King of Entertainment

Chapter 674 Chu Chuyu

The first batch of East University Celebrations was opened!

A community, a young student, a big gift package, suddenly stunned.

His spree is - Alice warm clothes.


This is a woman.

Electric motorcycle, flashlight, bicycle, TV, TV, all kinds of things, cheap and expensive.

To be honest, some things are really inconvenient, such as TV dramas are two thousand.

This first batch of gifts suddenly made a lot of people, as if they were cheap.

However, everyone is more concerned about who has got a new song of Xiaozhou.

Beijing Drama Academy.

Many students also have to open their own spree, everyone can not help but disappoint, because they most want to get the new song of Xiaoyang!

"I really don't know who is the new song of Xiaoyang."

"DreamWork will definitely be announced."

Everyone is paying attention to the official website of the dream factory.

At the same time, the girls dormitory, Chu Xiaowei also cut successfully, progress bar, 100%.

After she opened the gift, she stayed.

"Congratulations, get a New Year's new song, will have the opportunity to board the stage stage tomorrow!"

Happiness is too sudden, Chu Xiaoyu is a good half of the day, her first reaction is, do I go to the East China?

Just then, the people of the DreamWorks called her.



DreamWorks official website announced the name and identity information of the winner.

Xiao Chong's new song winner, Chu Xiaowei, 19 years old, at the Beijing Drama Academy, Performance Department ...

The students of the Beijing Drama Academy are really envious of hate, this kind of good opportunity has fallen on Chu Xiaowei.

No one is unhugal.

Xiao Jiang learned that the winning people actually became Chu Xiaowei, and he couldn't help it.

Zhao Xueyi said, "The boss, Chu Xiaowei has already arrived in the plane of the East China Sea," this afternoon. "

Xiao Central, "Take her directly to me."

Zhao Xueyi couldn't help but ask, "I really want to go to stage?"

In fact, he wanted to ask Xiao He, if it was a person who didn't understand singing, how to do it, would you let him go to stage?

Chu Xiaowei is a student of the Beijing Drama Academy, but she is a performance department, and it is estimated that it will not sing.

Xiao Chong said, "she as long as she is not a five-voice."

Zhao Xueyi: "..."

In the afternoon, Chu Xiaoyou rushed to the Donghai Dream Factory.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Sit."

Chu young is hesitant to say, "I ... I don't sing very much."

Xiao Yicheng asked, "Which song is you sung?"

Chu Xiaowei said, "Teacher Dong Ji's" courage "."

Xiao Cong said: "You sing it again."

Chu children are slightly red, some are sorry, she has a steadyness to sing.

"Courage" This song is not difficult to sing, Chu young sang does not look hard, and she is estimated to really like this song, sing is really good.

Her voice is OK, but if it is really developed towards the singer, the three-line may be already the limit.

Xiao He thought about saying, "Go to the library room with me."

Chu baby nodded.

When I arrived at the door, they hit the Zhang Yonglin wearing sunglasses.

Zhang Yonglin glanced at Chu Xiaoyi, revealing the color, "Well, you."

Xiao Cong said, "She is the lucky one of this time."

Zhang Yonglin once again talked Chu Xiaowei. "I read the news, she seems to be the ceremony of the Beijing Drama Academy, you determine that she can sing it?"

Chu Xiaowei lowered his head.

Xiao Cong said, "You will not chat at all, see what it is to scare people's girl?"

Zhang Yonglin smiled, "Little girl, don't care, I really don't have Xiao Bo."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Chu young face is red.

Zhang Yonglin looked at Xiao Chong, "The song is written?"

Xiao Chong said, "I am going to take her to practice songs."

Zhang Yonglin thumbs up, "you are amazing!"

He is also listening to the past.

Living song room.

Xiao Chong will start writing with a paper pen.

Chu Xiao was shocked, from Xiao Jin listened to her song to now no more than half an hour, Xiao Central can write this song, it is too incredible.

Xiao Ye quickly saved Zhang Yonglin, "Since you come, you teach her."

Zhang Yonglin is crying, "You really use resources."

He bowed his head looks like a lyrics. After reading it, he admires, "Not bad."

Chu Xiaobi has become curious.

Zhang Yonglin handed her to her.

Chu Xiaowei watched the song name and stunned. This song is really interesting, then look at the lyrics, she stunned.

This lyrics are written too much.

Xiao Chong said, "Zhang Ge, you sing it first."

Zhang Yonglin said that there is only a woman who can sing this song, you will spare me. "

Xiao Jiang smiled, no longer difficult Zhang Yonglin, call Dong Qing to teach Chu Xiao Singing.

Dong Ji quickly came over. She also liked after she saw the song, unconsciously snorted.

After a while, Dong Ji began to teach Chu Xiaowei singing. Chu Xiaowei's voice is indeed more suitable for this song, although time is somewhat tight, it should be able to sing.

At the same time, DreamWork released a message, at the party tomorrow, Chu Xiaowei will sing Xiao Li to the new song that is tailoring to her.

When the news came out, many people envy.

"Chu Xiaowei this is the rhythm of red."

"It's, after tomorrow, she will absolutely fire."

"Don't use it tomorrow, now everyone remembers her name."

"It's, her luck is also very good, I only hope that she should not ruin the Xiaoyang song."

"Indeed, she is a student of the Performance Department of the Beijing Drama Academy. Singing should not be her strength."

The ability of Xiao Changzhi is very strong, but it will not be able to say that he will not say it. After all, he will write songs today, and tomorrow will show, time is too short.

Even if Xiao Jiang has the ability to write new songs, do you have to sing well, then you can't say it.

Tomorrow is a celebration party!

The next morning.

Xiao Jiang once again debugged the equipment, everything is ready.

Everything is ready.

On the other side of Tengda, "cutting a knife" continues to be hot, and the attention of the East Celebrity Party is still not declined.

Although the attention cannot be equipped with the ratio of the ratings, it is also closely related.

Now, no one will dare to say that the East will lose, can only say that the winning is small.

But everything is waiting until 7:30 in the evening, it will be officially announced. It can really determine the high rate of ratings, and finally I have to see the show itself.

At 7:00 am!

The program started quickly.

Leaders and guests have successive.

Synchronous ratings come out.

As of now, the Beijing's high ratings are the first, because all the well-known alumni in Beijing is all, their influence is too big.

Although there are many well-known alumni, there are many well-known alumni, but there is a small gap than the Great, so the synchronous ratings are behind.

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