King of Entertainment

Chapter 670, Mother, Male, Lightny

After an hour, Qi Wei ended today's teaching and planned to go home.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I will send you back."

Qi Wei said, "No, Xiao Teacher."

Xiao Cong said, "This is, you refuse me the second time today."

Qi Wei, "Teacher Xiao, this can not be refused."

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "Of course, you can't reject me the third time, I will send you back."

Qi Wei has no way, only nod.

I got on the car, Qi Wei told the location of Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong is laughing and said, "Unfortunately, if I come to two days, you can join DreamWork."

Qi Wei smiled, "Teacher Xiao, you say this again, I am so embarrassed."

Xiao Cong said, "I just think that my script is so unfortunate."

Qi Wei's face is changed, "Do you want to shoot a new movie?"

Xiao Chong shakes his head, "It is a TV series, it will take a shot tomorrow. I originally intended to make you starring, but unfortunately."

Qi Wei did not speak.

Xiao Central said that "Red Media may not be suitable for you than DreamWorks, sometimes suitable for yourself is the best."

Qi Wei is struggling, and the treatment to her media is also very good, not to mention the Red Day Media, if the Red Day Media is blocked?

Xiao Cong said, "You can think about it again, I can give you the second line of artist."

Qi Wei's deep sucking gas, "Teacher Xiao, if I promise you now, how do you see me? I am not a three-sided three-knife?"

Xiao Chong: "..."

Qi Wei said, "I still plan to join the Red Sun Media."

Xiao Chong's headache, I said for a long time, my feelings, I will use it.

Qi Wei said, "Teacher Xiao, arrived."

Xiao Chong parking.

The two just got off the bus, a middle-aged woman came to walk, grabbed the arm of Qi Wei, "I have been raising for so many years, you actually don't pick it up."


Qi Wei looked at the middle-aged woman and said, "I just don't want to pick up!"

Middle-aged woman glanced like Xiao Ye, laughing: "There is a man finished the mother, is your conscience being eaten by a dog?"

Qi Wei's tears couldn't help it. "I don't have a conscience? If I really don't have a conscience, will I buy a house for your money? Will give you money?"

Middle-aged woman is laughing, "I am raising you, is this not you should?"

Qi Wei bites the red lips and said, "Ok, I am really ambiguous, but he is twenty, can't you go out to find your work?"

Middle-aged woman is cold, "He is your brother, what happened to you?"

Xiao Chong can't help but laugh, Qi Wei's mother is really God logic.

Qi Wei mother stared Xiao Chong, "Why do you laugh? Laughter, I let me break up with you!"

Xiao Chong: "..."

Qi Wei said, "It's enough, he is not my boyfriend."

Her mother is laughing, "Not your boyfriend will send you home? Are you idiot?"

Qi Wei opened her hand, "You let him return to my hometown, don't come back to me again."

Her mother pointed at her: "White eyes! Your brother is still not hungry, do you want to kill him?"

Qi Wei can't help but say, "If he is really starving, it is he lived."

Her mother wanted to raise her a slap in the first two steps, but fortunately he was caught by Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong is cold and said, "Is it not enough?"

Qi Wei Mom glared to Xiao Chong, "What is the relationship with your family?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, but I just look uncomfortable. Do you know what I am doing?"

Qi Weima wizards, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Chong is cold and said, "the road is mixed."

Qi Wei mother does not believe it.

Xiao Chong is hard to open Qi Wei mother's hand, Qi Wei mother returns a few steps, almost falls.

I took a shot, Xiao Chong said, "Come, I interrupt your son's leg, get a tire to give him a meal."

Qi Weima was really scared, and the evil glazed, and left the next sentence.

Xiao Chong looked at Qi Wei, "Are you okay?"

Qi Wei is a strong laugh, "Make Xiao Teacher laughed."

Xiao Cong said, "She will definitely come back to you."

Qi Wei smiled, "I intend to move."

Xiao Chu Q: "How many times have you moved?"

Qi Wei was silent.

Xiao Central said, "Go to the East Sea, only directly moving from the capital is the best way."

Qi Wei bowed, "Teacher Xiao, do you let me consider good one night?"

Xiao Chong nodded, "I am looking for a home near your home. When are you thinking, you can call me at any time."

Qi Wei nodded and turned back to the community.

Xiao Chong has found a home hotel nearby.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Qi Wei suddenly called Xiao Chong, and the voice trembled: "Xiao ... Xiao, someone has been in my room, I am afraid."

Xiao Central said, "Don't worry, how long is he?"

Qi Wei said, "More than two hours, he has been knocking."

Xiao Cong said, "I have passed."

Qi Wei said, "I will send you the house number."

Soon, Xiao Chong went to the door of Qi Wei, really had a wretched man wearing a mask at the door.

I saw Xiao Chong, and his eyes showed a fierce color, "Roll! Don't hinder the good things of Laozi!"

Xiao Jiang took the man in the ground, overlooking the man, "Who will come over?"

The man was frightened. He didn't expect Xiao Li than him, and he didn't say it. He said that he was in battle. Come over the woman who lives in this. "

Xiao Chong is laughing, "Roll!"

The man has a rolling to crawling.

Xiao Jiang called Qi Wei.

Qi Wei will open the door.

After Xiao He entered, Qi Wei closed his door, she finally got a breath: "Thank you, Teacher Xiao."

"Nothing." Xiao Central said, "He just said that a young man gave him a thousand dollars to come over."

Qi Wei's tears couldn't help it, "" must be my brother. "

Xiao Chong is sigh, "Leave Beijing."

Qi Wei nodded, "I will pack my bags and will go tomorrow morning."

Xiao Cong said, "I will help you."

Qi Wei apologizes, "How is this?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "There is not an embarrassment, however, you are about to be a member of our dream factory."

Qi Wei is very touched.

Xiao Chu asked, "What to do?"

Qi Wei said, "Just some clothes, I will take it myself, or do you go to rest first?"

Xiao Chong thinks too, the woman's private thing is not convenient to clean up, so I nodded: "Then I will go back to the hotel first."

Qi Wei hurriedly said, "Teacher Xiao, you ... can you fall here?"

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