King of Entertainment

Chapter 686, Beijing 23

"Thousands of-handed Guanyin" ended in the warm applause of the audience, and the ratings of the East Big Party were again super-Beijing Garage!

At the same time, the second ace program on the side of Beijing began, nine beautiful women settled at the stage!

Many viewers are excited!

"It is a combination of beauty!"

"I am going! Beijing is actually invited the most popular combination of Gaoli!"

"I am a faithful fan, and their songs must, of course, you must listen!"

"Haha, this time is a lot of ear!"

"The beauty of the times! I love you!"

"The beauty of the times, I really gathered the beauty of this era, too young."

"People look good, sing again, it is invincible."

Many male spectators are crazy.

The popularity of the beauty of the times has always been high in Huaxia, which is more effective than the king, especially the male audience.

The beauty of the times is absolutely one of the three big trings in Beijing. There are them, Xiao Jiang unless otherwise asking a king or after the day.

Everyone knows that Zhang Yonglin will appear, but don't forget that there is a trump card in Beijing. If Zhang Yonglin appeared at the scene, what is the big ratio of the East Gaotai?

With the beauty of the times, the synchronous ratings of the Beijing Great Party once again surpassed the East. Everyone is guessing, what is the next step in the next step? Is Zhang Yonglin to play directly?

Many people think that Xiao Chong has finished the card.

East Gate Party Stage.

Zhang said, "Below, there is a" dark fragrance "to give us a" dark fragrance "."


Xiao Chong actually choes with Zhang Yonglin!

The popular beauty of the times is very high, but they can't stand the two people from Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin. There is no exaggeration, Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin teamed up with the existence of invincible in the Chinese scorpion.

The most critical, Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin bring a new song - "dark fragrance".

The synchronous ratings of the East Big Parthen are once again surpassing Beijing!

Although the ratings were revealed, Wang Shun did not help but laughed.

Now, the entertainment circle doesn't know that the most popular artist of the dream factory is Zhang Yonglin. In addition to Zhang Yonglin, Xiao Ye has no longer like to come to a bigger artist.

The last time he can come to Lai, this time, can he still ask again? If you ask, you can still write an English song to Laian?


East Gate Party.

on the stage.

Song information is given on the big screen.

Song: "Dark incense".

Words: Xiao Chong.

Queue: Xiao Chong.

Sing: Zhang Yonglin, Xiao Chong.

Sure enough, it is a song created by Xiaoyang!

Everyone is looking forward to.

DreamWork has a small gold combination, and the cross-sound gold combination is now more combo in gold.

Music sounds.

Some sadness.

The audience changed slightly, this song should be a sad song, perhaps a song.

Xiao Chong picks up the microphone: "When the petals leave the flowers, dark fragrance remains."

Zhang Yonglin took the microphone: "After the fragrance, no one will smell."

"I have no culture, I will only say it too nice!"

"This song is too beautiful! The melody is also very pleasant!"

"Zhang Tianwang's song and skills have nothing to say, Xiao Chong's singing work is no longer in Zhang Tianwang, the most crucial, their cooperation is too perfect."

Everyone is touched by this "dark fragrance".

The song is still going on.

"If I tell me, I will fight for your love ..."

"If you die in the splendid, love will rebirth in the ashes ..."

"When you don't forget your lingerie, use your smile to pay homage to me ..."

"Let the heart die in the splendid ..."

"Let love reborn in the ashes ..."

"The fire is burning into the grass marks, seeing another year's spring breeze ..."

"When petals leave flowers, dark fragrance remaining ..."

Xiao Jiang smiled and looked at Zhang Yonglin.

"When petals leave flowers, dark fragrance remaining ..."

Zhang Yonglin sang and also looked Xiao Zhi.

"The fragrance is in the wind, no one is smelling ..."

"If I tell me, I will fight for your love ..."

"If you die in the splendid, love will rebirth in the ashes ..."

"When you don't forget your lingerie, use your smile to pay homage to me ..."

"Let the heart die in the splendid ..."

"Let love reborn in the ashes ..."

"The fire is burning into the grass marks, seeing another year's spring breeze ..."

Zhang Yonglin and Xiao Chong Chorus.

"When petals leave the flowers ..."

"Dark fragrance ..."

The rest of the sound, it will be disappeared for a long time.

The audience applauded.

This first "dark fragrance" shocked all the hearts of all the audience.

The beauty of the times is not a secret of Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin, and they did not help Beijing's great journey pulled.


Everyone is hot discussion "dark fragrance".

"A" dark fragrance "sang me!"

"There is a lot of songs written by Xiaoyang, but the biggest impact is the" dark fragrance "."

"Listening to this" dark fragrance ", I can't hear other songs."

"For a long time in the future, I must have a single loop, I love" dark fragrance "."

"It is strongly recommended Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin to build a happy team!"

"Just, I have never seen a combination of work with such a perfect combination, and if they make up the band, it is absolutely invincible."

"Dark incense" is too big to give everyone the vibration, no one doesn't like it.

Although everyone knows that Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin have a small possibility of establishing a band, everyone still wants to work with Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin.

"I only knew it until today, in fact, Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin are true love."

"Haha, upstairs, the wall does not help, take you!"

"Haha, don't say, Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin really have a husband and wife!"

Many people are interested.

At this time, another song class show on the side of Beijing has begun, which is actually a group of star chorus songs!

From the heaven, he sing, the first line, and the first line will be chorus.

Everyone knows that the third king card in Beijing is playing!

Star chorus!

And the star lineup is unprecedented!

This is their spindle show!

Wang Shun dreams, he doesn't believe that Xiao Chong can set off what hairdry.

Sure enough, the waste of "dark fragrance" ended, and the Bai's star chorus started. This, the total synchronous ratings of Beijing, finally ended!

Beijing Great evening ratings first!

Everyone can't help but feel very unfortunately, Xiao Chong and his East Party were originally a chance to win the first, but the opponent is too strong.

"Shaolin Soul", "I want to turn truth", "dark fragrance", "thousand-hand Guanyin" ... These programs are classic.

Really, Xiao Chong's program is undoubtedly better, more classic. However, Beijing Big, Red Day, brilliant three joints, the bottom is too deep, it is not a general person to win.

Just when everyone thinks that the overall situation has been set, the last pressure axis show of DreamWorks is about to begin.

A program name appears on the big screen.

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