King of Entertainment

Chapter 672, School Celebration

time flies.

More than five days is Dongda Celebration.

Many well-known alumni in Dongda rushed to the East China Sea, there is a entertainment industry, there are business people ...

In addition to well-known alumni, in addition to well-known alumni, there are still many people to make fun of the world.

Students in the online university are also hot about the celebration.

"This celebration can be a good thing to make Xiao Zhi."

"Yes, Xiao Cong can be a good thing, he is the guarantee of ratings."

"What is Xiao Chu and how it is also our East China, and he certainly has to make us a power."

"It is said that this Jingda's program is very powerful, star lineup and guest lineup are best level."

"What kind of stars are there?"

"The big artists under the Red Day Media and the brilliant media will come, in addition to this king and the day!"

"Dynasty and the day? Is it true?"

"Under normal circumstances, these people are of course not good, but this time it is in Beijing."

"It is also, the alumni of Beijing, too much, is not too powerful."

"From the artist lineup and guest lineup, then to the program team, the East Dad is really a full loss. The ratings want to counterattack, almost impossible."

"If there is Xiao Chong, there may be no chance."

"You overestimate Xiao He, in front of the absolute strength, Xiao Chong and his DreamWorks only have a confident."

"That is, this red media and brilliant media jointly organized Beijing University, and then with the heritage of Beijing, the ratings were definitely the first!"

Everyone is clear about Beijing.

East Dapu students did not accept the gas, but they were actually guilty. At the same time, the celebration party was held, and the East is too losses.

"I hope that Xiao Jiang should not let the ratings open too big gap."

The eastern student and Donghai people can only comfort themselves.

And no matter what others say, they are iron to support the East Celebrity Party.


East University Celebration Party.

Today is a rehearsal time.

Honestly, this year's leaders in the East China Sea have not confident, and the Big Big Handbook has a lot of big handles.

Although the leaders of the East China Sea have strong support, after all, the resources are not as good as Beijing, they have tried their best.

"Xiao Xiao, is there a grasp?"

The leaders of the East China Sea looked at Xiao Chong.

"If the leadership said that the party is finished, it is certainly no problem." Xiao Jiang smiled, "I have confidence to win the first."

Leaders: "..."

Young people, you really don't know the situation on the side of Beijing, or pretend not to know?

The city smiled and said, "The strategy despise the enemy, Xiao Xiao, I will give it to the following people, you need to be confident now."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Leaders are rest assured, I will. The rehearsal will start, please sit first."

The leaders sit down at the stage.

The rehearsal start.

The East University celebration party has a total of 29 programs.

The first program came out, the leaders were amazed.

The next second program, the third program ... is even more light.

When all the programs are read, the leaders of the East China Sea and the President of the East Dapu cheer, and the applause is thunder.


The leaders who have not had more confidence in the East China Sea Celebration Evening, which is a confidence.

At the same time, they also have been fortunate to choose the Director of the Director of the Deli, and the ability of Xiao Chong to make a program is really first-class, no one.

Even if this East University celebrates the party really lost to Beijing, it is absolutely not a Xiaozu's responsibility. It can only say that there are too many field factors.

After the rehearsal end, the leaders gave the Xiao Chong and others to cheer, and then left.

Xiao Cang said, "There is another four-day party to start. Everyone has worked hard. After the celebration, I will give you a long holiday, take a break."

I heard it, everyone cheered Qi Qi.

Everyone scattered.

The next day, the East University celebrates the rehearsal of the rehearsal of the rehearsal, and the news that the leadership appreciated is spread.

"Successful? I can say this, anyway, blowing, it is not criticized."

"It is, for the East University, this may be successful, but compared with Beijing, then you can see it."

"The big side of Beijing is also alive, and that is called the big gather, the scene is spectacular."

"The heritage of the East Theory is completely better than the Beijing, the attention is really too much."

"It is said that the king of foreign countries will come to the Beijing-Boya Celebration Party. Is this an east energy than?"

Indeed, if the resources are more than resources, Beijing is really no one.

Many East China University students and East China Sea people can't help but talk.

"The party is more than the show, not the bottom of which."

"Yes, if you are more than the heritage, why don't you go to the world name?"

"Just, is it only a fight in the nest?"

Some online names in Beijing are not cool.

"What is the won't fight against it? Speak to be responsible."

"Yes, we have never putting you as an opponent, you are too older."

"Boungers? You are not our opponent."

"You are right, our opponents are world famous schools."

Netizens in the East China Sea are more angry.

"There is a book with us than the economy."

"Yes, there is a book than our economy."

"It's so funny, why don't you go to the cloud?"

The online person said that he actually noisy.

Dongda Celebration and Beijing Celebration have not started, and the active will become an opponent.


Tenda Group.

They received a subprogramme, the program was Xiao Chong.

Ma Tengda listening to the plan is Xiao Chong, and personally opened it.

Now, Xiao Chong is also one of Tenda's shareholders, and the development of Tengda Group is also good for him.

So, this program is really not entirely in promoting the East Celebrity Party.

After reading, I couldn't help but praise it. "Xiao Chong is unfortunately in the entertainment industry. If he can come to the company."

It is said that this is said, but he also knows that Xiao Yangzhi is here, but in the entertainment circle.

A good business genius, actually just want to be an artist.

Ma Tengda feels that the genius world is different from our ordinary people.

Tenda Group's movements quickly, and the plan was implemented the next day.

Different from the teacher of the teacher "Wufu", this time Xiao Chong has changed another routine.

This routine is also a potholes in the world, but the promotion effect is indeed first class.

In particular, even though this is a pit, it still feels that the music is not.

This routine is out, the attention of the East Celebration Party will definitely go up.

Many people's Tenda account received the same message.

Everyone is somewhat, what is going on? Tengda wants to pit people?

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