King of Entertainment

Chapter 700 Whole

"Xiao, if they are really willing to help us coordinate, we can save a lot of time." Fei Lin looked at Xiao Chong, "I suggest that they will leave, but they will sign the confidentiality agreement."

Xiao Chong looked at Xu Shanxiu, "Take them to sign the agreement, by the way, to review their documents."

What should I do if this three is a liar? The document is required.

Xu Shanxi nodded.

The beard smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiao, my name is ancient peak, I have anything else to do it."

Xu Shanxiu reviewed the pass of the three people of the ancient peaks, and the documents of these three were indeed true.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, the three of the ancient peaks left in the crew.

Two days later, the three of the ancient peaks were very serious about some shoot details of the crew. The ancient peaks are good, and many people in the drama have a good impression of the ancient peaks of ancient road.

On the third day, Fei Lin hurriedly came to the door of the Xiaoyang room to say: "Bai Su is gone!"

Xiao Chang color change, "I got it?"

Fei Lin said anxiously, "We don't play her call, she is not in the room."

Xiao Chong tried to play the phone with the white, no one received a call.

Others of the crew quickly came over, everyone's face is an urgency.

The ancient peaks squeezed back from the crowd and said: "Alarm."

Xiao Caote head.

The police quickly came.

But after checking the scene, the police did not find any clues.

The most critical, there is no monitoring here, I want to see the monitoring.

Although Xiao He doesn't want to disclose the news, there is still a short-term news that is aborted.

Online discussions are hot.

"From the mysterious disappearance? Is this too strange?"

"It's impossible, it is definitely kidnapped."

"The problem is that there is now that the police don't know where Bai Su is going."

"Bai Su is missing," ghost blowing lights "must also stop broadcasting."

"Are you still not a person, actually thinking that" ghost blowing lights "is going to broadcast?"

"I am telling the truth, Bai Su is not there," ghost blowing lights "certainly can only stop broadcasting."

"White is not kidnapped by her fans?"


"In the evening of Guangdong Province, there was such a case, and a female artist was laid out by his fans."

"There are many similar cases that have happened there."

"Shouldn't it be?"

"The madman in this year is more, who knows what will happen."

"Three days, the last three days, if you can't find Bai Su, how is Bai's is over."

"Don't use three days, if you can't find Bai Su, Baixin estimation ..."

Everyone didn't say it, but everyone understood.

A big girl is kidnapped, what happens?



Quick province.


The atmosphere is very dull.

Everyone doesn't talk.

"What clues on the scene can not be found, and no one can see her outside."

"In addition, there is no suspicious person to come here."

"Have everyone asked?"

"Asked, there is no suspicious."

Several policemen are more and more, the cleaning of everyone.

Bai Su is always impossible to evaporate in the world.

Xiao Ye personally went to Bai Su's room.

Bai Su is not like being kidnapped, because Bai Si does not seem to struggle.

People within the crew should not be related to this matter, it is only possible to be out of the crew.

"Ancient peaks?" Xiao He thought of the ancient peaks.

However, there is no suspicion in the ancient peak.

Time is getting longer.

If you really wait until tomorrow, there will happen what happens no one know.

Xiao He is very anxious.


At the same time, the "Tomb Alliance" broadcast as scheduled.

"The essence of the ghost light" has been broadcast.

Although the disappearance of Bai Su has caused a small sensation, what many people should still do it.

Without "ghost light", the "Tomb Alliance" has skyrocketed.

The next day, the "Tomb Alliance" ratings even broke the records kept in Yesterday, "ghost light", and won the first.

Longkun is very happy, although I don't know who took Bai's sins, but this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to "Tomb Alliance".

Zhao Xueyi has no problematic concern, and they are most wondering now, Bai Su has found no.


There is still no clues.

A reporter found Xiao Li, said to Xiao Yin, "In fact, I saw Bai Su, who had come out with a person."

He is one of the ancient peaks.

Xiao Bao is a big, "Are you seen?"

That reporter said, "I don't dare to be sure."

Xiao Cong said, "Why don't you say it?"

That reporter smiled, "I don't dare to be sure, where I dare to say."

Xiao Chu asked, "What time do you go out?"

That reporter said, "When it is about 12:30."

Xiao Chu Q: "Do you remember what is the direction?"

That reporter said, "Remember, I will take you."

Out of the hotel, the reporter turned into a alley with Xiao Chong.

Suddenly there were a few mixed blesstones, and I was smashed with the stick. This is to kill the hand.

The reporter who took the road quickly walked out of the alley. After almost 10 minutes, he turned back to go back, and the whole person was stunned.

Xiao Co is fine, those who beaten Xiao Chong, all fell on the ground.

Is this kid not an actor? How can you play this?

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "Bai Su is you tied?"

The man runs.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jiang did not give him a chance and put him on the ground.

"It is not my business, it is ancient peaks!" I hurriedly said.

"Why?" Xiao Chong frowned.

"He gave us money, we listen to him, the other we didn't ask. He let me find a few people to come, let you break, let you have a woman in this life." The reporter said .

Xiao Chong: "..."

I know him?

Have a hatred?

"Are you not a reporter?"


"You are very images."

"Half a month ago, I took us to train."

Xiao Yang color change, half a month ago?

Cold snoring, Xiao Chu Q: "Where is Bai Su?"

That reporter said, "Gu Feng Bunting Hotel packs the person who ished the quilt, took her away. He added something in Bai Su's meals, and Bai Su didn't respond."

Xiao Yang color changed, immediately called Fei Lin.

Fei Lin was shocked, hurriedly took the police to find ancient peaks, but the ancient peaks have disappeared.

Damage is ugly.

Fei Lin is full of blame, "Sorry, if it is not me, Baixin will not be taken away by him."

Xiao Cong said, "When not saying this now, the urgent needs is to find ancient peaks."

The police have already taken information about Cheicure.

At the same time, Xiaoyang's mobile phone rang.

Someone called him.

Xiao Chong turned on mobile phone, the laughter of the ancient peaks came: "Xiao Chong, are you looking for me?"

"What do you want?" Xiao Co was cold asked.

All other people look at Xiao Chong, I don't dare to talk.

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