"" Ghost blowing lights "logical error I didn't say," Liao Zhai "series, I don't say, I said" Bai Night ", this is so dark, what is the person who holds him so high?"

"Just, I also think this is too high."

"I think" I have a date with zombies ", I am funny, what to do, I haven't seen it, I didn't continue to look at it."

"The Ming Dynasty" is too strong, he does not respect history at all. "

"Looking at all his works," Wanli 15 Years "can look."

Many people are degrading Xiao Chong, which are fans from Han Jingming and Chen Chuhe.

Xiao Chong's fans are not cool, and the heart said that Xiao Cong's teacher has just been as big as a big grievance, the popularity is plummeted, and it is almost exiting the entertainment circle. How can we let you make you then let Diagnose?


We also have to show a day!

"Ma said" and "Afang Palace Fu" have you eaten by you? Have you made Han Jingming wrote! "

"Just, then" hurting the city "is a stupid, except for self-discipline, you will do it?"

"We don't say it, will he write poetry?"

"Just, there is a matter of writing, you can be better than Teacher Xiao, I lived straight."

Many people have thumbs up, and the sister is amazing!

Said naked. People who are running are Zhang Yuqi.

Han Jingming 's fans.

"He wrote a poem, write a cow, what is our matter? Han teacher did not compare with him."

"Just, are you ignorant? Because Xiao Chong is not as good as the teacher, the topic is transferred."

"There is a matter, let Xiao Chong also write a work that can take the Chinese Literature Award. Can't write, don't ratio!"

Han Jingming's readers are also very strong.

The fiery between the two sides.

At this time, the fans of the Chen Chuhe also joined the group chat, starting a variety of chat students, and greet each other relatives.

Super 1 line artists have tens of millions of fans, and the combat power is naturally not weak.

No one thought that the Huaxia TV Festival did not start yet, and the online battle was started. This makes the strongest newcomer award more attention, everyone is very concerned about who this award is in the end.

At this time, Chen Chuhe sent a message.

"Thank you for your support! I will do my best to win the strongest newcomer award!"

"In addition, Han Teacher's" hurting city "will represent the World Literature Awards on behalf of Huaxia, let us come to Han teacher!"

I saw the microblog of Chen Chuhe. When I was up, I'm going to fry the pot, and Han Jingming actually had to participate in the World Literature Award!

"Huaxia has no one has brought this world literature award, I hope that Teacher Han will fight for the country!"

"Sports for the country!"


Another person comes out to support Han Jingming.

Huaxia has never won the World Literature Award, and the big people on the list of home have tried again, but they have failed.

This time, Han Jingming once again attacked, and everyone must first cheer Han, regardless of the victory.

Han Jingming also came out.

"Thank you, my dear reader, whether it is successful, Han Some will go all out, I can't make it in the world of the world!"

"Han teacher domineering!"

"Han teacher might!"

"Han teacher cheers!"


The blood of everyone is ignited, so, this is what the Chinese literati should look!

At the same time, even Huaxia TV Festival organizes also issued the article to Han Jingming.

Seeing that even the Huaxia TV Festival organizers issued to support Han Jingming, Han Jing's readers and Chen Chuhe's fans were excited.

"Haha, the overall situation has been fixed! The strongest newcomer is stronger is the teacher!"

"Teacher Chen's strongest newcomer award can't run!"

"The Best Script Award" of "Injury City" is also stable! "

"Let Xiao Chong and his" ghost light "go!"

These people are getting more and more, actually pointing the spear to Xiao Chong.

Dream factory.

Zhao Xueyi eyebrows, "Is these people have problems?"

DreamWorks do not provoke them, they are biased like a mad dog.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Nothing."

It's okay to say it, he wrote a word.

How is Dai Zongfu? Qilu Qing is not there.

The creation of the clock show, yin and yang cut.

Suspend, Zeng Yun, who decided to return to the bird.

Will be the top of the top, a list of small mountains

- "Wang Yue"

The word is like a sword, the momentum is compelling!

Xiao Li used a grassbook, highlighting the momentum, and each word is like a paper.

He wrote this poem. This time, everyone is very familiar.

However, the same poem is completely different.

"Wang Yue" immediately was sent to the official website of Zhao Xueyi to DreamWorks, and immediately shocked everyone.

In the face of the aggressive words of Xiaozhou, everyone seems to see Xiao Yang's desirable Han Jingming and Chen Chuhe.

"Haha, this is really absolutely!"

"Hey, Teacher Xiao Ji wrote a poem, everyone is calm, don't have cerebral holes."

"Haha, that is, Xiao Teacher also wrote a previous work, nothing."

"Haha, I still want to say, Xiao Teacher is domineering!"

"Xiao teacher is mighty!"

The fans of Xiaoyang are excited.

No sound, there is only one poem, but this poem represents Xiao Chong's determination!

Will be the top!

a list of small hills!

This is the determination of Xiao Chong!


Han Jingming saw this poem, smiling, "How can I write? Is it qualified to participate in the competition abroad?"

He is despising Xiaoyang, an actor of an entertainment circle, how can he follow his literary masters?

"Teacher Han, do you go to learn English this afternoon?" A beautiful woman came over, smiled and asked.

"It's going to go abroad. Of course, you have to hurry to learn." Han Jingming smiled.

"That is, you have to arrange the best English teacher to serve Teacher!" Chen Chuhe came over and laughed.

Han Jingming smiled, "Chu River, congratulations in advance!"

Chen Chuhe looked at the sinus, "I have to thank the sinus!"

He is the artist of brilliant media!

Dou Wenzi said, "Reassured, I am with Miss Wu Teng, and we account for nearly half of the 13 judges." At that time, it is definitely you. "

Han Jingming smiled, "A few chats, I went to learn."

A waiter took Han Jing Ming away.

Dou Wenzhen, "Live to the old, learn to be old, this sentence can be made wrong. It is no wonder that Han teacher can take the grand prize, and there is a chance to go abroad, this is worth learning."

The people next to him have been happy.

Today's sinus is the protagonist.

Time is fast.

At 5 o'clock in the evening.

Huaxia TV Festival is about to begin.

On the red carpet, there are artists to come, and all the light is beautiful.

Xiao Chong and Bai Su have come.

Bai Su is a depressed wrist, a white dress, a championship.

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