King of Entertainment

Chapter 697 Mandarin

"When did Xiao Li began to shoot" ghost blow light "? We don't know if we actually."

"I didn't think of Bai Su, so I started shooting with the booting ceremony."

"Still Xiao Yang Yingming, if he really resets Bai Su, it is really a regret."

"Saying, where is the" Ghost Ball Light "crew in Xinjiang? I also want to go to the" Ghost Blow "crew."

Many people are playing the specific location of the "Ghost Blow" crew.

Users who have borders explode the position of the position and the crew.

"Sure enough, you have already started shooting."

"I am going, Xiao Chong's shape is good, very feeling, is Hu Bayi in my mind."

"The Wang Fatzi in Huang Continent is also good, I like it."

"Bai Shu's Snowy Yang Ting is practicing, and it is the feeling of returning to the country."

Everyone saw that netizens broke the news.

Some people have even booked a ticket to the province.

Quick province.

Xiao He has started shooting another play.

After the film of Kunlun Mountain, the plot of the province of the province in advance.

The crew came to a small town.

Xu Shanxiu has been prepared in advance, and then start shooting after the crew arrived in the town.

Just when Xiao He took the drama, there was a fifty-inch man in the crowd, but he was staring at Bai Su.

When I took a break in the middle, the man didn't know when I appeared in Bai's sickness. "What is Bai Su?"

When Bai Su suddenly was shocked, turned and looked at the man, "Who are you?"

Xiao Ye got up and looked at the man.

Others have also seen the past.

Inch head man whispered muttered, "Sure enough, ..."

Xiao Chong is asked: "Who are you?"

This person is not as good as a good person, and the place where you secretly run to the crew is estimated to be unfortunate.

The man didn't talk and turned away.

Everyone glanced.


In the evening, everyone is resting in the hotel on the town.

When Dian is lit, Bai Su is dignified to the front of Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong is slight, "What's wrong?"

Bai Su took out a shadow book to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong took a book, this is all ancient text, I don't know that it is the language of that country.

Bai Su said, "When I slept last night, there was no book next to the pillow."

Xiao Yang color change.

Bai Su looked at Xiao Chong, she was really afraid, the other party could put this book, they were unknowingly, and they would certainly do what to do.

Xiao He thought he would not call the police, but in the end, he still dispelled this thought, the police did not use him.

Looking at Bai Su, Xiao Central said, "I live next to you this evening."

Bai Su said, "I feel that it is the man during the day."

Xiao Chong is eyebrow, "Are you talking about the man?"

Ballae nodded.

Xiao Chong is confused, "What is he given you a book?"

Bai Su also feels inexplicably.

Xiao Chong handed the book to Bai Su, "You first take the book."

Bai Su shook his head, "Give you, don't lose it."

Xiao Chong is crying, or collects the book.

The next three days, safe.

Xiao He has been photographed in accordance with normal progress.

Xu Shanxiu suddenly came to Xiao Central to say, "The special effects team has already taken the effects of the first few episodes."

Xiao Chong immediately went to see it, Huang Zijian's special effect team is really very powerful, this is the effect of Xiao Chong.

Fei Lin said with a smile, "Xiao, the time broadcast,"

Xiao Caote head.

Xu Shanxiu said, "The Red Sun Media also decided to use weekly broadcast."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Just ask them, tell Zhao Ge," ghost blow light "can be broadcast."

Many playing platforms are waiting for Xiao Cai.

The official website of the DreamWorks will soon announce the broadcast time of "the essence of the ghost light." At the same time, the poster of "Gun Blowing Lights" is released, Xiao Chong is in C, Huang Continental on the left, Bai Su in the right, big gold tooth Hu Feishuo is behind three, showing a pair of expressions .

This is only half a month, "The ancient city of the ghost light" is actually broadcast, the speed is fast, and it is really unexpected.

"Xiao Chong's style is great, many people say that his acting is progressing, but there is no representation, and now there is this" ghost blow light to the ancient city "."

"Hu Bayi's role is still very testing, but Xiao Chong Dienie Dienie is dare to try this role, I believe he can absolutely play Hu Ba."

"Will this time, will it still do?"

Some people think of Tenda Group.

Ma Tengda smiled slightly, this time Xiao Jiang did not talk to him about the specific propaganda program, but he had already thought about it, combined with "cutting a knife" and "red envelope", come to a big move.

"Ghost blowing lights" has been fried so hot, and Tengda, of course, take advantage of this opportunity.

At the same time, the Red Sun Media also announced that the "Tomb Alliance" is about to start, which is completely a needle tip to Mai Mang.

"The Tomb Alliance" is just the same person, and it actually wants to be with "ghost light", it is too funny. "

"Is this Xiaolong face? Dictionary is a copy of the grasp of Xiaozhou, but it is also so embarrassed that he has transcended" ghost light "."

"Ah, Xie Xiaolong said this?"

"You go to see his Weibo, this is actually said" The Tomb Alliance "is the ceiling of the tomb."

Let's take a look at it, Xie Xiaolong really said this.

However, Xie Xiaolong's original words are the TV drama of the Tomb Alliance will be the ceiling of the theme of the tomb.

Although not one thing, there are still many people who are unhappy, "ghost blowing lights" is still very big in everyone's mind, and everyone is of course not willing to see that "ghost light" will be transcended.

In fact, many people have seen it.

"The Tomb Alliance" is more like a cool text, compared to "ghost blowing lights", young readers may love more. At the same time, the protagonist of the Tomb Alliance is also a sense of modern young people.

Therefore, although the young is high, the "ghost light" is also the earlier, but in fact, the fans of the "Tomb Alliance" are also great.

Really start broadcasting, who is higher, it is really not necessarily.

There is Tenda Group, and the Red Day Media is also working with the Fei chat group in cooperation, propaganda, and Tengda Group slightly, but don't forget that the publicity channel of the Red Japanese media itself is also very wide.

It is good to support Xiaozhou in the East China Sea.

The victory of the East Celebrity Celebration, let Xiao He have become the heroes in the eyes of the East China Sea, the TV series of DreamWorks, and that iron is to support.

Quick province.

The head of the head appeared again in the town, this time he has blood, pale.

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