-introduction of both parties.

Yin Vice President said, "This is our invitation to the show. If Xiao Xiao is absolutely no problem, we can sign it today. Time is a bit tight, we can't drag again."

The time of the East Celebration begins getting closer, they can't drag again.

Xiao Chong, Zhao Xueyi and Ji'an, they all got a qualification.

After reading it, Xiao He is very calm, but Zhao Xueyi and Ji'an have frowned, and some conditions are too harsh.

Xiao Central said, "Zhao Ge, you will talk about it first."

Zhao Xueyi nodded, "The ratio must be three before the day, this condition is a bit higher."

Vice President Yin said, "Director Zhao, if there is such a harsh condition, we will not choose DreamWorks. Or do you have confidence in your company?"

Zhao Xueyi said, "I have certain confidence in DreamWorks, but no one can guarantee that the ratings must be in the top three. Even if the seven entertainment companies don't dare to boast the sea."

A middle-aged man next to Yin, smiled and said: "It seems that Zhao's director does not have information on DreamWorks."

Zhao Xueyi faces micro-change.

Xiao Chong said, "What is this?"

The middle-aged man said, "Wu Kun, Director Dongda School Office."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "The top three, the dream factory is no problem."

Zhao Xueyi faces micro-change.

Wu Kun haha ​​smiled: "Xiao Boss really has confidence and strength, no wonder all the programs are all the first."

Deputy Director Yin asked, "Xiao Boss, what opinions do you have for these requirements?"

Xiao Chong looked at Ji'an.

Ji'an said: "The school can temporarily modify the show as needed, I absolutely this should be deleted."

If there is this request, it is almost impossible to win the ratio of the ratings.

A group of foreign pedestrians, I want to have any new tricks, and then let the DreamWorks will be revised. Who is tossing?

Xiao Chong said, "My opinion is the same as the context."

This is also his bottom line.

Yin Vice Director nodded: "This can be modified, but you can't delete it. You can see that this modification does not work - change to the city. The leader of the city has a modification requirement,"

This is also their bottom line.

Ji Dynasty frowned.

Xiao Chong said, "Yes, but only the leaders of the top three can be modified."

Wu Kun's eyebrows, "Xiao Boss, if you are known by the city. The leadership of the city." They are afraid that they will not be happy. "

Xiao Lu shrugged, "This is my bottom line."

Wu Kun also wants to say what, Yin Vice President said, "I will tell the leadership, talk about your other comments."

The three of the Xiao Chong have advice on several invitations.

The East China Sea Creeper has remembered.

It is not signed today, and the school must return to the leader.

The next morning, the Dongda Creeper came again. Yesterday, the opinion they mentioned yesterday, the above basically all agreed.

The two sides signed a contract.

Vice President Yin said, "Three days, the Xiao boss can't take the program?"

Zhao Xueyi and Ji'an are really amazed by the vice president, three days? Do you really think that the plan is so simple?

Xiao Central said, "Planning programs and other jobs I will go at the same time, the program can come out within five days."

Yin Vice President said with a smile, "I will be in four days."

Xiao Chong said, "Yes."

Deputy principal of Yin reached out, "unhappy cooperation."

Xiao Chong also reached out, "Don't say this, I am also the student of Dongda."

The leaders of the East High-rise, I miss you, why don't you say that you are east?

Sending the people of the East, Xiao Chong immediately meeting.

"There are still 45 days from Dongda Celebration."

Xiao Chong said, "After 45 days later, the East Celebration started, we must strive to win the ratio first, now I will talk about the division."

Everyone is listening carefully.

Zhao Xueyi and Ji'an task are of course the heaviest.

The program is planned and a lot of work, and Xiao Jiang has arranged to give himself.

The staff of the DreamWorks is very touched, these are all the brains, Xiao Gong actually wants to get a person.

This day, where to find such a good boss?

The staff of the Dream Plant said to yourself, this 45 days will work overtime to complete the task.


In fact, it is not Xiao Chong wants to give them, but Xiao Chong is faster, his planning is not to think about it.

The programs of the previous Spring Festival Evening, the programs of the previous Satellite TV, etc., constantly appearing in the Xiaocheng Brain.

Joine when to join the celebration element, the list of programs of the East Celebration.

In fact, Xiao Chong does not use four days, tomorrow, he can take the show.

Low-key, still low-key, four days four days.

After the meeting, everyone is busy in accordance with the task.

Xiao Chong puts himself in the office to write a program planning.


In fact, he is playing a play.

Outside the office.

Everyone seeing Xiao Li, I will put it in the job, and I admire.

"Xiao Zheng seems to be real."

"Is this not nonsense? This time the East University of China is too important. If there is no way to win the ratio before the ratio, the other people will watch the boss?"

"It is, the boss's unbeaten myth can't ruin on us, we must usually work more effort."

In the photographic group, the light set, the stage group, the logistics group, the integrated coordination group ... Everyone is done.

"The boss also wants to write songs at the celebration at the school party. Time is only 45 days. Can you imagine the pressure of the boss?"

"Just, in addition to writing songs, the boss also wants another program, but the time is only 45 days, the person who can complete this task in this world is probably only the boss."

The staff of the DreamWorks is ashamed to shame with the depression of Xiaoyang.

In particular, those who are in the Dream Factory Music Ministry, they are more shy.

"If we can excel, all stresses will not be all on the boss."

"Yeah, the song we wrote from the boss has a big distance, we have to continue to work hard."

"There is such a program next time, we will definitely can't let the boss fight."

The person of the program planning group is even more shameful.

In addition to some fine branches, they have no way to intervene.

Sure enough, the boss is still insufficient.

"Yesterday, the boss said in the communication meeting, and more often read more."

"We have to hurry to learn."

"Yes, we can't let the boss fight for a fight."

They are like playing chicken blood and constantly make a variety of expertise.

The next day, Xiao Jiang received a message and his face changed.

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