King of Entertainment

Chapter 726 Zhou Mo

Xiao Jiang did not announce the results, but let Dong Wei will go busy with other things.

Subsequently, he said to the net red to announce the final result tomorrow morning.

Why do you want tomorrow morning?

Several nets of the nets are like a deer, what is Xiao teacher suggest?

Xiao Chong said in front of Zhao Xueyi, "Zhao Ge, the announcement of the announcement, the beast live broadcast will open five live broadcasts, singing and story class tomorrow night."

Singer and story class?

The net red is excited, and the five live broadcasts have five places? Even if you go to the live room of Xiao Xiao, there are still four places.

Xiao Chong went on, "I will find out the live platform here, and write the story of tomorrow."

Zhao Xueyi is somewhat, what you mean is ... Tonight, you have to stay at the beast live broadcast company? What do you want to do? Don't tell me this kind of thing?

Many net red hearts are more excited, Xiao Teacher is this again suggesting us?

"Then this evening, everyone will have a good thing."

There are several net red hearts.

at night.

Xiao Chong wrote a fairy tale in his president office.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, "The boss, I am small."

Xiao Jiang did not pay attention.

After a while, a net red coming to claim "Xiaohong".

Then, there are several nets of returns to knock on the door.

Xiao Jiang did not pay attention.

Just at the end of the divertion of Tonight, someone knocked on the door, "Boss, I am Zhou Mom."

Xiao Jiang, how did she come?

In fact, Xiao Yizhi is a little optimistic about Zhou Mom, and I didn't expect Zhou Momi.

Just when he decided to pull the list of Zhou Mo, Zhou Mo said: "Boss, I want to leave."

Xiao Chong is somewhat, please leave?

Zhou Mom said, "I know that I am very important to us tomorrow, but I really didn't deliberately giving you an impression, my family really doing, I hope that you can take a special time to go back, the manager of the personnel department I can't bother me, I can only come to you. "

Xiao Cong said, "Come in."

Zhou Mo pushed the door.

Xiao Chong looked at her, "What happened at home?"

Zhou Mo said, "My brother is detained."

Xiao Chong is eyebrow, "" Is your brother commit a matter? "

Zhou Mucted, "he is also for me."

Xiao Chong is slight, "" For you? "

Zhou Mo said, "There is an artist's assistant to harass me in a few days ago, he gave me ahead, and the result was framed by the person."

Xiao Chu Q: "Who is the assistant of the artist?"

Zhou Mo did not say.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "You don't say, I will not bother to you this fake."

Zhou Mof bite his teeth said, "It is the man of the Red Sun, the assistant of Chen Chuhe."

Xiao Chong is slightly, "Chen Chuhe?"

Zhou Mom explained that "is what he said, is it not clear."

Xiao Cong said, "So, do you want to keep your brother now?"

Zhou Mo nodded: "My family is only my brother."

Xiao Cong said, "I will go with you."

Zhou Mom, hurriedly said: "How do I dare to work with the boss."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Let's go."

What I still want to say, Xiao Chong came to the office door.

"Let's go."

Xiao Jiang looked at her.

Zhou Mo homedly.

After the two came, the previously failed net red came from the front.

How did Zhou Mo did? "

"I don't know, she will come down on the building for a while."

"I didn't see it, she was a very fluent in the next day, I didn't expect the waves, but it was more powerful than us."

"Hurry is just that she is not the original shape?"



Soon, Xiao Chong and Zhou Mo came to the police.

Xiao Jiang went in in her mask.

After entering, he saw Zhou Mid's younger brother, a twenty-old thin youth, and the face of silt.

In addition to this youth, there are two men who are twenty.

The man wearing glasses saw Zhou Mom, flashing in his eyes.


Zhou Mo's brother is full of excitement.

The police said, "Quiet."

Zhou Mo's brother said, "It is they first hit me."

The man wearing glasses brightens, "We came out from the bar, you followed me all the way, suddenly hit me after the dark, you still want to argue now?"

Another man said, "Comrade, I saw him with this husband to leave."

The police looked at Zhou Mo. "Are you a family?"

Zhou Mo said, "I am his sister."

The police said, "he was suspected of robbery and smoothing."

Zhou Mo looked at her brother, "I believe my brother."

The man wearing glasses is laughing, "Here is a place to say evidence."

That police said that "our people have been investigating nearby, except for this gentleman who just testified, there are several people to see your brother to do. Robbery."

Zhou Mo really wants to say that this is all of you, but she did not dare to say it.

Xiao Chong looked at the man wearing glasses, "Do you say he robbed?"

The man wearing glasses is cold and said, "Is it a perjured certificate?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I want to see his witnesses."

That police glanced, "Are you a lawyer?"

Xiao Chong said, "Is it a lawyer who can't see?"

That police said, "Sorry, you don't have this right."

The man wearing glasses looked at Zhou Mo. "I will definitely sue your brother, you will wait to see your brother is busy."

Zhou Muche Rongsheng.

Men wearing glasses aggravate.

Xiao Cong said, "Well, we are waiting for you to prosecute."

Zhou Mino is shocked, "Teacher Xiao, don't!"


The police and glasses of men couldn't help but be a teacher.

They know that Zhou Mo will study the Beijing Drama Academy, so the consciousness thinks this is a university teacher of Zhou Mom.

A university teacher, counting a fart.

Zhou Mo's brother said, "Sister, let them sue, anyway, I have no bad things, they are framed."

Zhou Momi smiles, silly brother, you don't know the sinister of this world, black and white is not a matter of people.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Little brother, you can rest assured, as long as you really don't do it, I guarantee that you will not have something."

Zhou Momi, Xiao Teacher is there a way?

The man wearing glasses is laughing, "Then we will walk, we will be in the first of Beijing, but we also have a good number, but I have to look at it. In the case of evidence, how do you? Guaranteed that he is fine. "

Zhou Momo has changed, and this person is really a person in Red Media.

So big companies in Red Sun, the lawyer team is definitely top-level, and now there is a certificate, his brother is impossible to win.

Even the lawyer team of the dream factory is also impossible!

What's more, Zhou Mo does not believe that Xiao Cang is really for her sin red.

Zhou Mo looked at Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, thank you, I and my brother, we will solve it, really don't have trouble."

She doesn't want to add trouble to Xiao Co.

Men wearing glasses can't help but laugh.

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