King of Entertainment

Chapter 717 Han Jingming is unlocking

"Hao President."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Fortunately."

Hao Poant smiled and said, "Sure enough, if you join the Society, I will be yours in the future."

Xiao Yulle: "I am an artist."

Hao President is full of confidence: "It is a pity."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "Hao President people come here, it is really folded."

Hao President said, "The people who have previously dealt with some things, I personally should be."

Xiao Jiang did not expect Hao, the head of Hao is actually so big.

Hao President said: "I want to recommend" Besie "to participate in the Huaxia Literature Award."

Waiting for Xiao Chong, he went to say: "Don't refuse me, otherwise I will ask the Dragon to come to personally."

Xiao Jiang is not surprising, Hao President does not know the dragon old is a strange thing.

Hao will talk, "This is also a good thing for you. You will be the most culturally cultural people in the entertainment industry, saying that it is full of full."

Xiao Chong: "..."

You said that this person is so straightforward, is I do?

Hao President looked at Xiao Chong, "What?"

Xiao Jiang's face is difficult, "Since Hao President is so sincere, I will be hard."

Zhao Xueyi huh, huh, it is hard to be difficult? I almost believe it.

Hao Posted a smile, "I will let the people of the work of the work announce the news."

The movement of the Association is very fast, and immediately announced that "Besieged" to participate in the Huaxia Literature Award.

Han Jingming learned about this news.


Han Jingming stunned, the work of the Association actually recommended Xiao Li to participate in the competition?

Of course, he knows that Xiao Cangfa is new, but he didn't care.

But now, he has to re-see the Dao Li.

He found this online, and he went in and saw it.

After reading a few chapters, Han Jingming's face changed.

The more you look down, the more you have his face.

Finally, he didn't want to see it directly.

Because he knew that this "Besieged City" has surpassed his work.

He suddenly felt a dizziness, fainted on the desk.

For a while, Han Jingming saw the news of "Besieged City" fainted news.

"The master Han Jingming fainted because of the" Besieged City "vomiting, and it is now unknown! "

"Mr. Han Jingjing vomited blood, serious condition! Suspected "Besieged City"! "

All kinds of news of various five-flowers are exaggerated.

Many students and readers have rushed to the hospital.

Han Jingming is actually just fainted. I woke up until the hospital woke up.

He is now lying on the bed, but fortunately, the relatives have not given him a news, otherwise he is estimated to be fainted once.

"Teacher Han, you are fine."

"Teacher Han, this is a little heart we give you."

"Teacher Han, you have to take care of your body."

The people in the ward are coming again.

Han Jingming's face became more and more difficult because he knew that the outside world had passed the boiling.

He called his own students: "Help me up."

The student was shocked, "Teacher, doctor said you have to rest more."

Han Jingming said, "I am going to the awards."

Today is the day of the Huaxia Literature Awards.

The students could only help him leave the hospital.



The Huaxia Literature Award has been attractive to the most heavyweight literary award in Huaxia.

live television show.

Leaders came.

The celebrities of all walks of life come.

Even Zhang Yonglin also wants to come over.

The artists of the Red Day Media and Brilliant Media have also come.

Culture and entertainment are unlikely, literature is a soil of entertainment.

"It is said that this first prize is already set, it is Xiao Chong and his" Besieged City "."

"It should not be wrong, after all," Besieged City "is very good."

Everyone talked about it.

The two people from Chen Chuhe and Gu Haitao are uncomfortable.

If they are looking for that they have to come to participate, they don't want to come over.

It is not that they don't want to find excuses. It is mainly whims that this occasion does not have a special reason.

"I doubt" Besieged City "written." Ancient Haitao is soaked, "this kind of look can be written."

"He can provide someone else's creativity, of course, you can also give him a creativity." Chen Chuhe laughed, "said that he is really a truth, but we don't know."

Next to a middle-aged man said, "There is reason to say, I also think that" the city "may come from the hand of others."

The two people in Chen Chuhe and Gu Haitao see.

They don't know this person, but this person can come, and it is a bit famous.

Chen Chuhe smiled and asked: "I haven't teached yet?"

The man said: "Dragon Anti."

Chen Chuhe and Gu Haitao two people suddenly, they have heard of this person's name, this Dragon is a famous writer, known as "fairy tale king", wrote a lot of popular fairy tale.

It can be said that both of them are looking at the fairy tale of people.

Unexpectedly, I can see the live people today.

Chen Chuhe said: "Mr. Long, I am your book fan."

Gu Haitao said with a smile, "I am also."

Long Aotian haha ​​smiled, "I am also two fans."

Gu Haitao said, "I didn't expect Mr. Long, and the Dragon Central may be plagiarism."

Dragon Prozy, "He is not likely to write this kind of work at all this age, and the old Han has also written" hurt the city "after the fifty."

He is a good friend of more than ten years with Han.

Chen Chuhe said, "I think so too, Xiao Li is really don't want to face."

Dragon proudly sighs.

At this time, someone was laughing: "That may not be."

Dragon arrogantly turned around, and people came in South Korea.

"Old Han, why don't you be lying in the hospital?" Long Aotian was shocked.

"I am fine." Han Jingming said, "Today's award is not necessarily Xiaoyang."

Dragon Protati and Chen Chuhe they do not help themselves.

Han Jingming said, "Despite the recommendation of the work association, the judges may not be the people of the Association."

Everyone still doesn't understand what he meant.

Han Jingming said, "As far as I know, the judges also looked more to Li Ajia."

Li Aijia is one of the six people who recommend the Supreme Association to participate in the World Literature Award, and the first person ranked first in six people.

Her new work was released late, missed the Chinese Literature Award last year, so she came to participate in this year's literary award.

Han Jingming, "Hao Poister, I know this person, I saw people with strength to win the World Literature Award. He will say that it can be used to win the Chinese literary award head name. In fact, he is emptied. "

Hao Preshang on the chairman couldn't help but sneeze.

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