King of Entertainment

Chapter 691 Hu 81

Who is coming?

Xiao Chong looked at Bai Su.

Bai Sui eyebrows, she doesn't have any friends in the East Sea.

Laughing outside the door, "Bai Su, I know you are in it."

Actually Pan Mingsheng!

Pan Mingsheng asked coldly, "Why do you want to tell my shape in front of Xiao Chong? I am not happy with it?"

Bai Su said, "Follow enough? Let's go."

Pan Mingsheng said coldly. "Laozi is waiting for you today, unless you can't come out in your life. If you are, if you are not my dad, can you have today?"

Bai's face pale.

Pan Mingsheng cold, "I had to fly Yum Tengda, I have already fly Yellow Tengda. As I have been tired, I have not been tired, I haven't been to you!"

Bai Sui is laughing, "I will have this kind of people in this world, why did you have this son."

Pan Mingsheng is mixed with yin and yang, "The old things are eaten, and the woman is actually better than the child, I have long suspected that he has one leg with you?"

Bai Su's eyes were red, "How can you say this?"

Pan Mingsheng bruises, "How? Heart hurt?"

Xiao Ye got up and opened the door.

Pan Mingsheng stunned on the spot, and then the face became a big change, "Xiao ... Xiao Chang!"

He is really scared, he didn't expect Xiao Central to be here!

He is too embarrassed, however, is the case of Bai Su, how is Xiao Chong?

He looked Xiao Li, just want to talk, Xiao Chong is cold and said: "Roll!"

Pan Mingsheng hurriedly smiled: "I am in a hurry, bother you and Bai Su, you will enjoy it, I am leaving!"

He hurriedly pulled the door and hurried away.

Xiao Chong looked at Bai Su, "Don't listen to him to speak."

Bai Su is deep sucking, and said, "It's okay, I am used to these years, I will not be angry because others are angry with me."

In this six years, she has indeed exercised a very strong heart.

Xiao Cong said, "Let's take a break, I will go first."

Ballae nodded.

When Xiao Chong went out, she suddenly said, "Thank you!"

Looking back at Bai Su, Xiao Jiang smiled, "It is the greatest thank you for me."


Xiao Jiang went to Fei Lin directly.

"Hu Bayi's role is re-arracted, Pan Mingsheng doesn't have to consider it." Xiao Cong said.

Fei Lin didn't ask more, since Xiao Chong decided, she would end with unconditional.

Suddenly, she thought of a candidate, smiled and said to Xiao Central, "I think there is a very suitable."

Xiao Chong is slight, "Who?"

Fei Lin said, "Boss, I think you are most appropriate."

Xiao Chong: "..."

He really didn't think that he was going to play Hu Bayi. The biggest reason is that he is too young. When the original Hua Bayi appeared, it is almost 30 years old.

Fei Lin said, "Boss, your acting is better than Pan Mingheng, plus you is the author of" ghost light ", so I think no one is more suitable for you to play this role than you."

Xiao He thought about it, "I don't have to find other actors, I will play."

He thinks that it is also, with him to play others, it is better to personally.

The most important thing, he really likes this role, and give it to others to play him.

Fei Lin exposed the highlights, "boss, other actors do you still need to have?"

Xiao Chong looked at Fei Lin.

Fei Lin nodded, "In fact, the role of big gold teeth, I think is Hu Feihua."

At this point, the role of the iron triangle and big gold tooth the "Ghost Blow" series will be set.

Xiao Chong, playing Hu Bayi.

Huang Continent, playing Wang Kaitou.

Bai Su, playing Xueli Yang.

Hu Feihua, playing big gold tooth.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Fei Lin said, "come in."

It is the assistant of Fei Lin.

Fei Lin looked at her, "What?"

Her assistant said, "Feel guidance, Pan Mingsheng called ..."

Xiao Ye said, "Tell him, he is not used, we have another candidate."

Fei Lin's assistant nodded.

After Pan Mingsheng received the phone, the face suddenly became quite ugly, I couldn't help but said: "Summer! It was so pure, it is still in your own body!"

In his way, it is definitely Bai Su to blow the hawk of the pillow in the Xiaoyang ear, and Xiao He is canceled his role.

"Summer! I won't be so much!"

Pan Mingsheng is very angry.

Just then, some people came over, he was cold and cold, "Who?"

The other party said, "I am the assistant of the dragon, Duan Hongmei."

Pan Mingsheng immediately turned his face, "Mei Sister!"

Duan Hongmei is a red man who is superlar director Longkun, and people call "Mei Sister", he does not dare to have slightly.

"Dream factory finds you?"

"Take TV series."

"TV series? What TV series?"

"" Ghost Blow "series!"

Pan Mingsheng said, "I estimate that I will start it these days."

Duan Hongmei asked, "You promised?"

Pan Mingsheng said, "Of course, I rejected it directly."

Duan Hongmei laughed, "I am afraid it is not you refused? Now Bai Sui's woman is also in the dream factory. It is estimated that she said with Xiao Chong."

Pan Mingsheng, "Mei Jie, don't look at the pure face, in fact, she is a boring. Son, I have seen her and Xiao Chong in the same room."

Duan Hongmei is bright, "What are you talking about?"

Pan Mingsheng said, "I can swear."

Duan Hongmei said, "I will come over the capital."

Pan Mingsheng hurriedly said, "Okay, Mei Sister!"

He is a vacation in the East China Sea, and when you walk.


Red Japanese media.

A twenty-five short hair beauty walks into a office, "Long Guide, Pan Mingheng should come this afternoon."

There is only one middle-aged middle-aged man in the big office. This middle-aged person is short, and people are high, the eyes are like a torch, and they are not a good person.

He is the super-leading director of the Red Sun Media, is also one of the famous big directions in China.

In the early years, he took the TV series, the ratings were extremely high, and later he gradually transferred to the movie world, the film was awarded, and there were many movies in the box office.

He is the protagonist.

However, the matter has little effect on him, and finally with Bai Su to retreat the entertainment circle.

Of course, there will be a lot of people to play Longkun, saying Longkun likes to play Russian square.

When Duan Hongmei came in, a short man came in.

Longkun said with a smile, "Mr. Xie, Miss Wu Zi let you write something?"

The short man is smiling, "the dragon is written! I have already sent you to your email!"

Longkun opened a look, nodded, "Yes, your pen is not weak in Xiao Chong."

The short man finally penetrated.

Longkun said, "Can be released, the Red Day Media will help you promote. After the work is released, we will immediately enter the film and television stage, and the copyright fee is less than you."

The short man is full of expectations.


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