"The abbot is not there." A little monk told Xiao Chong.

"Where is the abbot now? I am going to find him." Xiao Jiang smiled.

"We don't know where the abbot is."

Little monk said, "You still come back a few more time."

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "said the quarter is really?"

Xiao Humblebled 10 said, "Going to the family does not fight."

Dong Wei looked at Xiao Chong, "What should I do now?"

Xiao Chong looked at Xiao Shan, "Who is the main thing when you are not there?"

Xiao Mu said, "Our master."

Xiao Cong said, "What is your master?"

Little monk said, "At."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Then take me to see him."

"Two donors came with me."

Small monk with road.

Soon Xiao Chong, I saw a fat monk, and the master "Yongning".

Yongning looks at Xiao Chong, "What is the donor?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "cooperate."

Yongning laughed, "Is it not aware of the work of the donor?"

Xiao Central said, "We have been there before, I want to remember the master."

Before Zhao Xueyi reported the specific situation to Xiao Chong, the abbot was not in the Shaolin Temple, the people who received the dream factory were Yongning, and Yongning refused the Dream Factory.

Yong Ning brows, "The donor is a dream factory?"

Xiao Central, "I am a boss of DreamWorks."

Yongning said, "You go back, we will not work with you."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "I want to know why."

Yongning said that "Shaolin Temple is a place to promote Dharma, not to make a business performance."

Xiao Chong said, "Master, can you find a place to sit down and talk, listen to me a few words."

Yongning said faintly, "no time."

He turned directly to go.

Dong Wei looked at Xiao Chong, "Do you want to catch up?"

Xiao Chong said, "No."

Dong Qingyi.

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "All came, let's turn around, and enjoy the scenery of Shaolin Temple."

Dong Wei smiled and rushed to Xiao Li. "Today, we will go everywhere, talk about it tomorrow."

Xiao Caote head.

Dong Qing is curious, "When did the Shaolin Temple built?"

Xiao Central said, "Shaolin Temple built in Northern Wei Taihe and 19 years, that is, 495 AD. Xiaowen, in order to place a sorghum of his admiration, so the small room has built Shaolin Temple."

Even I have heard of the Shaolin Temple, I have heard that Shaolin Temple has been a thousand more than 150 years.

This world's Shaolin Temple has almost the same history, and Xiao Zi took Dong Zhiwei and said. hour."

Dong Xi said, "I am not afraid, anyway, you have to carry me."

Xiao Chong is crying.

In the whole afternoon, Xiao Jiang also took Dong Yu to visit Shaolin Temple. In addition, he saw that the situation asked Shaolin Temple and collected a lot of messages.

In the evening, Xiao Chong and Dong Wei have found a home in the nearby city.

"Worn out!"

Dong Qingjin took off his clothes on the bed and entered the bathroom.

Xiao Chong also went in.

Take a long time they are transferred to the big bed.

Dong Wei said on the shoulders of Xiaoyang. "Do you think of the way?"

Xiao Chong said, "The key is still on the abbot."

Dong Wei said, "But we don't know where the abbot goes."

Xiao Cong said, "Do you remember a message to tell us? The abbot has to go to the nearby Buddhist Association to present Dharma every month."

Dong Qing said, "But we still don't know where he is."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I have already investigated, if he really gave the Dharma, we will find him."

The drip has received a text message.

Han Dongfa news came over.

Xiao Caote opened a look, smiled and said, "Find the specific location, we will pass tomorrow."

Dong Wei is a little worried, "What should I do if I don't agree?"

Xiao Central said, "I can only live in my life."

The next morning.

After Xiao Chong did the early morning exercise, he left the hotel with Dong Ji.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple "Perspective" is a Buddhist Association in the city, when Xiao Chong and Dong Ji arrived, he is in the Dharma.

Dong Wei did not understand.

Xiao Chong, but heard of Jinjin.

After a while, the Dharma preaching ended.

Xiao Jiang walked over, "Master please stay."

Deductive looks at Xiao Chong, "The donor is still confused?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "Master, I want to ask you a question."

Pension, "You ask."

Xiao Chong said, "How can a drop of water?"

If you think about it, "put him in the Dajiang Dahe."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "The Master thinks that will the Shaolin Temple will not be as drip like that drip?"

The acti is finally facing Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central said, "I am the boss of DreamWorks. I want to cooperate with Shaolin Temple to let Shaolin Temple famous at home and abroad."

I'm laughing and said, "" The donor has a Buddha, can you be willing to enter Shaolin Temple? "

The side of the Dong Wei crying and laughing, he is impulsive?

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Master, you are."

I asked, "Why?"

Xiao Central said, "I have a Buddha in my heart, where I am not a cultural Buddha."

Perspective is silent.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Master, I will tell you a story again."

I'm telling, "I hope to smell."

Xiao Yong said, "There is a small monk asked Zen to his master. His Master took the big tea cup and gave him her tea. After the tea was overflowed, his Master continued to fall."

Perspective, tangted, "taught."

He took a piece of jade to Xiao Chong, "This is my trill, you will give you Yongning, he will promise you."

Xiao Chong said, "Thank you."

The acti is left.

Dong Yu was looked at Xiao Chong than, she didn't understand what Xiao Chu said just now.

Xiao He has turned around.

Dong Wei chased it, "What did you say?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Which sentence is you asked?"

Dong Wei is crying, "I didn't understand anything you said."

She is crazy.

She always thought she was smart, but now she feels that she is really stupid.

Xiao Central said, "I asked him how to drip water, how did he answer?"

Dong Qing said, "He said that the water is put in the Dajiang Dahe."

Xiao Central, "I want him to understand that if Shaolin Temple continues to lock itself, it will be as dried like that drip."

Dong Wei looked at Xiao Chong, "What is the meaning of that story? Why is the monk's teacher to put the tea cup, then pour water?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I want to tell him, don't continue to match, you are actually working with DreamWorks."

Dong Qing: "..."

I believe in your ghost!

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