King of Entertainment

Chapter 655 is despised

Next to Xiao Chong and Xiaomei, a little girl with a pink makeup, "Xiaomeng, what is your father's talents?"

Xiao Meng looked at this girl. "He is not my dad, my uncle."

The little girl deliberately smiled and asked, "What is your uncle?"

Xiao Mengyi face is proud, "Wang Ting, my uncle is a lot, your mother can't."

Xiao Yang is crying, you are giving me black.

Wang Ting's mother smiled and said, "Xiaomei students, I am the teacher of the art, the dance song will be some."

She obviously wants to tell Xiao Meng, Xiao Chong is impossible to get her.

Wang Ting is very proud, "Xiao Meng, my mother is still piano eight!"


This climb is actually spread in elementary school.

Xiao Chong shook his head.

Xiao Meng said, "The piano, my uncle will, it is very powerful!"

Wang Ting took the roots and did not believe Xiaomei said.

At this time, the beauty teacher on the podium smiled and said, "Let's carry out the first link, poetry reading, have the first group of parents!"

There is a parent to go to the stage.

Today's judges are teachers of primary schools, sitting on the first row under the stage.

I quickly went to Wang Ting's mother, and they recited "rain lanes", emotional, and repeated, it is very infectious.

After reading, the team leader of the judges under the end also took the lead to applaud, and admired: "Yes, this" rain lane "is very good, Xiao Chong's poems, this" rain lane "is very difficult. Big, Wang Ting Mom, you are in place for your feelings. "

Wang Ting's mother said, "Thank Xie Hao, the teacher, I can't compare, I am Xiao Teacher's hardcore powder."

Hao Mr. Haha smiled, "Teacher Xiao is also my fans."

Xiao Jiang has some embarrassment, he didn't expect that there is still his fans here.

Wang Ting and her mother sat down, the former looked at Xiao Meng said: "Xiao Meng, you have to cheer, at least to take the third place."

Xiao Sheng said, "My uncle is the best thing to be poetry."

Wang Ting revealed an expression you brag, her mother did not believe.

Xiao Jiang is somewhat distracted, girl, you forgot one thing, wearing a hood reciting effect, it will be a big discount.

At this time, the beautiful teacher on the stage began to call Zhang Yimeng, Xiao Meng got up, Xiao Chong also took the upper desk.

The beauty teacher asked, "Xiaomintang, which poem do you have to recite your uncle?"

Xiao Meng said, "" "is facing the sea, the spring blossoms". "

The stage is not a person can't help but laugh. You are because Hao Lao is like Xiao Chong's poem, so does it follow the style? Is this not picking up the teeth?

Everyone thinks this is the meaning of Xiaomei uncle. It is definitely not Xiaomei's idea. How can a child of a seven or eight years old may have these minds?

Xiao Meng this uncle is not worried about the poem "face the sea, the spring blossoms"?

Xiao Zhi did not think that Xiaomei actually selected this poem.

The beautiful teacher said, "Xiaomintang, start."

Xiaomei glanced at Xiao Chong, where she remembers the verse, she can only follow Xiao Zhi recital.

Xiao Yangqing got a scorpion and planned to recite.

Teacher Hao and other judges are not happy, this parent does not understand polite? Poetry is still in a mask, is you so can't see people?

Wang Ting Mom said, you want to recite good poetry with a mask?

Other parents also think that Xiao Cu is a bit can't stand, and it is not worthy of respect.

On the stage, Xiao Chong began to recite poetry.

Xiaomei followed.

"Be a happy man from tomorrow on."

"Feeding horses, squatting, around the world."

"From tomorrow, care for food and vegetables."

"I have a house, facing the sea, spring blossoms."



"May you get happiness in the world."

"I only want to face the sea, spring blossom."

Although a mask is wearing a mask, a Xiao-boy's voice is still possible, at least a medium score.

However, all judges have not given a high score, because Xiao Chong does not respect them.

In the end, Xiao Chong and Xiaomei's score is the lowest in all players.

Wang Ting looked at Xiaomei proudly, "Xiao Meng, you are the last one."

Xiao Meng dead duck mouth hard, "My uncle has a cold, otherwise he is sure first."

Xiao Chong has a few coughs.

Everyone can't help but believe that you have a cold.

Teacher Hao became more disgusted. This chapter of this chapter hit the uncle of this unpredictable, no wonder it is always so naughty in the school.

Looking back, I have to talk to Zhang Yu Meng's father, let him don't let the child follow this uncle's uncle.

Xiao Meng feels some shackles, "Are you not very powerful? How did you get the first place?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Don't you say that I want to wear a mask?"

When Xiaomeleton came back, Xiao Chong also wore a mask, and it could not recite the poem.

She is very tangled, let the Xiao Chong will pick up the mask.

Just when she was tangled, other parents had already recited.

The first link ends.

The highest score is Wang Ting and her mother, the minimum division is Xiao Chong and Zhang Yu Meng.

Wang Ting and mother came to the stage to receive award, a notebook and an album, plus a big red flower.

After that, Wang Ting is getting ready, and the big red flower in the chest is deliberate toward Xiao Meng.

Xiao Meng went over, I would like to pay attention to Wang Ting, my heart is very unhappy.

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "Don't care about these virtual names."

Xiao Meng said, "You are so powerful, even if you have a mouth, you should win them."

Xiao Chong: "..."

You will give me a try.

At this time, the beautiful teacher on the stage said: "The second link begins, there is the first Wang Ting mother and Wang Ting to go to the singular sing" Let us sway the scull ", everyone is welcome."

Everyone applauded, only a little cute.

Mr. Hao smiled and nodded. "The songs written by Teacher Xiao, my favorite is this song, too much education.

Other judges have nodded.

"This is the only song in all the songs of Xiao Teacher, is really suitable as a campus song, especially primary school."

"Yes, if Xiao Teacher thanks to a few songs of this type of song, it is simply the gospel of our primary school music teacher."

"Unfortunately, Teacher Xiao is a creator of popular songs, and it is impossible for teachers to write songs."

Many teachers present are actually a fans of Xiaozhou.

Chinese teachers, like Xiaozhou's poems and.

Music teacher, likes Xiao Chong's song.

Sports teachers also worship Xiao Chong, Xiao Chong's movement ability is against the sky.

Even the mathematics teachers worship Xiao Chu, the Dao Co can crack the existence of mathematics problems.

Xiao Jiang did not know that his largest fan group was actually at school.

At this time, Wang Ting on the stage and her mother have already sang.

Teacher Hao and others played a very high score.

Because Wang Ting and her mother sang too nice.

Wang Ting is definitely the protagonist of today's parent.

Xiao Meng is very unwilling.

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